8.9 quake in Japan triggers massive tsunamis

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:hmm: Just noticed this. Is it because you think Deaf/blind don't marry? I feel like back in the mainstream.
It appears the picture poster has been gleaned from the active roster. :hmm:
But luckily yes, and it has lasted 33 years so far.
Congratulations to you and hubby!
:wave: Botti, I'm sorry I'm late, Happy Anniversary! I was touched and pleased for you as I read of the gifts from your hubby:)
no matter what, remember that you are a good and kind person and am glad your husband is there for you:)

Congratulations to you and hubby!

Thanks dogmom and saywhatkid! Just back for a few minutes to check the news.

They are now saying Japan is second only to Chernobyl and may be worse before it is all over.l :(
:wave: sure Bott!

ohhhh, I didn't know things were looking worse....
Thank You

Everything you have posted has been a logical fallacy. I am surprised you even know what a fallacy is as you have been posting nonsense about how no one should be worried.

I am a realist. It doesn't make me a nutbag. I have seen some of the worst disasters ... stuff you could never even imagine. I know what goes through people's minds when they are warned about it beforehand.

"It won't happen to me"

"Nothing to worry about"

Warning people is not fear mongering. The radiation levels are soaring ... the pacific jet stream WILL blow it across the Pacific. Fukushima has melted down. There are 4 other Nuclear Reactors in trouble. That means, we are ALL in trouble.

Please stop posting nonsense about how everything is peaches and cream. It isn't.

Then ... apologize to Bottesini, she is a very sweet person and her husband thinks so too.

Whew! Clapping..You are so correct. And Botts is the BEST! Big Smile! M♥♥
Pictures of the aftermath:

Japan earthquake and tsunami survivors in pictures of country laid waste | Mail Online

Japan tsunami and earthquake: Haunting images as 450 Britons feared missing | Mail Online

there was another explosion at Fukushima this morning - radiation can only leak if the containment vessel has been breached. The fuel rods are fused together. Everyone but a handful has been evacuated from the plant. Surrounding residents told to stay indoors. Those exposed to radiation have been quarantined.

of all those pictures - this is the one that broke my heart:


( enormouse devestation of buildings burned to the ground litter strewn everywhere and smoke filled air. Center of the picture is a lone woman sitting down and rocking back in forth in heavy weeping. Its the kind of picture that makes you want to reach out and let her know she isn't alone)
Why is there no looting in Japan?
In the wake of Japan's deadly earthquake, tsunami and nuclear power plant explosions, we have witnessed the almost indescribable chaos that follows a disaster of this magnitude: loss of life, severe injuries, homelessness, lack of water, food and proper medical care, the physical destruction of towns and cities, and a growing fear of radioactive contamination from power plants that seem beyond anyone's ability to control.

But one heart-wrenching byproduct of disasters like this one has been missing in Japan, and that’s looting and lawlessness.

Looting is something we see after almost every tragedy; for example: last year's earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, the floods in England in 2007, and of course Hurricane Katrina back in 2005. It happens when some people who've seen life as they know it get tossed out the window feel that all morality has been tossed out too. It's survival of the fittest and whatever you can get your hands on is yours, no matter who it belongs to.

But that's not happening in Japan.

Journalist and social commentator Ed West wrote in the UK Telegraph yesterday how struck he was by the Japanese culture throughout this ordeal. He observed how supermarkets cut their prices in the days following the quake and how vending machine owners were giving out free drinks as "people work together to survive." And West was most surprised by the fact that there was no looting.

Many have pointed to the popularity of Japan's distinctive Buddhist and Shinto religions as well as how the values of conformity and consensus are considered virtues in their culture. That's one explanation, but it probably has something to do with remaining true to your moral code even in the darkest hours.
Terrible about Japan... My uncle's nephew lives in Tokoyo with his wife and two children.. Guess they're not having fun either. He woke his wife up this am (on that day). He didn't want her to see it first on TV and he wanted her to know they were alright. When it hit, he was on the 14th floor at work and knew immediately what it was... he said he was scared to death and knew it was a big one.... He left his shoes under his desk, ran in his stocking feet down the 14th floors, hailed a cab and went to his children's school. The kids all had their protection helmuts on. Books were off the library shelves, pictures off the walls, etc., but the kids were alright. The school is on a hill and their home is higher so they were alright... who knows what's next... It's scary...
My thoughts and prayers are with my uncle's nephew, his family and Japanese people.
Terrible about Japan... My uncle's nephew lives in Tokoyo with his wife and two children.. Guess they're not having fun either. He woke his wife up this am (on that day). He didn't want her to see it first on TV and he wanted her to know they were alright. When it hit, he was on the 14th floor at work and knew immediately what it was... he said he was scared to death and knew it was a big one.... He left his shoes under his desk, ran in his stocking feet down the 14th floors, hailed a cab and went to his children's school. The kids all had their protection helmuts on. Books were off the library shelves, pictures off the walls, etc., but the kids were alright. The school is on a hill and their home is higher so they were alright... who knows what's next... It's scary...
My thoughts and prayers are with my uncle's nephew, his family and Japanese people.

I chat with a few friends in Japan and when I mention my worry that all six reactors will melt down, they dismiss the idea. Hmmm. I hope for the best for Japan but it sure doesn't look good.
I chat with a few friends in Japan and when I mention my worry that all six reactors will melt down, they dismiss the idea. Hmmm. I hope for the best for Japan but it sure doesn't look good.

Yes, it doesn't look good because the prime minister and other officals warned there is a danger of more leaks and ordered a wider emergency cordon, telling people within 20 miles of the Fukushima plant to stay indoors to avoid exposure that could make people sick.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Jiro said:
Why is there no looting in Japan?
In the wake of Japan's deadly earthquake, tsunami and nuclear power plant explosions, we have witnessed the almost indescribable chaos that follows a disaster of this magnitude: loss of life, severe injuries, homelessness, lack of water, food and proper medical care, the physical destruction of towns and cities, and a growing fear of radioactive contamination from power plants that seem beyond anyone's ability to control.

But one heart-wrenching byproduct of disasters like this one has been missing in Japan, and that’s looting and lawlessness.

Looting is something we see after almost every tragedy; for example: last year's earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, the floods in England in 2007, and of course Hurricane Katrina back in 2005. It happens when some people who've seen life as they know it get tossed out the window feel that all morality has been tossed out too. It's survival of the fittest and whatever you can get your hands on is yours, no matter who it belongs to.

But that's not happening in Japan.

Journalist and social commentator Ed West wrote in the UK Telegraph yesterday how struck he was by the Japanese culture throughout this ordeal. He observed how supermarkets cut their prices in the days following the quake and how vending machine owners were giving out free drinks as "people work together to survive." And West was most surprised by the fact that there was no looting.

Many have pointed to the popularity of Japan's distinctive Buddhist and Shinto religions as well as how the values of conformity and consensus are considered virtues in their culture. That's one explanation, but it probably has something to do with remaining true to your moral code even in the darkest hours.

Wow I wish it was like that here.
9.0 Richter Scale = it usually occurs once every 20 years. Originally, it was rated at 8.9... it was recently adjusted to 9.0

10.0 has never been recorded but if it did, it would be a planet-wide earthquake... which means a possible end of humanity.
I was watching CNN while working out...they were talking about how there was no looting in Japan and they posted email comments from the public. Whoa at some of the comments regarding the people who looted during Katrina. I gotta agree with all of them.

I saw the videos...amazing what water can do.

Happy Anniversary, Botts!
I was watching CNN while working out...they were talking about how there was no looting in Japan and they posted email comments from the public. Whoa at some of the comments regarding the people who looted during Katrina. I gotta agree with all of them.

I saw the videos...amazing what water can do.

Happy Anniversary, Botts!

Thanks, Shel. :)
I was watching CNN while working out...they were talking about how there was no looting in Japan and they posted email comments from the public. Whoa at some of the comments regarding the people who looted during Katrina. I gotta agree with all of them.

I saw the videos...amazing what water can do.

Happy Anniversary, Botts!

I'm impressed, too, that Japan has reported no looting. That is something everyone should emulate if disaster occurs.
I'm impressed, too, that Japan has reported no looting. That is something everyone should emulate if disaster occurs.

the scumbags of America has a LOT to learn from the people in Japan. They should feel small themselves for looting the stores in the aftermath of Katrina. Such SHAME!
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