sound like you ain't tough through rain.
As for saddlebags. Everyone have their preference. For me, Saddlebags is a must for me. It's not big saddlebag as you mentioned. It's a meduim sized which is good enuf for me. I use it to bring lunch box, phone charger and few item for work (at my work, they disallows backpack which is why). As for vacation, I can put in can of oil, 1 gallon gasoline can, tools on one saddle bag and other would be drinks, phone charger, rider gears and few items which is neccessary for long trip. I do have backpack which is made for motorcycle, slip it over sissy bar and bungee tie it. I travels to campground sometime which requires me to brings enough items. If I am just riding for fun of it, I would leave can of oil and phone charger in place and rest of bags is empty. If I am riding locally and not riding "2 up" then I would remove rear seat, sissy bar and saddle bag, basically naked bike.
As for spray, I wish I can spray on glasses or any glass. Problem is that it's more of "frosty" look if sprayed on it. Not worth it. I wish they develops one that is clear and use for glass so rain can rolls off. lol. If they do, I would grab that can!!! Spray on motorcycle windshield, my biker glasses.
Spray on clothes would be better because if I get soaked wet, I would be shivering in cold wet clothes. I would just spray old shirt, good old jeans and shoes so to keep me dry and warm when I get to the place. It would be much easier not having to change clothes after riding in downpour.
Those who braved through downpour often should receive dangling steel balls and hang it under rear fender of motorcycle.
Personally, I've repaired my friend's Yamaha Vstar 1100 starter clutch and replaced starter motor. I rode it and I did not like the ride. It feels like I am sitting on high chair on little bicycle. Suzuki Volusia or Boulevard C50 (commonly called VL800) is comfortable and seat is lower than Vstar. IMHO, it looks more sexy. My bike is quick to get around even it's heavy and long bodied. Cop pulled me over and he love my bike and wrote me a warning ticket for speeding and on ticket, Make: Harley Davidson. Sheesh! Cop thought it was Harley. Other thought it was a Harley Fatboy. I had to prove them that it's Suzuki!! I did caught someone saying that guy's motorcycle made me feel like I'm riding a minibike (He is referring to my long big motorcycle made his motorcycle look like a minibike

) Seriously, Honda Shadow look damn like a minibike when I approched and lined up with big guy on little Honda Shadow at stoplight (He look like he is actually sitting on peewee bike). He looked at me and my bike, he smiled at me and I smiled back and rev up throttle quickly leaving him in dust as soon as green light lit.
I did want Kawasaki Vulcan but I fell for Suzuki because it's very customizable and can be lowered easily with longer "dogbones".