8.9 quake in Japan triggers massive tsunamis

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the scumbags of America has a LOT to learn from the people in Japan. They should feel small themselves for looting the stores in the aftermath of Katrina. Such SHAME!

The people in New Orleans where left to dies on the streets! The government did not take care of their people! It was the government that should be shamed! Michael Brown from FEMA was a joke! You're forgetting how horrible FEMA was in getting food to people in New Orleans !
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The people in New Orleans where left to dies on the streets! The government did not take care of their people! It was the government that should be shamed! Michael Brown from FEMA was a joke! You're forgetting how horrible FEMA was in getting food to people in New Orleans !

Umm....I was there ok.....and you have it completely wrong. 1st of all If you want to blame politicians you can start with Mayor Nagin and the state for poor planning and prep. Then you can blame Governor Blanco for The whole National Guard fiasco.

But the truth is the looin' and shootin' started the very first night. I know because I sat there with 2 boats ready to go into the water but was stopped by local LEOs because it was too dangerous. I have posted this many times.....people died in New Orleans because opportunist scumbags were looting and shooting which kept people from getting to the people that needed help.

Shel is 100% correct the difference between Japan and the US is ridiculous.
I was watching CNN while working out...they were talking about how there was no looting in Japan and they posted email comments from the public. Whoa at some of the comments regarding the people who looted during Katrina. I gotta agree with all of them.

I saw the videos...amazing what water can do.

Happy Anniversary, Botts!

I was watching CNN at the gym as well. :lol: they are the opposite of chaos. They are waiting in line for hours and only taking what they need when they get there. I haven't heard but I bet price gouging is rare there too. That is never the case here.
I was watching CNN at the gym as well. :lol: they are the opposite of chaos. They are waiting in line for hours and only taking what they need when they get there. I haven't heard but I bet price gouging is rare there too. That is never the case here.

$35/hr in New Orelans for sheetrock workers... Hilarious.
Rarely.... And never paid that much but paid way too much. In the begenning there was a much lack of labor. I saw women who looked like they had never broken a sweat before picking up debris
By ERIC TALMADGE and SHINO YUASA, Associated Press – 8 mins ago
FUKUSHIMA, Japan – Japan suspended operations to prevent a stricken nuclear plant from melting down Wednesday after a surge in radiation made it too dangerous for workers to remain at the facility.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said work on dousing reactors with water was disrupted by the need to withdraw.
The level of radiation at the plant surged to 1,000 millisieverts early Wednesday before coming down to 800-600 millisieverts. Still, that was far more than the average
"So the workers cannot carry out even minimal work at the plant now," Edano said. "Because of the radiation risk, we are on standby."
Experts say exposure of around 1,000 millisieverts is enough to cause radiation sickness.
Earlier officials said 70 percent of fuel rods at one of the six reactors at the plant were significantly damaged in the aftermath of Friday's calamitous earthquake and tsunami.
News reports said 33 percent of fuel rods were also damaged at another reactor. Officials had said they would use helicopters and fire trucks to spray water in a desperate effort to prevent further radiation leaks and to cool down the reactors.
The nuclear crisis has triggered international alarm and partly overshadowed the human tragedy caused by Friday's double disaster, which pulverized Japan's northeastern coastline, killing an estimated 10,000 people.
Authorities have tried frantically since the earthquake and tsunami to avert an environmental catastrophe at the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex in northeastern Japan, 170 miles (270 kilometers) north Tokyo.
The government has ordered some 140,000 people in the vicinity to stay indoors. A little radiation was also detected in Tokyo, 150 miles (240 kilometers) to the south and triggered panic buying of food and water.
There are six reactors at the plant, and three that were operating at the time have been rocked by explosions. The one still on fire was offline at the time of the magnitude 9.0 quake, Japan's most powerful on record.
The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency estimated that 70 percent of the rods have been damaged at the No. 1 reactor.
Japan's national news agency, Kyodo, said that 33 percent of the fuel rods at the No. 2 reactor were damaged and that the cores of both reactors were believed to have partially melted.
"We don't know the nature of the damage," said Minoru Ohgoda, spokesman for the country's nuclear safety agency. "It could be either melting, or there might be some holes in them."
Meanwhile, the outer housing of the containment vessel at the No. 4 unit erupted in flames early Wednesday, said Hajimi Motujuku, a spokesman for the plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Japan's nuclear safety agency said fire and smoke could no longer be seen at Unit 4, but that it was unable to confirm that the blaze had been put out.
And this is what they are telling us.....no telling how much they are leaving out. :(
there you go. a very detailed explanation of nuclear power plant - The post-earthquake nuclear crisis: The Japan syndrome | The Economist

That particular Nuclear facility in Fukushima was designed to withstand an 8.2 earthquake. Not a 9.1 (its been upgraded again). The Richter Scale is measured in algorithms so the quake that hit was nearly a 1,000 times stronger than the engineers worst case scenario (an 8.2). Followed up with a Tsunami ... the Nuclear Facility was just not designed to withstand a natural catastrophe of that proportion. It was probably "unthinkable" at the time it was built.

Just hope for the best. It is a mess.
Evacuation, confinement and iodine help protect against nuclear fallout

About 200,000 people have already been evacuated from residential areas around Fukushima, located 250 km north of Tokyo.

Confinement is a highly effective tool pending evacuation to a safer area.

It consists of taking shelter in an enclosed space, preferably a basement room, whose doors and windows are then sealed tight with plastic sheets and adhesive tape.

"The point is to prevent radioactive dust from entering the lungs and the digestive tract," says Gourmelon.

"You take a good shower to remove any contact between the fallout and the skin, but you shouldn't scrub, because this helps particles to penetrate," he says. Nail-biting, smoking and sucking or licking one's fingers are also out.
I was watching CNN at the gym as well. :lol: they are the opposite of chaos. They are waiting in line for hours and only taking what they need when they get there. I haven't heard but I bet price gouging is rare there too. That is never the case here.

I think the relative absence of looting over there has something to do with them as a society....something about conformity, discipline, spartan living, etc
'I am praying for the nation,' Japan's Emperor Akihito tells his stricken people
http://www.hellomagazine.com/news/2...speech/japanese-earthquake/tsunami/1/]Japan's emperor Akihito tells Japan not to give up in television address - hellomagazine.com

Emperor Addresses Stricken Japan – Here's How You Can Help
http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20474039,00.html]Emperor Addresses Stricken Japan – Here's How You Can Help - Natural Disasters, Tsunami, Good Deeds : People.com

Japan's emperor in historic speech: 'Never give up hope'
http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/03/16/japan.disaster/index.html?hpt=T1]Japan's emperor in historic speech: 'Never give up hope' - CNN.com

Japan's emperor addresses nation in crisis
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011...689.shtml?tag=contentMain;contentBody]Japan's emperor addresses nation in crisis - CBS News
I think the relative absence of looting over there has something to do with them as a society....something about conformity, discipline, spartan living, etc

I think so too
One question. Just how do you pronounce Fukushima?? Hmmmm.... I'm scared to say it. Since it might come out dirty.
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