that's what conversation is for. Quote your rights and laws... you'll be fine as long as you are courteous.
Both are same thing. It's about legality and rights. Some cops do not know better.

and money too in case you have to hire a lawyer.... and pay for your bail.
that's true but realistically - there's not much you can do about it unless you have some friends in higher place or media.
Yep and same for cop if they act like we are the criminals up to something no good. well.... I believe the cops are the one who should take initiative in establishing good community relationship since they are the one with gun and handcuff... especially because of a long history of police abuses so we are naturally and understandably fearful of them.
Reba - I'm not being some hippie with silly "Fight The Power" agenda. I'm just being a law-abiding American citizen with the rights afforded by the Constitution and state & federal laws. If I were in the state where the law says I'm required to prove my immigration status to police officer even though I am an American citizen - then I will comply even if I disagree with the law and even if I believe the law is unconstitutional. Law's the law. The street is not a place to debate with cop whether or not the law is unconstitutional or not.
You know that I have several cop/lawyer friends in NY-NJ. I know the limit. I don't intend to be a smart-ass jerk to "troll/bait/incite" them into committing wrong-doing against me. I hate wise-ass people like that. Remember the "Don't-Taze-Me-Bro" guy or anybody who filmed themselves with intention to confront the cops like cops parking on fire lane? :roll:
Be cool. Be smart. Know your rights. Talk with the cop, not argue with the cop. It's not illegal to stand your ground against police to a reasonable degree. Police officer is human being. They do make mistake. They do not always know the fine-print laws. If the conversation is going nowhere - then you can either choose to comply or get arrested. Up to you.