A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

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almost 4am right now? :roll:

just got home. a fellow ADer's in town :cool2:


Today, I am going to my brother's graduation and then having a party at my house tonight. :)
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quirkylibra said:
I'm thinking that I am :pissed: because I went to bed at 9pm last night...woke up this morning at 430am for work...showered, had my coffee and eggs with my special sauce and surely enough I get canceled!

And now they just called me back and said come in... :pissed:

Wish they change their mind, waking early and cancel not fun and back again ugh I know how you feel.
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Chilling here at Times Square right near car bombing site. I have bunch of interesting pix to share but first- I've got a party to host! :cool2:
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Frisky Feline said:
Wirelessly posted

Chilling here at Times Square right near car bombing site. I have bunch of interesting pix to share but first- I've got a party to host! :cool2:

tonight? :shock:

Jiro must know how to party if its times square.
:lol: so you are in bed and i am up now. *looking at the clock* oh it's 858 am.
So you're up - *checks clock* time for me to go to bed! Its 11pm here :dizzy: also I got home from a two day meeting in Sydney.
So you're up - *checks clock* time for me to go to bed! Its 11pm here :dizzy: also I got home from a two day meeting in Sydney.

:giggle: I can say that GOOD NIGHT! it's weird that your time is in the night while my time is in the morning!

What's happening these days, citizens!

Just finished celebrating my brother's graduation and then next plans are my family from AZ, Florida, Colorado, and Seattle coming next weekend and my brother's girlfriend's brain surgery.
Just finished celebrating my brother's graduation and then next plans are my family from AZ, Florida, Colorado, and Seattle coming next weekend and my brother's girlfriend's brain surgery.

Looks like you have a lot on your plate to get done. Hope all goes well for the neurosurgery, that sounds scary.
Looks like you have a lot on your plate to get done. Hope all goes well for the neurosurgery, that sounds scary.

Oh yea..a lot on my plate. Oh well.

Looks like our move is on "hold" for now. We may get a call at the last minute giving hubby only a week to start at new job. If so, his current company will cover a motel until we can get housing. The third company involved in this mess is the one holding out. They are also the one who wants the contract and have the most money, but they are holding out for a less expensive place. (WalMart).

MIL has said, that if we do move out of the area, she may sell her current house and property and move to the same neighborhood with us so we can still help her, but live in separate homes. She thinks she wants a slightly smaller place, but worries about not having enough room for 3 closets of clothes (2 of which she may never wear) and all her furniture (she won't give any to us or sell any). Then she has to decide what to do with all of the stuff 2 of the 3 bays of the garage as well as the utility room and the attic. She hates to get rid of anything and my FIL was the same, so she has 50 years worth of accumulated "stuff".
:giggle: I can say that GOOD NIGHT! it's weird that your time is in the night while my time is in the morning!
I have gotten used to know what time it is in america - for example, In portland, Oregon; it is ten minutes to 5pm, while in the north east such as New York it is almost 8pm.
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Three week countdown til last day of work and we go on summer break. Ahhh the luxury of sleeping in :lol:
Blah, my DVR cable box is dead. I lost all of my recorded. Gah!!! :mad2:
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I can't wait for lunch in 15 mins. I am on my aim for lunch break :giggle:
I have gotten used to know what time it is in america - for example, In portland, Oregon; it is ten minutes to 5pm, while in the north east such as New York it is almost 8pm.

yeah. guess you are up????? mines almost 11 pm right now.
Had an "emergency" dentist appointment today. My filling fell out on Saturday and apparently my tooth was cracked. I had to get it re-filled. My mouth still hurts even though the appointment was at 9 this morning. :(
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