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  1. Handsome_Smiley

    Finally, Can see my wife and I

    Here are some updated pic of the family. Yes, for those that didn't know, we had another premie.
  2. Handsome_Smiley

    My Brother joined the Army

    Also, if you ever need to talk, just send me a pm or I can give you my AIM sn or my Yahoo sn
  3. Handsome_Smiley

    My Brother joined the Army

    Mostly, basic info in living in stress. Who deploys and doesn't also depends on the job and the unit. I have been in signal in ADA, and chemical part of area command, and they don't deploy as much. The combat jobs will deploy more then others. Also, the support will deploy as much as them as...
  4. Handsome_Smiley


    on it to if u can find me. also myspace
  5. Handsome_Smiley

    early vote for President US 2008 - R

    Wonder if the little blue pill could help you with that??? I hear ya, I think this race is going to be a race for a no-namer. Think that the "D" going to have problems and a 3rd party going to win.
  6. Handsome_Smiley

    My Brother joined the Army

    I have now been in Army for 7+ years and enjoy it. I wasn't planning on making a career, but I am. It has it's ups and downs, and depending on the job, might be deployed a lot or not. Also, after 20 years, a basic check just to do nothing but breaths is nice. If want have more to life after the...
  7. Handsome_Smiley

    does anyone have any advice on formula intolerance????

    just keep working with her doc, and if you feel like doc not doing enough, ask to see another doc just to have a 2nd opinion. Other then at, can't really do much. Can do more harm then good if u keep changing milks on the baby, that my opinion mind you.
  8. Handsome_Smiley

    Bad luck if you don't read this

    lol, seen that before and other chain mail like that
  9. Handsome_Smiley

    Jodie Foster Comes Out?

    it is like radar, but it picks up gays and lesbians, not air planes and things in the air.
  10. Handsome_Smiley

    ABC: ASL Laughs: "Who Won the Boat Race?"

    he forgot to add, right before the finish line, the drummer beat through the drum, now who wins????? *I am dead now with that comment*
  11. Handsome_Smiley

    Question about 2nd computer with internet

    None taken, don't play it yet.
  12. Handsome_Smiley

    does anyone have any advice on formula intolerance????

    How old is your baby and how much does your baby weigh??? Can also try putting oat meal or baby rice in with the milk. It will help thicken' it up and reduce the acid reflux. If baby to young for that, then you need to talk to the doc about it, or wait till your little one grows out of it.
  13. Handsome_Smiley

    date how long before engaged??

    hard to say, it has to depend on how you feel. If you want to go the next step, let him know. If you want him to bring it up, then just start talking about all your married friends, or talk about someone's wedding. That should get his gears rolling. It don't work, tell him you two need to have...
  14. Handsome_Smiley

    Returning a Car

    Well, u can return any car u buy, it just has to be within 3 days without any fines. If it is over that, then it part of repo process. It hurts ur credit if it repo-ed, and still have to pay the difference. If it is under 3 days, then they will have to either fix the problem or get ur money...
  15. Handsome_Smiley

    Question about 2nd computer with internet

    Right, multi-computers on the same line don't be affected much, unless playing on-line games, like WoW, EQ, or those type. Have some friends that have DSL lite, which is 384, running 3-5 computers at a time, and 2 of them on WOW, and it slows them down a little. They try to only have 2 on at a...
  16. Handsome_Smiley


    OH NOO, she at it again, making sure I don't embarrass her!!! lol Love ya hunny, always have and always will, till we die.
  17. Handsome_Smiley

    Asteroid Headed Toward Mars

    What you talking abt, Pluto is a transformer just waiting for a signal from all spark before he makes into Earth. Wants to make sure it here first.
  18. Handsome_Smiley

    Easy New Year Resolutions

    lol, how abt: Going to act more like a child in public around my better half To embarrass my love one at least once a day
  19. Handsome_Smiley

    What is it with those absents parents?

    i think all guys that don't want to support a kid should be in jail. Stay out of jail by sending a card, spending time with them or sending money. On the other side, there are some mothers that want to force the dad to pay just for revenge. There some fathers that support their kid and then the...
  20. Handsome_Smiley

    Feeding issues with my deaf daughter.

    Don't let doctors or anyone make you feel like you don't know anything or that you are a bad parent. Just stay on top of everything and you always know what is best for your kid. I know and my wife and I have learned with our kids. They are small and everything them selfs. My son was twice...