I think we might be waiting for you to actually do so. (put your money where your mouth it so to speak) So far Jillio I have to say that I havn't seen you actually do so. BTW, if you are going to support your agrument in a discussion running off and posting everything that supports it under a different topic area isn't very nice, espeically if you don't provide the link to whatever proof you posted. I don't have time to go through all the different areas and find whichever article you've posted. If you really feel the need to post in a different area post your link here rather then expect us to go and find your proof. thanks.
Btw, I know that 'facts' can be manipulated. (even in 'scientific' papers, has happened)
Great Point. This is what I have been trying to tell Jillo that you can find a research article to support almost any point As soon as I have time I am going to prove my point.
I also 'know' that not all individuals are the same. While it would be nice if all children(deaf) had access to visual language I still think that until the Deaf community and educators get out the information showing that both ways *visual and voice" actually complement each other and the child will chose which to become the domment language (as in Cloggy's daughters case, she is choosing voice, for whatever reason you and Shel seem to think that he is 100% oral, he's not if you really read his posts) , but until those of you advocating a bi bi approach begin to get that information out to parents these discussions will remain the same. It doesn't do any good to antagonize the very people you are trying to educate.
JMHO of course. Have a nice day.