Add lithium to drinking water

BTW - I fired an email to a Deaf chemist with a terminal degree of his opinion.

His position is with the department of reclamation working with water.

Hope we hear from him soon. :D

Me too.
Wow, this is a new study...

"Fountain of Youth from the Tap? Environmental Lithium Uptake Promotes Longevity, Scientists Demonstrate

A regular uptake of the trace element lithium can considerably promote longevity. This is the result of a new study by scientists of Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Professor Dr. Michael Ristow's team along with Japanese colleagues from universities in Oita and Hiroshima have demonstrated by two independent approaches that even a low concentration of lithium leads to an increased life expectancy in humans as well as in a model organism, the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans"

Fountain of youth from the tap? Environmental lithium uptake promotes longevity, scientists demonstrate

Still opposing lithium? You don't want people to live longer and happier? ;)
So lithium in water is good for Japanese people and roundworms?
Maybe it works only for Japanese people and roundworms. They haven't tested anyone else, have they? :cool2:

Oh, they did on Texans and found association with mental health, nothing about longevity tho.
NO WAY! I think this a horrible idea !! Some people could get bad reaction from
lithium! I do not like having fluoride in my water! My town was using fluoride that made made in China in our water! People freaked out when this was in the news paper! And I do not want to live a long time! My mom lived to be 93 years old and she was in pain !
NO WAY! I think this a horrible idea !! Some people could get bad reaction from
lithium! I do not like having fluoride in my water! My town was using fluoride that made made in China in our water! People freaked out when this was in the news paper! And I do not want to live a long time! My mom lived to be 93 years old and she was in pain !

You actually think everyone in their 90's are suffering in pain? It ain't true because I can say that some of my great family lived long and well into 90's with no pain. :/ Heck my great grandfather died when he was 92 and what was he doing when he died? Picking cotton from his crop!
Seriously, everything is dose-related. The addition of lithium is only in trace amount, it's about 1000th of a regular dose that you'd get from medicinal lithium.

But studies show that trace amounts may help control their moods and prevent suicides and even prolong their lives.

So, why are you afraid of lithium being added? Is it just a mere fact that lithium is a "drug" even though lithium is a NATURAL element found all over the world?

People are obsessed with "pure" water but if you drink pure water, not only that it will taste damn awful, it will actually kill you because it would draw minerals from your body and disrupt your electrolytes! You need to have some minerals in water. Truly pure water is found only in manufacturing such as silicon processing where it is used as a SOLVENT!

If studies show the benefits of adding lithium to water and the risks of health problems go down, why are you objecting to it?
I do not like the government messing with my body! And like Reba said what else will be added to water ! Next it could something to made it easier for the government to control how we behave! Why the HELL do want the government taking control of what you put in your body!! And what about our pets ,what will this crap do our pets?? And kids do not need to be drinking this crap! I am sick of the government acting like they know what is best for us!! I do not want a Big Brother government!!
You actually think everyone in their 90's are suffering in pain? It ain't true because I can say that some of my great family lived long and well into 90's with no pain. :/ Heck my great grandfather died when he was 92 and what was he doing when he died? Picking cotton from his crop!

I did not say everyone in their 90's lived in pain! There is very real chance I could get the same illness my mother had! People just love to try and twist things around here!
And Americans can't get that benefit? :hmm:

What benefit? All you've linked to so far are news articles based on the press releases from laboratories which have done individual trials. In case you were unaware, science reporting, especially so many levels removed from the actual studies, is absolutely abysmal in (at least) this country (and probably many others, but I'm not as familiar with them).

The process generally goes like this:

1) Scientists run a study or test in their lab. They write up a lab report, and assuming they're good/honest scientists, it's often filled to the brim with caveats and possible alternate explanations for their results, as well as the conclusions they think the results are showing. This is often submitted to formal peer-reviewed journals, which require expensive monthly subscriptions to access.

2) The university or company who owns the lab reads the report, pulls out the conclusion alone, and runs it through their PR department/firm, who "spices up" the conclusion to try and make it sound more exciting. So if the original report conclusion was "it could be X, Y or Z, but we think there's a 10-15% chance that this compound could contribute to the reduction in size of lymphoma nodes", the press release would likely say something akin to "This drug (might) cure cancer! Read more about it in the Journal of Obscure Chemical Compounds Containing Lithium."

3) A science reporter for a popular magazine receives or sees this press release somewhere, and understands that a story claiming to have cured cancer is likely to sell well, so s/he reads the press release, finds the summary for the journal submission online, and writes a sensationalistic story claiming the company X is right on the cusp of curing cancer with Lithium, having never read the original peer-reviewed submission to the journal containing the many caveats, and thus doesn't think that any caveats are required in his/her article.

4) Some kid on the internet sees that article, and concludes "Well, shit, this is simple! We'll just dump these drugs in the water supply, and cancer is cured forever! Everyone who doesn't like that's a fuckwit luddite who's just scared of the future because of scary terms. There's absolutely no position other than my own which can be right, so everyone who disagrees with me is a moron!"

mmm. I guess this isn't such a good idea to add it to water just for this reason alone. Just how much lithium is needed for this reaction? I would be be up for this idea only if there's been extenisitive studies showing benefits.

Right. And to date, there have not been. Nor have there many any studies indicating that lithium in necessary in the diet and that a deficiency has proven and negative side effects.
BTW - I fired an email to a Deaf chemist with a terminal degree of his opinion.

His position is with the department of reclamation working with water.

Hope we hear from him soon. :D

Cool. I'll be interested in what he has to say.
Wow, this is a new study...

"Fountain of Youth from the Tap? Environmental Lithium Uptake Promotes Longevity, Scientists Demonstrate

A regular uptake of the trace element lithium can considerably promote longevity. This is the result of a new study by scientists of Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Professor Dr. Michael Ristow's team along with Japanese colleagues from universities in Oita and Hiroshima have demonstrated by two independent approaches that even a low concentration of lithium leads to an increased life expectancy in humans as well as in a model organism, the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans"

Fountain of youth from the tap? Environmental lithium uptake promotes longevity, scientists demonstrate

Still opposing lithium? You don't want people to live longer and happier? ;)

Gonna have to see the study so I can evaluate it myself, thank you. People have been claiming to find the "Fountain of Youth" since Ponce DeLeon. Hasn't managed to become reality yet.
You actually think everyone in their 90's are suffering in pain? It ain't true because I can say that some of my great family lived long and well into 90's with no pain. :/ Heck my great grandfather died when he was 92 and what was he doing when he died? Picking cotton from his crop!

Sounds like you have your genes on your side. No need for lithium to extend your longevity.:lol:
Right. And to date, there have not been. Nor have there many any studies indicating that lithium in necessary in the diet and that a deficiency has proven and negative side effects.


We should have a choice if we want to supplement lithium instead of adding it to our public water system.

Also since it is a small amount... then how it is suppose to help relieve people of suicidial tendancies and to having a long life??

An amount that creates a pharmacodynamics effect will have side effects. Since the body has to metabolizes it to get the effect of lithium. :hmm:

We should have a choice if we want to supplement lithium instead of adding it to our public water system.

Also since it is a small amount... then how it is suppose to help relieve people of suicidial tendancies and to having a long life??

An amount that creates a pharmacodynamics effect will have side effects. Since the body has to metabolizes it to get the effect of lithium. :hmm:
