ATTN: Twin Blondes...


Thanks for ur explaining about the deafness, Cheri.

Twin Blondes, i have a question. Before u both become mother first time. do you wish to have twin babies? I am so curious. :)
Cheri -- u and Angel have eachother and u 2 definately share a very strong bond together like alot of twins would -- be glad that u and Angel were kept together growing up not be forced to grow up apart u know what i mean q u 2 are the bootiful women of Ohio :D my 2 fave and bootiful women in MN are MsGiglz and Pinkster -- now i have 2 fave ones from Ohio and both TWINS!!! :dizzy: hehe
Lasza said:

Thanks for ur explaining about the deafness, Cheri.

Twin Blondes, i have a question. Before u both become mother first time. do you wish to have twin babies? I am so curious. :)

No, I didn't wish to have twins But I did wish to have girls But end up getting Two boys instead.. :( oh well... That's life.. :)
Fly Free said:
Cheri -- u and Angel have eachother and u 2 definately share a very strong bond together like alot of twins would -- be glad that u and Angel were kept together growing up not be forced to grow up apart u know what i mean q u 2 are the bootiful women of Ohio :D my 2 fave and bootiful women in MN are MsGiglz and Pinkster -- now i have 2 fave ones from Ohio and both TWINS!!! :dizzy: hehe

Awww Thanks Sweetie.. You all are soo Nice and Sweet. :ily: all! :)
Wait a sec…I just took a good look at the two frontal shots in Cheri’s Wrigley’s Gum sig file. Yep—now I’m convinced that you’re identical.
Egads Cheri-sis.... "geeks?"....*coughs...ahems*......*wonderin' now what kind of sis I got?* hmmm... :cool: :nono:
Roadrunner said:
Egads Cheri-sis.... "geeks?"....*coughs...ahems*......*wonderin' now what kind of sis I got?* hmmm... :cool: :nono:

:Oops: *ahem*....I Better... go...... That way~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
Levonian said:
Wait a sec…I just took a good look at the two frontal shots in Cheri’s Wrigley’s Gum sig file. Yep—now I’m convinced that you’re identical.

Yes Levonian...not only can YOU tell by the pixes here...seeing both of them...and yes, they are pretty identical 'cept for their hair, the length of their hair. AND, not only that...they both do some similiar features that does amazes me...they both do bring their hair around to the front of their face under their nose... :lol: plus there are a few other similiar traits and actions that they do carry out which does more than fit the assumption of them two being identical twins!! They do at times talk and laugh alike...let's see...*checking the :deal: here...*also, when they are together, they do make other ppls., wellllll, you get the idea! Although, there is one different aspect that differs the two of them and that's their personalities....After all, I should know, cuz I'm with ^Angel^...and also sees her sister from time to time.... :mrgreen:
You two look pretty item, I could tell the different, Cheri with curly hair, and Angel with straight hair!
Dont worry about your Mother, its her loss!
You both look very pretty on the picture. It's good for Roadrunner because he know which Angel is because of different hair. I can image of the picture: Would Roadrunner still recognizing which one if you both have the same hair? Would Roadrunner confusing it? (I hope you don't mind me for asking dumb question). :stupid:

Sorry to know about your mother... It's really shame that she never accept your deafness. It's really shame that she still can't see the fact that you both have healthy mind & soul, also success at school, jobs, family, etc. but only broke ears. Forget her as long as she still is not accept what you are! I'm happy to know that you both stick each other & get on well with your Dad & step-mum.

Yes, I think the same as Lasza! Good question! You respond her question.... very interesting answer.... :dizzy:

Very interesting, I hope you don't mind me say/ask this. It seem to me that they didn't notice that you both are deaf until you both were 5 years old at same time. ? It's very odd because most parents would notice something wrong with their children an earlier than 1 year old. ?
Liebling:-))) said:
Very interesting, I hope you don't mind me say/ask this. It seem to me that they didn't notice that you both are deaf until you both were 5 years old at same time. ? It's very odd because most parents would notice something wrong with their children an earlier than 1 year old. ?

Good Question Liebling..
I just asked my dad that question This Morning. He says that we both could hear when we were young until we went to Kindergarten everything was fine at first we were in a hearing school then somehow the Teacher had some difficult with us not paying attention. My dad was under impression maybe the Teacher did not know what she talking about herself..because she had 12 Children in her class room... Then what happened at the Train area that we almost got hit by the train for not paying attention looking down walking toward to the train. He thought it was impossible that we both had a problem with our hearing. He said most of the time we both could hear sounds and voices and then He said that all the processing of losing hearing could have cause from fever and ear infections that we had since newborn to toddlers he said we had a lot of those horrible ear aches which they could not afford to take us to the Doctor all the time they tried their best to handle it themselves cuz my dad was working full time my mom was Stay home Person. What the Doctor told him that our hearing was bad in high areas but could hear almost normal in low areas but it was explained to them as it would continue to get worse...So That is What My dad had to do be prepare for the worse. I hope this Answer your Question. :)
Steel said:
no offense but Angle looks alittle younger than Cheri...perhas she was born first? lol

Well, the orgasm helps
facial expression
as exercise to prevent wrinkles. Either of those twin who has more orgasm to keep her more younger.

Ask BBNT, he may gives us a better explanation than I do.
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Steel said:
no offense but Angle looks alittle younger than Cheri...perhas she was born first? lol

There are too many variables - lighting, makeup, hair, and (I believe), different cameras. Only those who know them in real life would be able to tell.
We have the Same Web Camera QuickCam Messenger Logitech... But if you notice My Picture was shot during the day hers at night or in the dark which the lights are off... I was born first but only 1 minute apart from Her. My Mom had C-Station. :)

:lol: at Sabrina.. U wish Hon!:)

We do have different style of Hair She likes it More Straight I like it both Straight and Curly (curl iron) She is a little taller than me only one inches taller than me.I am 5'3 She is 5'4 Her Hair is also Longer than mine.:)
Lasza said:
Twin Blondes, i have a question. Before u both become mother first time. do you wish to have twin babies? I am so curious. :)

Hi Lasza,

Yes as matter of fact I did wanted twins when I was first pregnant...which I did asked my doctor some questions ...He did say that I won't be having twins at all because, I am already a twin but it will run in the family later on with either my sisters, brother or our grandchildren or great grandchildren will have twins.....

I also did wish to have girls....but I have all boys!...Love them all :)

Hi FlyFree,

aww Thank you ...Ure soo sweet too!....*hugs*...

Hi Saline Eyes,

Absolutely Correct!....I agree with ya! Roadrunner had said, It's better to see people in real life to tell them apart or if we are identical twins.. :D ..

:rofl: at Sabrina...very cute!..I don't think I would want to hear what Bbnt has to say on this because , I can only image worse.... :lol:...

It's seem my sister, Cheri awswered most of your questions.....Thanks Sis! :kiss: ...

Thanks Everyone for the nice compliments ....U guys are soo sweet! :grouphug:
My husband's Dad's side are strongly twins in their genes..
I was kind concern if I got twins babies.. (long stories) ((chuckles))
My hubby's relatives were high hoping that I may have twins babies but turn it out one baby no twins. In my mind, say Oh thank you.. that what I wanted one baby inside my belly.. ((chuckles)) I was researching my hubby's Dad's family side are most twins genes..
His Dad is twins too, His twin cousin not identical (fraqactial) sp? , His twins aunts and 2's cousins twins and blah blah.. His Dad was showned me picture of GENES twins.. I was surprised.. how's so cool??
His Dad was laughed at me, and explained me how's he was raised experience past twins. Mostly making fun of peoples and tricky teachers too etc etc.. So Many news from his favorite past time included his unlce really loved talk about this subject. Espically His twin cousin aren't identical.. They said wishes could have experience alike Dad's. His cousin simlair like "THE TWIN" movie extactly as his cousin are.. Girl is shorty and boy is tallest..
then another pregnant.. I do not understand why his family side are high hoped that i might have chance twins but turn out NOT..
They thinks may be next my children who will have twins in their future.. who knows..
When the twins are young I bet they tease their parents all the time by "Who am I?" "Not me" "Nope thats him/her!" Parents having trouble identifying their children. :rofl:
tekkmortal said:
When the twins are young I bet they tease their parents all the time by "Who am I?" "Not me" "Nope thats him/her!" Parents having trouble identifying their children. :rofl:

put tattoo on each - so, you will know which one. :-P
tekkmortal said:
When the twins are young I bet they tease their parents all the time by "Who am I?" "Not me" "Nope thats him/her!" Parents having trouble identifying their children. :rofl:

:lol: ...

Actually, My parents Knows which is which....We have tried that a couple of times...but, They knew ....I suppose its a parent thing who knows... But, When Cheri and I were young we used to blame each other alot...for example: if one of us get in trouble of us would blame each other....Ill never forget about the ' puppy story ' ...or the ' sleeping in the living room story either '..... :squint: @ Cheri!!...
^Angel^ said:
:lol: ...

Actually, My parents Knows which is which....We have tried that a couple of times...but, They knew ....I suppose its a parent thing who knows... But, When Cheri and I were young we used to blame each other alot...for example: if one of us get in trouble of us would blame each other....Ill never forget about the ' puppy story ' ...or the ' sleeping in the living room story either '..... :squint: @ Cheri!!...

:rofl: Don't you dare bring that up! :rofl: