Ask the Monkey Anything

cental34 said:
I've been staring into space for the past 5 minutes wondering what that is supposed to mean.


That's why you will never get it....
Levonian said:
Cheri dearest, even though we’ve never met (although we came damn close) you will always have a special place in my heart. Of course you’re my friend. :)

Sweet! :hug:
Ok, Chimpie, here are three questions:

1. Which bannanas do you like the best? Green banannas or yellow bannanas?

2. Do you like to climb trees and swing from branch to branch?

3. Do you make monkey noises or do you do sign language like Koko? :)
Nancy said:
1. Which bannanas do you like the best? Green banannas or yellow bannanas?

2. Do you like to climb trees and swing from branch to branch?

3. Do you make monkey noises or do you do sign language like Koko? :)
I like my bananas firm and ripe.

Of course—doesn’t everybody?

Mitch Hedburg said:
On a traffic light green means go and yellow means yield, but on a banana it's just the opposite. Green means hold on, yellow means go ahead, and red means where the hell did you get that banana?


Also, to follow suit, do you have a crush on anyone in AD? If so, whom? *raises eyebrow*
What are the good things you like about life?

Have you ever regret anything in your lifetime, wishing you would have undone things differently?

Have you had anyone ever lied to you before? What's was your reaction?

What's your favorite shopping stores?
What kind of job do your parents work?

Were u born in U.S.A.?

How many children do you have?
cental34 said:
Also, to follow suit, do you have a crush on anyone in AD? If so, whom? *raises eyebrow*

Well, about a year and a half ago I was ‘curious’ about Cheri, but nothing ever came of it because we live too far apart. Then Mayflower came along and snatched me off the open market. :mrgreen:
You never answered my question about bananas. Where did you get that red banana?
cental34 said:
You never answered my question about bananas. Where did you get that red banana?
I didn’t realize that it was a question—I thought you were making a weird statement. The answer is that yes, I have no red bananas, so your question is meaningless.
Lavender said:
What kind of job do your parents work?

Were u born in U.S.A.?

How many children do you have?
My father was a professor of psychology at UCLA. My mother worked for Warner Bros.

Yep. I was born at the UCLA Medical Center. The person who first developed the process of fetal sonography was testing the then new technology at UCLA at that time. As a result of this, I have a minor claim to fame—I am the first person ever imaged through a fetal sonogram.

None right now. As soon as I finish a 4 year degree, we’ll start a family.
Cheri said:
What are the good things you like about life?

Have you ever regret anything in your lifetime, wishing you would have undone things differently?

Have you had anyone ever lied to you before? What's was your reaction?

What's your favorite shopping stores?

Levonian, You skipped my questions. :aw:
Does Cheri have a crush on me?

will i get this job?
Cheri said:
What are the good things you like about life?

Have you ever regret anything in your lifetime, wishing you would have undone things differently?

Have you had anyone ever lied to you before? What's was your reaction?

What's your favorite shopping stores?

I have to say that right now I like my life—things are good. I’m married to a cool girl who thinks I’m just the greatest, and for the first time in my life I’ve got a clear focus on how I want the rest of my life to unfold and a workable game plan for making it happen.

Oh God—I can’t even begin to list the things in my life that I regret. I would be here all night. Not pursuing a better education back when I was younger, working in menial jobs for far longer than I should have, allowing psychologically inferior people to cause problems for me without fighting back—the list is endless.

Of course people have lied to me. My response was dependent on the situation—ranging anywhere from doing absolutely nothing to a full bore retaliation which in one case cost a group of people millions of dollars and ruined several lives.

Victoria’s Secret. I would love to get a job there as an assistant in the dressing rooms. :naughty:
AJ said:
Does Cheri have a crush on me?

will i get this job?
I thought you only had eyes for cental. :confused:

No. You will become CEO of Microsoft instead.
Hey Lev, does Mrs. Chimp snore? If so, how do you deal with it?

What are you pursuring in higher education?
flyfishfemme said:
Hey Lev, does Mrs. Chimp snore? If so, how do you deal with it?

What are you pursuring in higher education?

That’s the nifty thing about single-sided deafness—your head is like a interchangeable griddle/grill combo. One side you’re deaf, and the other side you’re not. Problem solved. And if she snores so loud that I can still hear her deaf side up, then I just roll her off her back until she shuts up. :mrgreen:

Chimpie wants to be a special ed teacher.