Born in the USA?

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Unfortunlately yes, accord the Germany history... what Hear Again said is true but I personally disagree that all jewish have to die because of this... It could be some jewish but not all... It´s not just Jewish but the people with any race... that´s just because Hitler is racist.
Did you read her description of why Germans voted for Hitler?

Liebling posted:

"Oh yes, German use good common sense when they voted him... Don´t you know that he was a good leader to his people and Germany at the time? He created thousands of jobs for his people. It´s him who got Germany out of the depression. He done great job with crisis and did something to solve the problem.... "

Yes, I read it the first time, but what does that have to do with her support of Obama? I honestly don't understand the connection. (Forgive me...maybe I'm just having an "off" day today) :confused:

What do Liebling's comments regarding Hitler have to do with her support of Obama? One has nothing to do with the other.

Yes, that´s right... I find very immature of her to compare Obama with Hitler.
OK, that's it. I put up with your constant berating of our President and our country's ways but I can NOT put up with you mocking our Founding Fathers and our Constitution.

Miss Smarty-Pants, you are NOT wiser than our Founding Fathers, and you have some nerve mocking them. :mad:

You start it to belittle me and treat me as outsider, not see me in human being then I see why not to say something back to you... It´s your bad luck!!!

I'm not anti-foreigner.

Yes you are... It shows itself because you already said in your previous post against me as a foreigner´s opinion...

I'm against foreigners looking down on our Constitution.

Huh? I CAN disagree if I want to, not looking down on US constitution... The thread creator ASK us for our opinion... I post volunaritly to open what I think of US constitution and explain why... I really has no idea why you are upset over my POV that´s because I am not American in your eyes.

Sure, you can post your opinions but don't get huffy if Americans post their opinions about your opinions back at you.

Please go back and re-read to see yourself who start it... I express my POV alone WITHOUT quote anyone´s post in my FIRST post until someone quoted my post... we shared our friendly posts until other ADer brought Hitler´s name to quote my post... Should I shut my mouth?

Ah, now I understand why you support Obama.

Some people never learn.

Are you saying that you compare Hitler with Obama?
Two Kudos for Reba!!! Two Kudos for Liebling!!!
Reba is right on many things. Liebling is right on many things.

Both made great points, however with my understanding of History and the Government, I am leaning over Liebling's side.
Why can´t I allow to express my POV why I agree to disagree with US polities?

Why can´t I say something back because someone quoted my post to mention Hitler issues ?

It mean that I have to leave AllDeaf because I am not American in your eyes?
You don't have to leave AD, Liebling. Some people disagree with your POV. However, they aren't saying you can't express it.
You don't have to leave AD, Liebling. Some people disagree with your POV. However, they aren't saying you can't express it.

I have no problem with them to disagree with me but I have the problem with them for not accept that I express my POV because in their eyes that I am a foreigner.

To me, what they did is anti-foreigner...

:ty: Endy

Yes, I read it the first time, but what does that have to do with her support of Obama? I honestly don't understand the connection. (Forgive me...maybe I'm just having an "off" day today) :confused:
Supporters of Hitler were willing to over look his "darker side" because he offered them jobs and a better economy. He rescued them from an economic depression. Some people in the USA are willing to over look Obama's associations, mentors, and socialistic leanings because he offers them economic salvation.

That reminds me. I heard a recording today of Obama praising the efficiency of the Chinese railroads, and wanting the USA to follow their example. Mussolini had praiseworthy railroads, too. :hmm:

That's a bonus thought for today. :P
Why can´t I allow to express my POV why I agree to disagree with US polities?

Why can´t I say something back because someone quoted my post to mention Hitler issues ?

It mean that I have to leave AllDeaf because I am not American in your eyes?
I never said that you can't post. In fact, I posted:

"Sure, you can post your opinions but don't get huffy if Americans post their opinions about your opinions back at you."

I've never, never suggested that you leave AD.
Are you saying that you fear to have another Hitler if outsider become US Citzeon and moviate to US polities?

Look at Austrian Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Governor of CA. He doing his job as the Governor pretty good... He could be president of USA but they can´t accept him because they fear that Arnold might be second Hitler... Is it the reason?

Thank Goodness, Another Hitler if outsider become US Citizen and motivate to US Politics would not meet the requirement to qualify for the US President. However, he can be a governor for a state if met requirements in a state. Arnold Schwarzenegger will not run for US President due to the requirement. That's the big difference. By the way, I never perceive Arnold as a second Hilter. Nah!! I have nothing fear about Arnold being "possible" second Hilter. He loves the humanity. Did Arnie start a genocide in CA? I don't see that in the newspapers.

What do Liebling's comments regarding Hitler have to do with her support of Obama? One has nothing to do with the other.

I am not sure I follow Reba and Liebling regarding Hilter. I personally think both Reba and Liebling agree the same thing, both are on the same page. I personally think someone "misunderstands" one's comment.

Did you read her description of why Germans voted for Hitler?

Liebling posted:

"Oh yes, German use good common sense when they voted him... Don´t you know that he was a good leader to his people and Germany at the time? He created thousands of jobs for his people. It´s him who got Germany out of the depression. He done great job with crisis and did something to solve the problem.... "

Yes, Unfortunately.. according to the history. Hitler did a fantastic job "in that time" JUST RIGHT BEFORE things turned bitter and ugly. Nobody saw it coming. That's the different story. I can assure that everybody LEARNED the mistakes and their own history. It will not going to happen. Why? THANK GOD for the US Constitution, since you people compared Obama with Hitler... IF Obama crosses the line, I guaratnee you all that Obama can face his impreachment, period. It's like a fail-safe point for the US nation to prevent any ill action. That's the good thing.

Yes, that´s right... I find very immature of her to compare Obama with Hitler.

Yeah, I find pretty immature to compare Obama with Hitler. I don't see any association between Obama and Hitler. Obama loves Humanity. He has been involved with civil rights. Hitler didn't. Technology changes and Social Movement changes. 1940's and 2008 are WHOLLY different. It is NO WAY we could compare Obama with Hitler.

Please, be wise with your wordings on Jewish. I got offended by someone's remarks about Jewish and the money. Nobody can ever compare Jewish with the US Economy. Changing your fingers pointing to CEOs of companies. They are ones who caused the economy bringing down. What does this has to do with Jewish? Just watch out, people!
I have no problem with them to disagree with me but I have the problem with them for not accept that I express my POV because in their eyes that I am a foreigner.

To me, what they did is anti-foreigner...

:ty: Endy

Welcome Liebling. Many US citizens are not realizing that we are evolving into new age, "Globalization." We are going to merge the businesses together among nations. Many US senators are multi-nationalism on most businesses. They are doing their best not interfering US politics upon other nations. In other word, World Police.

Hey, I embrace your POV. It's very nice to see someone outside expressing one's POV toward US. How true. I argued with few people from Austrailia. Some from Russia. Some from Sweden and Finland. It's very interesting to see how many people outside are Anti-US. That makes me THINKING harder why they don't like us. What caused us to upset other nations? I wanted to know what did we wrong to them? Etc Etc Etc. Soo, stay with us.

US people are so patriotically. I mean stronger patriotic attitudes!! With their attitude, that blinds all of us and DON'T realize our treatment toward other nations. I do want good relationship with other nations.

Please keep up with us.
There's questions surrounding McCain's birth:

Philosophy, et cetera: The Foreign-Born Candidate
Senator McCain was born in 1936 in the Canal Zone to U.S. citizen parents. The Canal Zone was territory controlled by the United States, but it was not incorporated into the Union. As requested by Senator McCain's campaign, distinguished constitutional lawyers Laurence Tribe and Theodore Olson examined the law and issued a detailed opinion offering two reasons that Senator McCain was a natural born citizen. Neither is sound under current law. The Tribe-Olson Opinion suggests that the Canal Zone, then under exclusive U.S. jurisdiction, may have been covered by the Fourteenth Amendment's grant of citizenship to "all persons born ... in the United States." However, in the Insular Cases, the Supreme Court held that "unincorporated territories" were not part of the United States for constitutional purposes. Accordingly, many decisions hold that persons born in unincorporated territories are not Fourteenth Amendment citizens. The Tribe-Olson Opinion also suggests that Senator McCain obtained citizenship by statute. However, the only statute in effect in 1936 did not cover the Canal Zone. Recognizing the gap, in 1937, Congress passed a citizenship law applicable only to the Canal Zone, granting Senator McCain citizenship, but eleven months too late for him to be a citizen at birth. Because Senator John McCain was not a citizen at birth, he is not a "natural born Citizen" and thus is not "eligible to the Office of President" under the Constitution.

Supporters of Hitler were willing to over look his "darker side" because he offered them jobs and a better economy. He rescued them from an economic depression. Some people in the USA are willing to over look Obama's associations, mentors, and socialistic leanings because he offers them economic salvation.

Well... well... I was willing to overlook Bush's "darker side." 8 years with Bush. Uh, huh?

That's one I was willing to overlook ---- Bush, Cheney and Halliburnth Co. (sp), Bush's experiences of governorship for Texas. His immature behaviors when he started his governorship in Texas for first few months. His oil businesses. Many people had been suing Bush over oil businesses. Remember, he PROMISED us new jobs. Remember, he PROMISED the great economy. He invaded Iraq without no evidence on WMD. He promised us to capture Bid Laden, its been 7 years, haven't done better. He promised us the great leadership in the world.

Therefore, there is no different between Obama, Bush and Hitler. So, please chill out on this comparison. Thanks!!
Actually, Liebling isn't making it up. Adolf Hitler was seen as a great leader by many nations around the world then later on, a lot of countries started to suspect that Hitler was up to no good. One of the early clues was mandating all of the Judaism followers to wear the symbol of Judaism to identify them. It was a trap.

Don't forget, the government of USA helped out some of the biggest enemies in the past. For instance, Saddam and Osama Bin Laden. But at the time they were being aided, they didn't appear that way to them.

Endy, had the Third Reich continued what they were doing with genocide, there is a chance that USA would end up following similar laws set in place by the Third Reich. In fact, some of what the USA did inspired the Third Reich in some way. For instance, sterilization of people who were deemed unfit to be parents. They did it to deaf, blind, mentally challenged, African-Americans and more in the USA. In fact, one of the biggest advocates was Alexander Graham Bell.

There's much more to the story than a lot of people are aware of. The Third Reich didn't act on its own without any inspirations. They took so many elements from around the world and made it their own. The symbol of the Nazi party, the swastika is an ancient symbol dating back to the Neolithic period. Nowadays, it is common in India since it's used by the Hindu.
Why do Republicans keep calling Obama a socialist when he's anything but? *sigh*
>>Philosophy, et cetera: The Foreign-Born Candidate
Senator McCain was born in 1936 in the Canal Zone to U.S. citizen parents. The Canal Zone was territory controlled by the United States, but it was not incorporated into the Union. As requested by Senator McCain's campaign, distinguished constitutional lawyers Laurence Tribe and Theodore Olson examined the law and issued a detailed opinion offering two reasons that Senator McCain was a natural born citizen. Neither is sound under current law. The Tribe-Olson Opinion suggests that the Canal Zone, then under exclusive U.S. jurisdiction, may have been covered by the Fourteenth Amendment's grant of citizenship to "all persons born ... in the United States." However, in the Insular Cases, the Supreme Court held that "unincorporated territories" were not part of the United States for constitutional purposes. Accordingly, many decisions hold that persons born in unincorporated territories are not Fourteenth Amendment citizens. The Tribe-Olson Opinion also suggests that Senator McCain obtained citizenship by statute. However, the only statute in effect in 1936 did not cover the Canal Zone. Recognizing the gap, in 1937, Congress passed a citizenship law applicable only to the Canal Zone, granting Senator McCain citizenship, but eleven months too late for him to be a citizen at birth. Because Senator John McCain was not a citizen at birth, he is not a "natural born Citizen" and thus is not "eligible to the Office of President" under the Constitution.<<

Looks like Obama isn't the only one who's birthplace is being questioned.
It has a lot to do with the Red Scare back in the 50s and 60s.

I thought the first Red Scare took place in the mid 1900s through 1920 while the second occurred in the 1940s through the late 1950s.

What does Obama have to do with Communism? Communism ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
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