ASK javapride ANYTHING!

if ur referring to the posting i made in the general discussion, it was of my own doing and i was making some decision, wanted to get some feedback I DID wanted to talk tou about my posting it in the IM, but knew u wouldn t want to talk, but i got some feedback from someone else and i posted it, on my own doing wanted to come clean and clean my actions... there was no need to thank me for this, I did this on my own fly, cuz i care enuff about myself to know its gotta stop, i lost ur freindship because of my abusive ways, and this woke me up in a big way. ITS U i should be thanking, not u thanking me.... A true friend doesn't have to post something like this on the publicity but u did, takes a 5,500 mile wake up call in a speed of light to do this, and now i d like VERY much to make amends, to clean more then just a mess to justify what i have done to the poeple i do care about, I fucked up plain simple and said, and i know. I got the worse flaw of all and i am gonna break that flaw into a million pieces and talking isn t going to break it doing it is .... U said some things in the posting ( several of them) and i was pissed but i didn t say anything about it, took me a while to refrain myself from things and etc.
we don t talk much anymore but we do pm which is just fine with me a decorum of respect is a wise thing. U are a wise person and so's oddball.... maybe U and oddball make a good teamwork in doing something i had mentioned in the DV thread, it would be the perfect thing for u to go thru u are the advocate for three things, DV, politics and deaf community rights, ODD BALL is the advocate for the DV Sexual assult and many other ways,

I do know we're not perfect but this kind of perfection doesn t come in spades it comes in a learned behavior and im going to break that learned behavior and succeed in overcoming my temper and say I CAN DO IT!
Javapride -- i only thanked u cuz u made the post on ur own free will -- i do not see any reason to continue my comments in this post but i do think u need to bring those walls down
Originally posted by Smartiesgeek
yes, you can overcome your temper. YOU CAN DO IT.

thank u for ur support i know i can do it, just have to make an action for this not talking. gonna be a LONG while before i gain trust from poeple :)
Originally posted by Fly Free
Javapride -- i only thanked u cuz u made the post on ur own free will -- i do not see any reason to continue my comments in this post but i do think u need to bring those walls down

I know fly i want those walls to come down. it's breaking down now. u know the holes i have in those walls are cracking, and its a good thing, U , lasza and lezartist and smartie and others are seeing thru me and pretty much breaking it down and im allowing it to break down. this defintely needs breaking down
Originally posted by javapride
thank u for ur support i know i can do it, just have to make an action for this not talking. gonna be a LONG while before i gain trust from poeple :)

Yes, we go thru in the days... by hard ways and easy ways.

just overcome it then you will get more trust from people.

just work it out.


*pats on your back*
Originally posted by Smartiesgeek
Yes, we go thru in the days... by hard ways and easy ways.

just overcome it then you will get more trust from people.

just work it out.


*pats on your back*

they say take it one day at a time, last night was the biggest night of my life ........
Originally posted by javapride
they say take it one day at a time, last night was the biggest night of my life ........

oh yes, you shall take it one day at a time.

oh really, found a girl last night? ha ha.

i have no idea what you was actually doing last night.

Have you went to waikiki?
Originally posted by Smartiesgeek
oh yes, you shall take it one day at a time.

oh really, found a girl last night? ha ha.

i have no idea what you was actually doing last night.

Have you went to waikiki?

HAHAHAH u cute! no i posted something in the DV posting last night it was a huge step for me to admit to this and now my next step is taking action for my wrong doing...

yes i have been to wakikiki ( u forgot the a) :)
Originally posted by javapride
HAHAHAH u cute! no i posted something in the DV posting last night it was a huge step for me to admit to this and now my next step is taking action for my wrong doing...

yes i have been to wakikiki ( u forgot the a) :)


I kno im cute, ha ha.

Oh yes, thats right. i already read it. Yes, it is a biggest step of your life. but Just be strong in each of the days.

*pat on your back, again*

lol, I am not a hawaiian or living in there, but I do dress like I am hawaiian. *LAUGHING*

Do ya like wakikiki?
Originally posted by Smartiesgeek

I kno im cute, ha ha.

Oh yes, thats right. i already read it. Yes, it is a biggest step of your life. but Just be strong in each of the days.

*pat on your back, again*

lol, I am not a hawaiian or living in there, but I do dress like I am hawaiian. *LAUGHING*

Do ya like wakikiki?

theres a bridge right past the beach thats for the gays and lesbains they go to hang out there and meet up with others on the beach which is KEWL :)
Originally posted by javapride
theres a bridge right past the beach thats for the gays and lesbains they go to hang out there and meet up with others on the beach which is KEWL :)

oh really.. WHAT A GREAT PLACE TO HANG OUT, it is?
Originally posted by javapride
AHHHHHHHHHH intresting! IM crazynow ?? LOOOLOLOL but will i go there again ??? NAH....

you should meet many girls in there. so, thats why im sayin you are crazy!!!!!
Originally posted by Smartiesgeek
you should meet many girls in there. so, thats why im sayin you are crazy!!!!!

nah im gonna be working on ME first before i get into a relationship .. remmy i dont want my voilence to hurt other people.. u know?
Originally posted by javapride
nah im gonna be working on ME first before i get into a relationship .. remmy i dont want my voilence to hurt other people.. u know?

ha ha, yes.. worry about yourself, first.

ooooh, duh me! I am pretty stupid before thought about this, to working on yourself before meeting girls again.

duh me duh me duh me. :D

shh, dont laugh at me! If you did, i will laugh with ya. and make sure that nobody laugh at me. pftt. HA HA
Originally posted by Smartiesgeek
ha ha, yes.. worry about yourself, first.

ooooh, duh me! I am pretty stupid before thought about this, to working on yourself before meeting girls again.

duh me duh me duh me. :D

shh, dont laugh at me! If you did, i will laugh with ya. and make sure that nobody laugh at me. pftt. HA HA

we're entiled to make mistake no one should judge u ur not DUH it happens :)
Originally posted by javapride
we're entiled to make mistake no one should judge u ur not DUH it happens :)

Right on.

human are not perfect. so, we are humans, but we have a responisble to act it up and take action to improve it.

so, thats what human is all about.
