Ask the Monkey Anything

Here's some actual questions for Lev:

Why chimps?

You're hearing, if I remember correct, so where did you learn ASL from?

What compaints do you have about your lovely wife?
^Angel^ said:
Let's see if you treat your wife like a princess...

Do you give all your credit card to your wife, and let her buy ANYTHING she wants?

How often do you cook for your wife and give her a nice candle lite dinner?

Do you shave your hair on your face, so your wife will know if you are telling the truth ?

As you said no more than 3 questions, I guess I'll wait for the next round! :popcorn:

Yes, but we have an agreement that we have to discuss any purchase over $50.

I do all the cooking, all the time. We used to light candles every night around dinnertime, but we stopped doing it. I guess we just forgot. But there’s still a shitload of candles on the dresser, so I guess we could start doing it again.

I try to shave every day, and I usually do.
What type of people you dislike?

What type of people do you usual hang out with (consider them as your friends)?

Do you work? How many hours a week do you work?

How did you know about AllDeaf forum?
cental34 said:
Here's some actual questions for Lev:

Why chimps?

You're hearing, if I remember correct, so where did you learn ASL from?

What compaints do you have about your lovely wife?

I have loved chimps ever since I was a teenager. I believe that it is imperative that we preserve all of the great ape species. (I wrote that essay, BTW—it wasn’t copied from another source).

I’m neither hearing nor deaf—I have monaural hearing. I am completely deaf on one side of my head with no residual hearing whatsoever, and I have normal hearing on the other side. It’s actually more of an inconvenience than you might imagine.This thread explains how I became interested in ASL and Deaf issues.

Actually, I have very few complaints about Mrs. Chimp—I think she rocks. She has a tendency to hide from reality a little, but she’s improving a lot in that department. I also wish she would speechread more. Ever since she got her CI, she’s back slacking off on speechreading. I actually have to repeat myself more (a lot more) now than before she had her CI! Sometimes I get pissed and refuse to speak until she’s looking at me.
Levonian said:
Actually, I have very few complaints about Mrs. Chimp—I think she rocks. She has a tendency to hide from reality a little, but she’s improving a lot in that department. I also wish she would speechread more. Ever since she got her CI, she’s back slacking off on speechreading. I actually have to repeat myself more (a lot more) now than before she had her CI! Sometimes I get pissed and refuse to speak until she’s looking at me.

:o Very true.
Cheri said:
What type of people you dislike?

What type of people do you usual hang out with (consider them as your friends)?

Do you work? How many hours a week do you work?

How did you know about AllDeaf forum?

Mostly the ones I mentioned above.

I prefer to be around smart people.

No, I’m unemployed. I used to work for the third largest record distributor in the United States, but they went Chapter 11. I had some money saved up, so I decided to take some time off and screw around for awhile. So I took a bunch of college courses, did a shitload of home improvement stuff, and worked part time doing small carpentry jobs, working in a liquor store, and doing some tutoring work. But now Mayflower and I are broke and have about $10,000 in outstanding consumer credit. So I’m going to go get a full time job and work it for about a year to get us out of debt. After our heads are back above water, I’m going to scale back on my hours, get student loans, and finish up at the state university.

I found alldeaf one day when I was just Googlin' around.

OK, gang—I have to go clean my chinchilla’s cage right now—it’s long overdue and I only have a few hours of daylight left. Be back soon.
**I copied from Mayflower's of my quote**

Here's... Can you try answer this... :D

What your favorite the most anything general ? (5 list)

What you're really HATE HATE the most anything general? (5 list)

Speifiic your fear as condiser phobia (general) ?

What do you feel annoys things about your wife? *chuckles*

Sparks your eyes and express feel romantic, your favorite place ?

:applause: ~ Pretty please answer this...... :giggle:
If you could make a top ten list ala David Letterman style, what would the topic be and what would your list read?
Bullym0m said:
What your favorite the most anything general ? (5 list)

What you're really HATE HATE the most anything general? (5 list)

Speifiic your fear as condiser phobia (general) ?

What do you feel annoys things about your wife? *chuckles*

Sparks your eyes and express feel romantic, your favorite place ?
Being in the mountains, Krispy Kreme donuts, quiet time alone with Mrs. Chimp, worshipping the Almighty Spaghetti Monster, and female mud wrestling.

Criminals, dope fiends, really bad hangovers, getting bad grades, maraschino cherries.

I get creeped out swimming in deep water.

Already answered that.

A botanical garden in Santa Barbara, California called Lotusland.
Levonian said:
I prefer to be around smart people.

Oh :( I'm not that smart, does that mean that I'm not your friend? :sadwave:
Don't say that Cheri. You are very smart.

Smarter than I am at least. And I seriously believe that. :hug:
cental34 said:
Don't say that Cheri. You are very smart.

Smarter than I am at least. And I seriously believe that. :hug:

You're just saying that. How come your pants are on fire then? :booty:
Cheri dearest, even though we’ve never met (although we came damn close) you will always have a special place in my heart. Of course you’re my friend. :)
Levonian said:
Cheri dearest, even though we’ve never met (although we came damn close) you will always have a special place in my heart. Of course you’re my friend. :)

Aaawww.... :tears:
