11 reasons you should quit Facebook in 2014

you cant stay away from facebook. before you even create a profile, it knows...you think your signing up, its signing you up, when you resist, it knows. it acts accordingly. you cannot escape...you like i did will one sign up......
you can either jump out your window or accept the fact your gonna sign up.....
(drags cigarette.....exhales)
right now, they know who you are, where you live, about the last time (yeah that), they know what your gonna post before you post it.
(drags cigarette, exhales sips drink)
but its a neat toy to play with, it does its job, so be it, thats why i use it. and it uses me......

That last part is exactly why I stay away. I have no temptation to sign up, nor am I interested in doing so, and if I ever find a job, and the employer asks me to post (not that I know if they actually do that or not), I probably would explain to the employer that I am anti-Facebook, and that I'm no fan of it.
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heed my signs, it knows this youg man, it expects this, its a faced....you will sign up
Yeaaaah and we'd know what you were responding to, it'd be pretty obvious. You only need to quote if you're responding to someone else's comment, you don't have to quote the original post. Now everybody has to scroll through that huge post twice.

Sorry. I'll keep that in mind.
heed my signs, it knows this youg man, it expects this, its a faced....you will sign up

Nope, not happening. I have no need nor do I want to. As the article points out, I can't stay private, and I like a little bit of that, which is why I would love to tell Facebook to screw it, cause they can't let their customers have some privacy. At least I have that option on Google+.
Why? Drama issue? Simple, Don't add anyone who queen of drama or douchebag. It was not hard to do it.

I don't even have an account. I'm just speaking from my friends experience, and I've also learned things from the article.
Cant you see? google knows even more, its the bigger hungry fur ball here son, look closer.......
I'm not leaving facebook anytime soon. most of my family and friends are on FB, that's how I can easily stay in touch with everyone. I also like the games on FB as well too. FB is my friend!
Cant you see? google knows even more, its the bigger hungry fur ball here son, look closer.......

And that's why I like Google, and not Facebook. They have more stuff I can do. Facebook does not, and quite frankly, I'd much rather use Google+ than Facebook, because I have the option of keeping my posts private on Google+, while Facebook doea not have that option, and it's why I've managed to stay sane, because a friend of mine and I were talking about people being brainwashed by Facebook, and I'd like to avoid the same fate.
Google... I hate that Google is trying to force people to use Google for everything (blogger.com, youtube, etc.). Come on! I already had my blogger and youtube accounts LONG before Google took over and now I have to sign in using my gmail/google account? B.S.!

I've got quite some crazy privacy settings on my FB account. I've made certain posts private or restricted so only certain people see it. same with photos and such. .....
Brainwashed by FB?
(looks out corner of curtains)
Google... I hate that Google is trying to force people to use Google for everything (blogger.com, youtube, etc.). Come on! I already had my blogger and youtube accounts LONG before Google took over and now I have to sign in using my gmail/google account? B.S.!

I've got quite some crazy privacy settings on my FB account. I've made certain posts private or restricted so only certain people see it. same with photos and such. .....

Yeah, I'm aware of it, but I don't use many of their services... in fact I only use a few (Drive, Gmail, Google+ and YouTube), and that's about it.
And that's why I like Google, and not Facebook. They have more stuff I can do. Facebook does not, and quite frankly, I'd much rather use Google+ than Facebook, because I have the option of keeping my posts private on Google+, while Facebook doea not have that option, and it's why I've managed to stay sane, because a friend of mine and I were talking about people being brainwashed by Facebook, and I'd like to avoid the same fate.

Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone)

ambrosia said:
And that's why I like Google, and not Facebook. They have more stuff I can do. Facebook does not, and quite frankly, I'd much rather use Google+ than Facebook, because I have the option of keeping my posts private on Google+, while Facebook doea not have that option, and it's why I've managed to stay sane, because a friend of mine and I were talking about people being brainwashed by Facebook, and I'd like to avoid the same fate.


To you, maybe, but my friend tells me that people he met and friended on Facebook years ago barely recognize him today, and he's been forced to let those friends go, and search for new ones. This is why I don't do stuff like this.
people discover my rude jokes and rude outlooks...lol

caring about strangers is interesting...why not?...but you still need to figure out if they good strangers , i knew several, they are normal people, there's a few things that irks me like their views and such...but i come to realise thats the same as we do in real life family-in-the-house...sometimes we dont like sibilings but when crunch comes we do....

but yeah it is weird to have 5 to 20 real freinds then you hav3 500-1000-2000 :friends"

oh deaf community they do that alot to prove they are in deaf community , kind of sucky but yea its true.....deaf communities (and nigerian scammers) are the nosiest...
another I seem to noticed Nigers targets deafies ALOT...(not me)....when i say piss off they do, and never come back but they keep insistent on a few (known to me dfeafies as they told me), the Nigers keep crapping on about lotto, donations you name it, my susuepct is they WATCH and KNOWs the and exploits the lack of powers in English in defense...its quite sick..

but anyhow Its getting hard for me to think facebook would last longer than 10 years from now....but at same time....i worry it will stay but mobilise in extreme , more so than twitter...quite scary.....
and to add, Google+...they are going to be worse than FB...

i just plain dont give a damn....fb for social, google for search and thats it, we have a life outside internet you know...
...well. some of us...
Nope, not happening. I have no need nor do I want to. As the article points out, I can't stay private, and I like a little bit of that, which is why I would love to tell Facebook to screw it, cause they can't let their customers have some privacy. At least I have that option on Google+.

How you know that they can't let their customers have some privacy?