A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

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hohDougRN said:
Werd. Off to Reno now for few days. Hasta luego

Good luck champion :)
Had a blast yesterday, fishing. Caught a Red Grouper, a bunch of Pink Mouth Grunts and Black Sea bass.

You can smell the oil out there where we were. It smelled like a huge diesel truck or phosphate plant.
Oh the joy of the Novocaine wearing off!! Had a wisdom tooth pulled!! Will get two fillings next month.
Hi diddly-ho neighbors.
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naisho said:
Hi diddly-ho neighbors.

Hey Naisho, welcome back dude! Its been ages! How are you? :)
lol welcome back Naisho! :wave:

What's happening these days, citizens!

I am in school since , Jan and will finish this coming August and do my internship soon:) What's going on with you ?
Feeling sad that the US currency in Australian dollar is declining by the day, now it's at 81 cent. How I wished it'd go up to $1, but $.92 was good, tho.

At least I have some US cash on hand for US trip.
Feeling sad that the US currency in Australian dollar is declining by the day, now it's at 81 cent. How I wished it'd go up to $1, but $.92 was good, tho.

At least I have some US cash on hand for US trip.

yeah. But we will still work for food right?
almost 4am right now? :roll:

just got home. a fellow ADer's in town :cool2:
I'm thinking that I am :pissed: because I went to bed at 9pm last night...woke up this morning at 430am for work...showered, had my coffee and eggs with my special sauce and surely enough I get canceled!
I'm thinking that I am :pissed: because I went to bed at 9pm last night...woke up this morning at 430am for work...showered, had my coffee and eggs with my special sauce and surely enough I get canceled!

And now they just called me back and said come in... :pissed:
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