11 reasons you should quit Facebook in 2014

Do you remember about Ravensteve? He's pedophile.

That whole thing happened right before I became a member but I was told by old members about the situation.
Sign!! what monster here lurked....in sight an shadow.....Sign his name, the deeds!!!!! i implore you......what ghostly demon haunted the halls of all deafgast? Whos cyber blades, chased and drove him forth outward!!! ohhh whos cold still remembers
it must be known!!!! tales must be weaved, so be it
I've barely touched Assbook in the last few months, apart from to thank people for my birthday messages and send on to my best friend.

Not really a fan of the sort of fake, forced 'socializing' therein at the moment, nor that for many of my friends it's LOOK, E CARDS! LOOK, MEMES! No ideas of your own?

Anyone who counts I will text or can text me.
There are so many options out there I am sure this obvious one has been around a while.
Why does it have to be a social media site that has a public domain? If a group of family and friends want their own fully private site with their own rules and zero accessability by google and the multitudes it seems like it could be possible. I am sure the NSA and other countries intelligence operations would have a nose in it but other than that private.
Can someone pm me the tale,
(lights cigarette, draws deep, exhales, leans back)
11 more reasons to NOT sign up, in addition to the ones I already have, so close to 30 reasons as to why I should never sign up.

Between your copy of the OP and your signature, it took me a while to find this gem you wrote. Please learn to trim down what you copy when it is so long; also consider a few less lines in your signature. Most of us don't take the time to find what you are writing when we need to scroll so much.

Can someone pm me the tale,
(lights cigarette, draws deep, exhales, leans back)

Someone certainly could. It won't be me. I don't use the message feature here.

Enjoy your smoke. :smoking:
Wirelessly posted

I don't accept people who I don't know. I had some people delete me , no big deal. It's funny , some who deleted in me in the first place then ask for a friend request LOL I simply don't bother with them.

I only keep people who are my real life friends and few who I made online and known for over 10 years.

If they just want to come to my fb to be nosey. I deleted a person who did this bec of a guy RME.
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Wirelessly posted

I don't accept people who I don't know. I had some people delete me , no big deal. It's funny , some who deleted in me in the first place then ask for a friend request LOL I simply don't bother with them.

I only keep people who are my real life friends and few who I made online and known for over 10 years.

If they just want to come to my fb to be nosey. I deleted a person who did this bec of a guy RME.

Well a few months ago you added me on FB then less than a week later you deleted me ... what was that :hmm:
Wirelessly posted

ncff07 said:
Wirelessly posted

I don't accept people who I don't know. I had some people delete me , no big deal. It's funny , some who deleted in me in the first place then ask for a friend request LOL I simply don't bother with them.

I only keep people who are my real life friends and few who I made online and known for over 10 years.

If they just want to come to my fb to be nosey. I deleted a person who did this bec of a guy RME.

Well a few months ago you added me on FB then less than a week later you deleted me ... what was that :hmm:

This is not a place to discuss this. PM is better thank you