DId you notice I used quotes when I said "facts"?
I don't believe what you throw out is truly factual. You may see it as such, but I do not. If I considered this argument important enough, I would take the time to find and post my own "facts" counter yours, but I frankly don't have the time. I have a child to raise.
Stop minimizing the abilities of these children. It is cruel and, quite frankly, ignorant.
I don't know what world you are living in, but I can only assume that it is a parrallel universe with the others you seem to support.
A. No one here, including myself, has minimzed the ability of any child. On the other hand, numerous posts have been made by parents subscribing to the oralist viewpoint that an oral child is higher functioning than a signing child, is given more opportunity, and leads a more successful life. That comment, and that attitude, minimizes the abilities of signing children and adults world wide.
B. The "facts" that you refer to are accepted academically and scientifically. I support my claims with valid research. If you choose to discount that which has been proven empirically, it is not a reflection on those facts, but rather on your refusal to see what is in front of you simply because you choose not to.
C. Having a child to raise is no excuse for not becoming informed on all the issues that will affect that child, not just the ones that are convienient and comfortable and fit into the scenario that you have created. I raised a deaf child too. Imanaged to become informed regarding all of the issues, from both a deaf perspective and a hearing perspective, educational, linguistic, social, emotional and developmental. And I did it as a widowed single parent. Sorry, but the too busy excuse just doesn't hold water for me.
D. You have totally missed the point of the discussion. The article posted was in reference to hearing children. You are raising a deaf child. See the difference?
E. It has onced again been demonstrated that those of you who choose to so vehemently oppose any information that would expand your knowledge base do so from an emotional standpoint and are supporting your decisions and your philosophies with nothing more than a childish, "Because I said so!" Stop the name calling and the mud sligning and the childish, "I don't care what you say, I'm going to cover my ears and sing, because I don't want to hear it." I swear, too many people in here ask for supporting evidence, and when they are given what they asked for, turn into juveniles.