8.9 quake in Japan triggers massive tsunamis

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:roll: Nevermind. I get what you're about, even more. You can post all you want 'til you're blue in the face, you won't change my mind. Frankly, I don't care. No need for you to waste your precious $600 breath on me.

Jealousy is not a pretty color.
*head shaking*

No wonder our schools are in the toilet.

I can hardly bear to read these posts, from TEACHERS!
You seriously expect me not to Google answers on a multiple choice "college-level" quiz?

Am I better teacher if I don't Google multiple choice answers...and give kids multiple choice tests all the time? And not make the class, you know, challenging?
I don't suppose ethics, self-respect, and setting a good example crosses your mind.
like i said...if someone actually got away with cheating in my class...they almost deserve the grade. man, that was a lot of effort!
Lovely! :roll:

will *some* cheating happen? sure. you've never said to a friend, "Shit! What's the answer to number four?"

but will enough cheating happen to change a grade? not in my system.
That doesn't make it right.
there won't be any cheating in my course because I don't issue exams. I can't be fucked with it. :D
Instructors don't always get to make those choices. Their departments and accreditation organizations demand documentation.
I stand by my statement. Those classes aren't worth my respect. Now, do I like taking a couple of easy classes? Sure, if they're interesting and I learn something. But textbook classes? That's not what I want...MOST people aren't wired that way. If you're gonna give me a shitty class that's less interesting than what I teach, yeah. I'm gonna Google. If I wanted to just read a text, I could go to the library.

Or...Google it.
Flimsy rationalization.
I guarantee you my former students are doing just fine. And they learned. Without multiple guess tests. Because, you know, I actually care if they learn or not.

I've worked with two of the toughest schools in the district and I did very well. I have a high bar. Meet it or don't. It's not my problem. I don't even allow them to get Cs on an exam/paper/project. A "C" is not proficient. It's partially proficient. I give it back and won't enter a grade until its an 80 or above.

If I'm giving them multiple choice shit all the time, then I clearly don't care about them...or I just don't know how to teach.

Neither apply to me.
Wirelessly posted

It's kind of hard to cheat in an IT or engineering setting... Or anything related to mathematics. Google won't save you in those classes.

Wikipedia would just betray you in the soft science courses.
I hope our future doctors, airline pilots, structural engineers, pharmacists, and nuclear plant technicians aren't cheating on their exams. :eek3:
I hope our future doctors, airline pilots, structural engineers, pharmacists, and nuclear plant technicians aren't cheating on their exams. :eek3:

I did my friend's lit homework in high school in exchange for chemistry help. He's now a doctor.

*edit: Corrected drafts

I wrote my best friend's essays for graduate school. He's getting an MBA. He's an engineer.

*rewrote that miserable mess :( 10 freaking essays, too.

While I never did my ex (a pharmacist)'s homework as he already had a PharmD when we met, I did help him rewrite a few presentations on drug interactions for the University.

Some people have weaknesses. ;)
Were you ever told that multiple choice is how to test? Or that textbook q&a was how to teach?

Of course not! :)

Not every test a student will encounter will be an open end question or essay. Look at these benchmark exams students all over America are having to take. They spend a week or more on those gosh darned multiple choice exams!

Have you considered that perhaps a teacher's workload is so heavy that they possibly could not get every paper graded by hand on time by the district deadlines so they issue these MC tests and use these handy little things called 'scantrons' quickly grade them.

Also with this ludicrous NCLB crap teachers are no longer teaching the subject matter but are instead teaching exactly what is on the Benchmark exams in hopes their students do well or it's their skin. Forget what the subject matter really is!

I know this because my father was a biology teacher. Over the years I have noticed a big change in his material. Before he was allowed to use various experiments and assignments to teach the concepts students needed to learn. One year he had his class dissect baby pigs. In more recent times shortly before he retired, he was no longer allowed to have his class dissect animals as the state felt that the students could learn just as much via a 'virtual' dissection on the computer. Only a couple of problems, there were 30 students, one computer, and no projection screen. It was absolutely pointless. This was meant to 'enhance' the students use of technology. Well shit by this time all students had cell phones, some even had iPods. All of his students were far more familiar with a computer than my father ever would be.

The state and federal levels of 'education professionals' have placed more restrictions on the teacher in the name of 'student enrichment'.
I am a teacher...I work at least 9 hours, if not 10 hours, a day because I want to deliver the best lessons for my students so that means hours and hours of thinking of how to differieniate my lessons to make learning meaningful for my students. Yes, my class this year are very delayed but compared to where they were back in August of '10 and now, they have come in a LONG way to writing garbled sentences to one paragraphs that stay on topic. Yes, their grammar still needs some tweeking here and there.

They couldnt subtract double digit numbers without regrouping to being able to subtract numbers up to the hundred thousands with regrouping independently.

In order to achieve such progress like that, a teacher must reallllly devote so much time being creative and accodomating the objectives of the lessons.

That's why I am tired all the time.

No, I have never cheated on any tests in my life...I am a highly qualified certified teacher and I did it on my own without any cheating.

Not all teachers cheat or put so little efforts in what committed to their lives for.

All I ask is to get paid better but I guess I will have to accept that it wont happen anytime soon or maybe never.
Not every test a student will encounter will be an open end question or essay. Look at these benchmark exams students all over America are having to take. They spend a week or more on those gosh darned multiple choice exams!

Have you considered that perhaps a teacher's workload is so heavy that they possibly could not get every paper graded by hand on time by the district deadlines so they issue these MC tests and use these handy little things called 'scantrons' quickly grade them.

Also with this ludicrous NCLB crap teachers are no longer teaching the subject matter but are instead teaching exactly what is on the Benchmark exams in hopes their students do well or it's their skin. Forget what the subject matter really is!

I know this because my father was a biology teacher. Over the years I have noticed a big change in his material. Before he was allowed to use various experiments and assignments to teach the concepts students needed to learn. One year he had his class dissect baby pigs. In more recent times shortly before he retired, he was no longer allowed to have his class dissect animals as the state felt that the students could learn just as much via a 'virtual' dissection on the computer. Only a couple of problems, there were 30 students, one computer, and no projection screen. It was absolutely pointless. This was meant to 'enhance' the students use of technology. Well shit by this time all students had cell phones, some even had iPods. All of his students were far more familiar with a computer than my father ever would be.

The state and federal levels of 'education professionals' have placed more restrictions on the teacher in the name of 'student enrichment'.

I had benchmarks for Geography. Their scores went up.

Social Studies isn't tested statewide, but I guarantee if you came into my, oh, I don't know, U.S. history class and tested them on the basics of American history, they'd pass. You can't pass my class without knowing those things. You also can't pass my class unless you get THE BIGGER PICTURE. Just like I can't pass a class without producing a research paper - one that has the details AND a bigger picture.

Multiple choice is great if you want to see where they are in a unit. Or if you're doing a pre-assessment. Or if you want them to practice! My friend is a cognitive psychologist at a nearby university. He studies testing theory and memory. Multiple choice quizzes can be a great teaching tool, like a memory booster, but they make awful tests.

Teaching the test? That would be easy. If you teach right, they'll not only get "the test", but they'll have transferable knowledge. And hopefully some critical thinking skills.

*edit It takes extra time, much more than what you get paid for. But if you REALLY care, you work hard. I just can't "put my name" on a class if I knew I wasn't using proper pedagogical skills...that's just me. If I ever get burnt out, well, time to go. I actually think that learning about social studies is important. Learning English is important! So yeah, I bust my ass to make sure they can't wimp through.
Try teaching the test that will be given in English to a bunch of kids fresh from Mexico or El Salvador. They know broken English at best yet somehow the state still expects these kids to pass. That's another obstacle teachers in our district are having to contend with. At present we are 51% Hispanic in the student population, up to 20-30% of those Hispanic students are not proficient in English.
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