11 reasons you should quit Facebook in 2014

To AllDeaf-- I apologize for scaring anyone about the post above. I realize I likely sent the wrong message, and that wasn't my intentions. I am a good person, and have never been in major trouble with the law. I assure you-- I am nowhere near the kind of bad person the message above seemed to indicate, but rest assured-- I'm not. Plus I wouldn't be here becauae the vast majority of those people aren't allowed Internet access, and I'm here, and I can assure you I have no interest whatsoever of getting to that level-- ever. My apology, and if I scared anyone, I'm sorry. I should have put in a better worded message than the one above, and that's my mistake.

Its ok, at least with me it is. I am pretty sure I got the intention of what you were trying to say ... it just came out a lot differently than you meant it. Just thought I should point it out is all, and allow you to clarify.

No problemo mi amigo .. carry on!!!
Wirelessly posted

shel90 said:
in 2013, I unfriended several of my coworkers at work due to some ongoing problems with some people reporting me for certain pics I have posted (they were funny memes poking fun at my career that I thought were harmless but guess not). Since then, it has been peaceful.

I do post on what I do but if it is something interesting like my trip to New Orleans. Otherwise, I post the funny stuff that happened in my life or the funny stuff my son says.
Nothing personal or private.

I learned some lessons the hard way since I was a newbir to all the social networking stuff when I first joined FB.

I cant quit FB because as a deaf person who grew up in a hearing family not knowing what everyone is saying, I can now know what my family is up to and feel more connected with them than ever.

I agree Shel. Its the same for me too.
Its ok, at least with me it is. I am pretty sure I got the intention of what you were trying to say ... it just came out a lot differently than you meant it. Just thought I should point it out is all, and allow you to clarify.

No problemo mi amigo .. carry on!!!

I know it's okay with you. I'm just trying to clear up the misunderstanding, and own up to the mistake I made (I can thank Mew for that suggestion).
:rofl: this forum is in PUBLIC that billion people reading OUR conversation. how can it be relates with FB being private. :ugh3:
For whatever reason?! I had MySpace before, until I wised up and realized the police were using it to lure predators, and I immediately quit, cause I was sick to my stomach that predators were using the site, and I didn't wanna get caught in the middle.

predators have used AllDeaf before and there was police undercover activity to catch that predator. I think that was back in 2003.
:rofl: this forum is in PUBLIC that billion people reading OUR conversation. how can it be relates with FB being private. :ugh3:

Exactly!!! I have like 230 friends, almost half of them are family the other half friends I went to school or worked with. My settings are friends only, the only people who can what I've posted us those 230 people. But anything I've posted here anyone with an Internet connection can read.
predators have used AllDeaf before and there was police undercover activity to catch that predator. I think that was back in 2003.

Yeah, and I'm not one of them. Plus, I made a mistake, and am owning up to it, which is what Mew said I should be doing.
:rofl: this forum is in PUBLIC that billion people reading OUR conversation. how can it be relates with FB being private. :ugh3:

So? I made a mistake, and I need to own up to it. I don't want to scare people off because of something I done said
Yeah, and I'm not one of them. Plus, I made a mistake, and am owning up to it, which is what Mew said I should be doing.

Just saying that AD is not immune to predators.
Just saying that AD is not immune to predators.

Yeah, I know. I just need to be careful with what I actually say, cause I might end up sending the wrong message, which is exactly what happened, and I'm learning from that mistake, and making a mental note to better proofread what I actually type before hitting "Submit".
Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone)

hoichi said:

It's not cool when you accidentally imply you're something that you're not, and scare the #$!% out of people. That's made me look at things a whole lot differently than ever before, and let me tell you-- it was a wake up call. Note to self: proofread first.
its all cool. don't read more into it then it was. really its absolutely nothing. i bet its not the first time you have been misunderstood. damn. i'm misunderstood every day.
you set it right. its all a-o-k- now man
i was first taken for a lesbian when i got on here, thus i decided to change my profile pick to something more suitable. first time in my life i've been mistook as a lesbian.
its a strange world
so there u go................
Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone)

hoichi said:
its all cool. don't read more into it then it was. really its absolutely nothing. i bet its not the first time you have been misunderstood. damn. i'm misunderstood every day.
you set it right. its all a-o-k- now man
i was first taken for a lesbian when i got on here, thus i decided to change my profile pick to something more suitable. first time in my life i've been mistook as a lesbian.
its a strange world
so there u go................

I'm hoping I set the record straight for once and all.
If you people stop over directing him and responding , he can figure it out on his own eventually.

Unless you are all so bored you enjoy it...