True, I was not aware that it would be so difficult for you. I'll leave it be given that you have shifted from discussing the issue to just being insulting to me personally, a typical response when someone can't argue the merits of an issue.
Seriously, you seem hellbent on trying to convince me that Rick is an audist -- I don't know why you feel that's necessary. What do you care if I privately think Rick or PFH or Jillio or FJ are great gurus or a total jerks? Or if I happen to think all 4 are both at once. I'm just another kid's mom, who's been hanging around here for a few years, participating and trying to speak only to my own direct experience, to ingest others' learnings, and to not assume anything about others' lives. I happen to agree with nearly everything Jillio writes on this forum --
outside the realm of CIs. Would you say that makes us birds of a feather

? I might think both Rick and PFH can be reactor-level reactive, harsh, and unnecessarily mean, and that they probably regret losing their cool sometimes. Sometimes it pains me to see people gang up on an individual, and I feel the need to ask for a bit of restraint, a second thought before being cruel or thoughtless. Sometimes I'm cruel or thoughtless, too, and someone like Botti or LDNanna steps up and reminds me what civility is.
But misbehaving on a forum is not something that's going to permeate my daughter's community, sneak into her life and affect her. Letting misconceptions about what being deaf means -- whether it's letting audism ride unchecked or passing on errors about CIs -- will harm my child. And sometimes that's why I get involved in these contentious discussions. But I really don't give a crap what you think of me because I won't label our community members according to your Deaf dewey decimal system.