Ask the Monkey Anything

Would you trade my avatar for yours?

AJ is jeolous of mine. after trading, AJ will probably beg you....
mld4ds said:
Would you trade my avatar for yours?

AJ is jeolous of mine. after trading, AJ will probably beg you....

i dont want ur stupid avatar. i like mine.
Why do you consider yourself as a monkey? Are you really hairy like a monkey, hmmm.
mld4ds said:
Would you trade my avatar for yours?

AJ is jeolous of mine. after trading, AJ will probably beg you....

Mayflower thinks I should ditch the Spaghetti Monster and go back to one of my classic chimp avatars. So when I decide to dump it, you can have it. It will probably be soon. :thumb:
Did Mrs. Chimp kill you yet?

Are you always this honest? If so.. I'm impressed...
Levonian said:
To get the taste of Mayflower’s cooking out of my mouth.

Maybe if you stopped flinging your poo around the kitchen it would help. Here's a little clue, monkey butt - if it lands in the casserole I don't throw it away, but I don't eat it either. And I'm not giving it to the dog. Figure it out. :squint:

That you both ??
How can you have your own computer, house, and much more ???
Really you're smart talk...
Does there have transluation gibberlish to english.. Can you do that for me ?
What you like about yourself?

What you hate about yourself?

Do you beleive to make something positive to fill your dream wish?

If yes, what you did? How often?

How old are you to receive your first love?

Why make you think something special about apes?

Are you morning person?
Levonian? You got members here waiting for your respond. :doh:

I have questions also......I know to limit 3 questions.

Who's your favorite person(s) in alldeaf? and why?

How come you haven't gotten a chance to set up msn or aims or yahoo?

What type of house work do you usual do? Repairing or cleaning the most?
Bullym0m said:

That you both ??
How can you have your own computer, house, and much more ???
Really you're smart talk...
Does there have transluation gibberlish to english.. Can you do that for me ?

Mayflower is human. As for me, the scientists down at the lab still haven’t figured it out. It really pisses them off when I can work the New York Times crossword puzzle better than they can.

No, I’m sorry—I checked, and Google Translator does not have Gibberish to English translation capability. I don’t know what to tell you. :dunno:
Liebling:-))) said:
What you like about yourself?

What you hate about yourself?

Do you beleive to make something positive to fill your dream wish?

If yes, what you did? How often?

How old are you to receive your first love?

Why make you think something special about apes?

Are you morning person?

I’m smart. My father had a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Caltech, a Master’s degree in cinematography from USC, and a Ph.D. in Psychology from UCLA. My tested IQ is higher than his was.

I procrastinate way too much.

Well, as I mentioned earlier in the thread, I’m finally at a point in my life where everything is copasetic and I have a clear idea of exactly what I want and how I’m going to get it.

Three questions only, please. This is Hell Week for me right now.
Liebling:-))) said:
Thank you for an answer :thumb:

Dear Ape Expert

What is this?

It’s not what you think it is. :roll: Only humans and bonobos engage in oral sex. Most likely they’re grooming each other.

Cheri, I'll getcha tomorrow morning, I promise. :)