8.9 quake in Japan triggers massive tsunamis

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Even if you live on the east coast, this event could effect what *was* going to be your food. :mad:

*ordering dozen crates of MREs*
pointless especially in Nuclear Holocaust.

Nuclear holocaust, tsunamis and volcanoes, oh my! Anyway, I fear we all we will do is greet an awakening giant. I think this is just the beginning of worse things to come. Ach.
Nuclear holocaust, tsunamis and volcanoes, oh my! Anyway, I fear we all we will do is greet an awakening giant. I think this is just the beginning of worse things to come. Ach.

I haven't finished making my space capsule yet.
I haven't finished making my space capsule yet.

Since you live in the state just south of me, I will repeat a famous movie line from a film made there:
"Build it, and they will come."
Nuclear holocaust, tsunamis and volcanoes, oh my! Anyway, I fear we all we will do is greet an awakening giant. I think this is just the beginning of worse things to come. Ach.
Worse things are to come but we know not when. Current events are not necessarily signs of impending doom.

Not necessarily.
I miss having a basement. :(

Reba - I highly doubt it will get to the level where you will need one. If it does, send me a PM.

Planes arriving from Japan have low level radiation.
If things absolutely bottom out and get really bad, I've got about 48,000 chickens to sell for 75 cents a pound. ;)
Reba - I highly doubt it will get to the level where you will need one. If it does, send me a PM.
I wasn't thinking about the radiation. I just plain miss having a basement for the extra space. :)

They are nice to have during a tornado, that's true, too.
I wasn't thinking about the radiation. I just plain miss having a basement for the extra space. :)

They are nice to have during a tornado, that's true, too.

Oh, man. I liked your previous post as I thought you wanted to stockpile. :(
But will they still be safe to eat?:wave:

Well I am trained to identify *some* abnormalities in which the chicken would not be safe to eat. This was pseudo-training by the USDA inspectors I used to work with. I also have a number of USDA-friends that I might be able to pay to inspect these chickens, like at $1.00/per bird inspected regardless if it passes or not. Now see? Every body wins. Every one gets some cheap food, some people earn a bit of money and I can make off with a small profit. :lol:
that's the answer to my question. almost.

I'm curious: how many deaths do you think were caused by the Chernobyl explosion? I asked a couple smart guys here and they both said around a million. I dunno, man...:shock:
that's the answer to my question. almost.

Jiro the answer to your question is that the animals used for consumption was also affected by the radiation. The meat still contained dangerously high levels of radiation without the knowledge of the consumer thus many ate radiactive meat. The radiation was ingested into the body and into the blood stream where it spread to the thyroid, liver, and bones causing fuckups with the DNA. Specifically it fucked up the DNA replication process in which the cells keep replicating with no end in sight. I think on a molecular level it affected the mRNA, thus causing cancer of the liver and/or thyroid which is horrible to say the least.
Wow. That's actually scary. I thought they got it by fallout.

They did, but they forgot about the possibility of the animals also being contaminated and not fit for consumption.
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