11 reasons you should quit Facebook in 2014

I was joking, fella.
There are county, state, and Federal people trolling for pedophiles all the time. They use entrapment as a matter of course. They love to use craigslist to reel in guys using teen sex fantasy. They know they cannot catch pedophiles that go after the small children that way so they work stories around underage teenage girls.
I would not be surprised if up there in marriage and Dating if Strong was an entrapment scheme.
They call them sting operations. They float a story out there and than see what they can catch. They get a surprising number of guys from all walks of life that should not be that stupid but they are. Then their names get printed up in the local papers and their lives are pretty much destroyed and they get a fine usually. At least that is what happened up here and to some young Alaskans visiting down there in the states. They have several themes to snag the male mind. The Daddy theme is one.

Oh, okay. I'll keep an eye out for that. Thanks for the heads up. I am still learning my way around, but I'm getting better, but if the cops or Feds are trying to snag people, they already know who I am, because of shall I say, certian events that I turned the tables on, and leave it at that. Point is, I'm not someone who's easily fooled.
Up here the leading newspapers have required people who post comments to stories to have Facebook accounts.
The fact that we have a corrupted Legislature with elected people who work directly and indirectly for the largest oil companies up here passing legislation giving them billions of dollars in tax breaks is a huge source of frustration to many of us Alaskans.
In quite a number of ways we get a lot of twisted reporting that should not get by without intelligent comment. Most of us love the fact that we are a small population state. We also work for the companies that are buying these politicians and working our system to get them elected. We cannot comment using our Facebook account. It is too close of an environment to expose your life to the snakepit of a corrupted government and employment arena.
F**k Facebook.
Up here the leading newspapers have required people who post comments to stories to have Facebook accounts.
The fact that we have a corrupted Legislature with elected people who work directly and indirectly for the largest oil companies up here passing legislation giving them billions of dollars in tax breaks is a huge source of frustration to many of us Alaskans.
In quite a number of ways we get a lot of twisted reporting that should not get by without intelligent comment. Most of us love the fact that we are a small population state. We also work for the companies that are buying these politicians and working our system to get them elected. We cannot comment using our Facebook account. It is too close of an environment to expose your life to the snakepit of a corrupted government and employment arena.
F**k Facebook.

You and me both. I deeply mistrust Facebook, and for good reason, and I'm happier NOT having it, and opening the world wide floodgates of being searchable. I have a Google+ profile, but I'm real strict with who I let access it.

Speaking of which, I used to have my AIM and Yahoo Messenger info on here, but I was starting to get IM's from people who didn't ID themselves, and I had to remove it. If members want to chat with me, they need to at least tell me what username I know, cause it wasn't comfortable, for security purposes, and like Google+, I'm real strict with who I let access my info.
mistrust the gov period. facebook ect ect is a diversion. its systemic. look closer.
its always been corrupt. we have never had a gov that is not corrupt.
gov --the state by its very nature is an entity for its own ends not yours. its the coldest of cold monsters.
we can do better. we don't need it. its a fossil of an idea. every gov that ha sever existed, every state that has ever lived is by the use or the threat of force. period.
thats how it works
it cant any other way
look closer, facebook isnt the issue....
Wng ... IT msg. from Sheri :)

When Facebook first came out, I saw what they were doing. I joined and unjoined faster than a speeding ASL signer. I read about the number of spyware and viruses people got from various links. I also read about the mass marketing data collection. I concluded they were at least as dangerous as Internet Explorer and a mass marketing collection agency. I saw that happening on Linked-In as well.

I've lightened up (I am here on alldeaf - that's Sheri lightening up) but am very, very careful about where I go and what I do.

This doesn't fall under the heading of "paranoia." You work in IT for 30 years and see what really goes on. But, full speed ahead for alldeaf - something I never woulda thunk... I wonder what's used for data collection here and I don't care. I don't see the insidiousness of it as I do on other sites.
Please explain a couple lines that I want to understand

mistrust the gov period. facebook ect ect is a diversion. its systemic. look closer.
its always been corrupt. we have never had a gov that is not corrupt.
gov --the state by its very nature is an entity for its own ends not yours. its the coldest of cold monsters.
we can do better. we don't need it. its a fossil of an idea. every gov that ha sever existed, every state that has ever lived is by the use or the threat of force. period.
thats how it works
it cant any other way
look closer, facebook isnt the issue....
FB is part of the whole. Yes, the government allowed it and FB wanted to get rich and the government allowed it and is, therefore, inherently corrupt.

'Splain, please:
we can do better. ... its a fossil of an idea. every gov that ha sever existed, every state that has ever lived is by the use or the threat of force.

Thanks Hochi. -- Sheri
Up here the leading newspapers have required people who post comments to stories to have Facebook accounts.
The fact that we have a corrupted Legislature with elected people who work directly and indirectly for the largest oil companies up here passing legislation giving them billions of dollars in tax breaks is a huge source of frustration to many of us Alaskans.
In quite a number of ways we get a lot of twisted reporting that should not get by without intelligent comment. Most of us love the fact that we are a small population state. We also work for the companies that are buying these politicians and working our system to get them elected. We cannot comment using our Facebook account. It is too close of an environment to expose your life to the snakepit of a corrupted government and employment arena.
F**k Facebook.
Yeah, the "Gannett Newspapers" in NY where I lived and here requires a FB account to post messages. They're tracking us and would track us anyway. I told them I don't use FB and will not, so all it means is I'm shutting down more.

Lemme take us back to more of an open reality. Pre-internet we marched. We gathered. We protested. Now we hide like lazy bums behind screens. It does nothing. But on the other hand (like at the last DNC), protesters were out there but they were herded by police on horseback (happened during 9/11 (but it was worse then) to an area far from the convention where they couldn't be seen. Keeps us clueless. Keep us in the dark. It's bad stuff out there. Glad you're being careful - as careful as can be these days.
I'm flaky when it comes to Facebook, it's not uncommon for me to get rid of it for months at a time...the only reason I mainly have it is to talk to my friends who are on the other side of the world...my real friends and I rarely write on each other's walls unless it's to share an article, we prefer to see each other in person or talk on the phone...I don't like a lot of social media very much and what it does to people, they get obsessed...
Yeah, the "Gannett Newspapers" in NY where I lived and here requires a FB account to post messages. They're tracking us and would track us anyway. I told them I don't use FB and will not, so all it means is I'm shutting down more.

Lemme take us back to more of an open reality. Pre-internet we marched. We gathered. We protested. Now we hide like lazy bums behind screens. It does nothing. But on the other hand (like at the last DNC), protesters were out there but they were herded by police on horseback (happened during 9/11 (but it was worse then) to an area far from the convention where they couldn't be seen. Keeps us clueless. Keep us in the dark. It's bad stuff out there. Glad you're being careful - as careful as can be these days.
One of the key protests of the late 20th century here in the US was when the WTO met in Seattle and Bill Clinton showed up for a parade.
There was a large protest by Americans voicing their genuine and real concerns about what the WTO was up to.
Out of nowhere comes a protest group of "Nihilists" burning cars and scattering the legitimate protesters. What a crock of bs. That was a bunch of trained operatives taking out a viable protest at a key moment in time. The US has not been the same since.
Definitely no "nihilists" since. Right there was one of several turning points that stand out like horrible beacons to the discerning eye. Who actually financed the Stand Up To Wall Street protests that actually diffused a genuine building groundswell of rage by regular Americans? Facebook is another facet of the same crystal. The enemy is smart, smart as hell and totally unscrupulous.
'Splain, please:
we can do better. ... its a fossil of an idea. every gov that ha sever existed, every state that has ever lived is by the use or the threat of force.

Thanks Hochi. -- Sheri

Well the short of it. i believe we can do better. That this current system is like another that came and went. Its days are numbered. On the ruins of it what ever it by chance it doesn't destroy on its way out, upon them we can build something better. I hold no illusions. It wont be in my lifetime. But its not about me
Yes every state has been based upon the use of force and the threat of the use of force. States argue for and maintain a monopoly of violence. I call it what it is. Im not going to entertain silly reasons people blindly tip toe too. Take a look around
The state, the coldest of cold monsters always by its nature, by its internal its drive to justify itself always gets deeper, always gets more involved in your life, always wants more. Just a little here, a little more there, its never receding. Its always expanding its powers......for its own sake not anyone else's, certainly not anyone like us.
(drags cigarette......stares into tomorrow)
This is not about the use of violence and force it is about the use of deception.
There is the real story.
the same smoke and mirrors................by any other trick, is a trick just the same
Here in lies the question. Is it bad? Deception is considered to be bad in terms traditional morality as I know it. What if deception is being practiced in a big picture way that we cannot see? For good?
There is a direction being followed and we are moving right along with it. Is it really bad? I often believe that it is but now and again I see the good side as well and it is there.
yeah its bad..you know like that nasty kind of athletes foot that wont go away. but its all over you everyplace.
yep that kinda bad
Whoa I have had that it was bad. You can apply various things on it all day long you have kill it from the inside out.

Google... I hate that Google is trying to force people to use Google for everything (blogger.com, youtube, etc.). Come on! I already had my blogger and youtube accounts LONG before Google took over and now I have to sign in using my gmail/google account? B.S.!

I've got quite some crazy privacy settings on my FB account. I've made certain posts private or restricted so only certain people see it. same with photos and such. .....

Yes, Google signed up Google+ without my permission and they forced me to use real name for Youtube, so I changed to two nickname.

Stupid Google!
predators have used AllDeaf before and there was police undercover activity to catch that predator. I think that was back in 2003.

Do you remember about Ravensteve? He's pedophile.
Yeah, I'm still able to use my youtube nickname instead of real name.

Everything seem to be merged into Google and they're making big money out of ads.

Yes, Google signed up Google+ without my permission and they forced me to use real name for Youtube, so I changed to two nickname.

Stupid Google!