8.9 quake in Japan triggers massive tsunamis

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mRNA which is the 'messenger' so to speak that tells when the DNA replication should end on a strand, when this is destroyed, the 'stop codon' is missing thus DNA continues replication. The mRNA carries additional 'instructions' for replication as where proteins should be placed on the strand and when. mRNA is transcribed from a DNA blueprint. If there's an error in the blueprint or in the mRNA, things don't look good.

ahhhh so you mean via reproduction? I was thinking DNA recoding itself like a cancer cell. Hence my confusion.

So wouldn't this affect pregnant women? I can see how a child gets sick drinking Rado-Milk (and cows reproduce, duh) but in terms of physical deformities, wouldn't this be hereditary?

@TheWriteAlex: Teaching Social Studies does not require a firm background in biology. :) We covered Chernobyl in Geography class, but there was no genome mapping involved.
<headsmack> Oh, the cheating. :crazy: Hmm. Well, if I ever make it easy for someone to pass my class by cheating, then maybe they deserve the grade. You'd have to be pretty resourceful.

I donno. My college bio class was a prereq. We had these end of chapter Q&As to turn in every week...and instead of reading the book, I'd just Google the answers. Easy. Also, since I didn't have to take a lab bio to get a degree, I did human biology. *shrug* No one in there was going to be a scientist.

Mutations in DNA sequences generally occur through one of two processes:

1.DNA damage from environmental agents such as ultraviolet light (sunshine), nuclear radiation or certain chemicals
2.Mistakes that occur when a cell copies its DNA in preparation for cell division.

What Causes DNA Mutations?

More in depth information and explanation at the link.
yes...I read what Dixie said wrong. Again, I know what DNA mutations are, and I know what mRNA is, but I took what was said as...I don't know...I had a picture of these DNA cells going bonkers and attacking other cells like a virus...like HIV or cancer or something. :P Instead of a virus attacking RNA. Does that make sense? Nevermind.

*sigh* Too many science fiction movies.
I donno. My college bio class was a prereq. We had these end of chapter Q&As to turn in every week...and instead of reading the book, I'd just Google the answers. Easy. Also, since I didn't have to take a lab bio to get a degree, I did human biology. *shrug* No one in there was going to be a scientist.

I wouldn't really consider that cheating. The Internet and Google are our most efficient sources of information. Enforcing some draconian notion that we must acquire all our knowledge through outdated channels is ridiculous. Nobody listens to music on a Victrola anymore, so why should we acquire our education from physically cumbersome and restrictive books?

I'm not really sure what your attitude towards cheating is, but your "*shrug*" concerns me a bit. I don't enforce cheating in my class, and though I'm sure plenty of my students have plagiarized, I've never bothered to cross check their work. Why? Because it's about honor. And I explain that at the beginning of the semester. The only person you cheat is yourself. It makes no sense to me to enforce cheating if we're not going to uphold the moral principles that make cheating wrong, not just the practical reasons.
I wouldn't really consider that cheating. The Internet and Google are our most efficient sources of information. Enforcing some draconian notion that we must acquire all our knowledge through outdated channels is ridiculous. Nobody listens to music on a Victrola anymore, so why should we acquire our education from physically cumbersome and restrictive books?

I'm not really sure what your attitude towards cheating is, but your "*shrug*" concerns me a bit. I don't enforce cheating in my class, and though I'm sure plenty of my students have plagiarized, I've never bothered to cross check their work. Why? Because it's about honor. And I explain that at the beginning of the semester. The only person you cheat is yourself. It makes no sense to me to enforce cheating if we're not going to uphold the moral principles that make cheating wrong, not just the practical reasons.

I probably cheated on the quizzes too, if they were online. What do you expect?

My *shrug* was, if a teacher makes it so easy to cheat, then they aren't concerned about anyone learning. Fill in the blank isn't teaching. Even people who read the chapters instead of Googling probably don't remember what they learned.

If I catch a cheater, I toss their paper. I guess cheating was common last year where I was, but I just made it pretty clear that cheating = 0. Sucks for you. I don't care if you get away with it in Gemoetry!

Papers...in-class cheating...talking during an exam. All of it. In an ESL class, it's pretty easy to tell who's cheating on a paper :)

In my classroom, if you don't know the material, you can't do the work. I make sure that my students get the concepts and can prove it to me. They have to be able to transfer their knowledge. So...if a kid gets the answer, for, say, what a vocab word means, great. Participation points. I already told the class the answer. Here's a point for showing up to class. Oh, wait, you can't write an essay on this topic? FAIL.
also, if I'm in a class I don't like, then I do the least amount of work possible to get the grade. if i don't have a choice, then i do the work.

often, a little work or a lot of work can still get you the A.
Draconian. yep I have a draconian rule.

you cheat? you fail.
also, if I'm in a class I don't like, then I do the least amount of work possible to get the grade. if i don't have a choice, then i do the work.

often, a little work or a lot of work can still get you the A.

then why bother going to school? save your money and spend it on vacation.
then why bother going to school? save your money and spend it on vacation.

because sometimes you have to take crappy classes to get your degree! :dunno:

I'd rather have a class with a teacher that actually teaches the material, not spoon feeds a textbook. I've had to take classes that I didn't want to take but I really got the material because I had good professors. I had to learn. I've also had classes where it was basically "read this and respond to what you read" and "do a project at the end of the term". Yeah, those classes got about 10 per cent of my attention.

I'm not an idiot. I don't expect my students to come in to class going OH YEAH BABY! I LOVES ME SOME HISTORY CLASS! HOLLA!
because sometimes you have to take crappy classes to get your degree! :dunno:

I'd rather have a class with a teacher that actually teaches the material, not spoon feeds a textbook. I've had to take classes that I didn't want to take but I really got the material because I had good professors. I had to learn. I've also had classes where it was basically "read this and respond to what you read" and "do a project at the end of the term". Yeah, those classes got about 10 per cent of my attention.

I'm not an idiot. I don't expect my students to come in to class going OH YEAH BABY! I LOVES ME SOME HISTORY CLASS! HOLLA!

on that note, teachers who don't prepare for their subjects are dicks. i freaking love history/econ/government. i may be getting a grad degree and going into linguistics, but TEACHING IS AWESOME.

i wouldn't teach something if i didn't consider myself pretty well-read in the area. and since i can't proclaim to know everything that ever happened about history EVER, i prep & research before each new unit. teacher who are just like...'"Oh...let's just shuffle through the book and worksheets" suck.
Honestly, I'd expect a lot more out of a teacher. SMH.

Nope. She's wasting my time. Why give her mine? If I give my class an easy assignment, then who cares if they cheat?! They aren't learning anyway.

anyway, human bio was a looooooong time ago. it must've been my sophomore year of undergrad, beacuse i think my son was an infant then.

on that note, teachers who don't prepare for their subjects are dicks. i freaking love history/econ/government. i may be getting a grad degree and going into linguistics, but TEACHING IS AWESOME.

i wouldn't teach something if i didn't consider myself pretty well-read in the area. and since i can't proclaim to know everything that ever happened about history EVER, i prep & research before each new unit. teacher who are just like...'"Oh...let's just shuffle through the book and worksheets" suck.

yea I want to be a professor when I'm old fart so I can pick on students and pop their bubble. :D

my common quote would probably be - "don't be naive". there will be no textbook in my class but there will be a zero-tolerance policy.
yep especially since we're paying thousands of dollars.

You seriously expect me not to Google answers on a multiple choice "college-level" quiz?


Am I better teacher if I don't Google multiple choice answers...and give kids multiple choice tests all the time? And not make the class, you know, challenging?
You seriously expect me not to Google answers on a multiple choice "college-level" quiz?


Am I better teacher if I don't Google multiple choice answers...and give kids multiple choice tests all the time? And not make the class, you know, challenging?

I guess "you get what you pay for" applies for colleges too
yea I want to be a professor when I'm old fart so I can pick on students and pop their bubble. :D

my common quote would probably be - "don't be naive". there will be no textbook in my class but there will be a zero-tolerance policy.

like i said...if someone actually got away with cheating in my class...they almost deserve the grade. man, that was a lot of effort!

will *some* cheating happen? sure. you've never said to a friend, "Shit! What's the answer to number four?"

but will enough cheating happen to change a grade? not in my system. :birthday:
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