Question about 2nd computer with internet


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
Premium Member
Jan 13, 2004
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We have one computer in household. We want to have one or two more computers for several months since my both sons are pre-teenager and teenager - want to use computer more and more for their homeworks and chat with their friends... I hardly use computer at home than at work place that's why I haven't use home computer to chat AIM or MSN for long time... :( - I don't have MSN & AIM at work place but home... :(

Anyway, we already decided to have one more computer with internet for several months. We are still looking for pros and cons. We check with Telecom about 2nd PC last Saturday. She said that we have only one internet in PC (spitter)... and explain that we should buy LAN spitter (?? - I :dunno2: that's why I need your feedback)... for up to 4 PC with internet... but I need to do with configuration with my computer ... (???) It mean that I have to delete everything and then renew my computer with new spitter for open other computer??? A lady explained that it's disadvantage is: very slowly if we use 2 or 3 computers with internet with LAN splitter or modem???

I would love to hear your feedback to cons/pros about internet for second or more computer in household... My son told me that use wire or cable is better than LAN splitter or modem for up to 4 PC in household?

Excuse me, I am tooooo stupid how to set the computer... and how to set 2nd PC... :giggle:
Is a "splitter" the same as a router? You should be able to connect thru a router, no problem, not expensive.
Is a "splitter" the same as a router? You should be able to connect thru a router, no problem, not expensive.

Router? I went google to get the picture... Yes, that's what I am talking about...

Sorry to confuse you with German language... I thought splitter or modum is a English language...

No problem? I know that you have 2 PC... Right? Do you need to configuration your computer for 2nd PC? How internet speedy is? A lady told me that internet speedy is very slowly when I use router to open other computer in household. ?
Router? I went google to get the picture... Yes, that's what I am talking about...

Sorry to confuse you with German language... I thought splitter or modum is a English language...

No problem? I know that you have 2 PC... Right? Do you need to configuration your computer for 2nd PC? How internet speedy is? A lady told me that internet speedy is very slowly when I use router to open other computer in household. ?

If you add a router to your internet connection, the internet speed from provider will stay the same. However, since you will be sharing internet for 2 PC, it will slow down if using both PC at same time. If you have high speed internet, You shouldn't notice any different.
Router? I went google to get the picture... Yes, that's what I am talking about...

Sorry to confuse you with German language... I thought splitter or modum is a English language...
The router does perform a "splitting" function, so you are on the right track. :) The router takes one modem and "splits" it into several other connections for more computers, VPs, or other equipment.

No problem? I know that you have 2 PC... Right?
I have two desk top computers (one PC, one Mac) connected to the same router, and one laptop computer connected by wireless to the router. I've also connected routers and multiple computers for my friends and relatives. It wasn't too hard. You just have to be careful to follow the directions in the right sequence. Many of the techie AD members here can guide you thru the process if you have problems.

Do you need to configuration your computer for 2nd PC? How internet speedy is? A lady told me that internet speedy is very slowly when I use router to open other computer in household. ?
If you run more computers at the same time, they can slow down a bit but usually it's not a big deal.

There's very little "configuring" to do unless you want to create a network with your computers. That's a little more involved but not too bad. You might want to consider setting up your computers as a network. That way you can share files and peripheral equipment such as printers and scanners.
...We check with Telecom about 2nd PC last Saturday. She said that we have only one internet in PC (spitter)... and explain that we should buy LAN spitter (?? - I :dunno2: that's why I need your feedback)... for up to 4 PC with internet... but I need to do with configuration with my computer ... (???) It mean that I have to delete everything and then renew my computer with new spitter for open other computer???
No, you don't have to delete everything.

... My son told me that use wire or cable is better than LAN splitter or modem for up to 4 PC in household?
Connecting by cable is more secure. Wireless is more convenient. It depends on how you want to set up. I use both ways, and I've set up both ways and combinations for other people. It just depends on your preference. Either way, connecting by cable or wireless, you still need to use a router. If you want wireless, you need to buy a wireless router. The wireless router can be used for both wireless and cable.

If you use wireless, set up password protection.

Do you have VP relay service?
For more than 2 computers, best to have high speed internet, which you might can avoid slowness or upgrade to a bigger plan of your internet, which would be more better than you can face the slow internet.

Like the others in this thread suggested about a router, that is "spitter" modem, where you can plug in more than one internet cable to other computers, like for example, I have 4 computers at home, all connected to the routher and all internet are 3 times faster now, which we have replaced with a new modem and upgraded to ADSL 2 which is the fastest internet broadband we have in Australia. Having high speed internet is the best thing after having experienced dial up internet :ugh3:
Thank you very much for feedback. I appreciate it very much...

@ Secretblend,

Yes that's what I thought so. Internet speedy would go slow down if we use 2 computer on the same time like search google, forums, etc. but what about AIM or MSN online chat?

Yes I have DSL connection. I will find out more which better advantage if we use PC on the same time... DSL ?


Yes, I would like to have techie ADers to guide me how to do with computer. I will ask for more feedback if I has the problem to configuring my computer to connect other PC.

No, I don't have any VP but phone/fax machine, 3-in-one machine (scanner, printer & copy).

Thank you very much for advice. I will be back for more posts if I have any questions.
For more than 2 computers, best to have high speed internet, which you might can avoid slowness or upgrade to a bigger plan of your internet, which would be more better than you can face the slow internet.

Like the others in this thread suggested about a router, that is "spitter" modem, where you can plug in more than one internet cable to other computers, like for example, I have 4 computers at home, all connected to the routher and all internet are 3 times faster now, which we have replaced with a new modem and upgraded to ADSL 2 which is the fastest internet broadband we have in Australia. Having high speed internet is the best thing after having experienced dial up internet :ugh3:

I have DSL connection, not dial up internet.

Yes I heard about broadband but I don't know either we have broadband here in Germany... DSL connection is very common here in Germany.

Thank you very much for advice/information... I will be back for any further question.
Thank you very much for feedback. I appreciate it very much...

@ Secretblend,

Yes that's what I thought so. Internet speedy would go slow down if we use 2 computer on the same time like search google, forums, etc. but what about AIM or MSN online chat?

Keep in mind, the speed change won't be noticable by average person using computer. It will only be noticable if downloading large files. Normal web surfing or looking up information won't affect speed enough to notice that it'll slow down a little. Aim and MSN don't use much so you won't even notice it.
I have DSL connection, not dial up internet.

Yes I heard about broadband but I don't know either we have broadband here in Germany... DSL connection is very common here in Germany.

Thank you very much for advice/information... I will be back for any further question.

I am not sure if DSL connection is broadband, correct me If I am wrong, Ad'ers.
Right, multi-computers on the same line don't be affected much, unless playing on-line games, like WoW, EQ, or those type. Have some friends that have DSL lite, which is 384, running 3-5 computers at a time, and 2 of them on WOW, and it slows them down a little. They try to only have 2 on at a time with WOW, but will run 4 on WOW
DSL, cable and satellite internet are part of broadband.


Right, multi-computers on the same line don't be affected much, unless playing on-line games, like WoW, EQ, or those type. Have some friends that have DSL lite, which is 384, running 3-5 computers at a time, and 2 of them on WOW, and it slows them down a little. They try to only have 2 on at a time with WOW, but will run 4 on WOW

No Offense, Handsome_smiley -- I hate WOW. :(

I have two computers, VP, and xbox360 are same time one internet providers.. goes into router of 4... Everything went smooth..

Advise you buy d-link router. Which it really great!
You can have two computers plug into router.

Master(internet providers) plug into router, IN and out-->your computer...
out-->another 2nd computer
Smoothly runs no glitches!

I now have three desktop computers and one laptop running off one router. I'm "cleaning up" an old PC to give away, so I've connected it to the internet to make sure everything works.

The router handles all the computers fine. :)
I have 2 computer, 1 wireless laptop and Vp100 (old isn't it Eh!!) connected to wireless router (it have 4 ethernet ports behind it for plugging in but only three plugged in). Remind you that router autoconfigures once you plug in ethernet jack behind the router. Be sure that don't plug computer to "WAN" port (happened to one of my friend who are technicial noob). WAN port should be plugged to cable or DSL modem. other ports which have number (1 to 4) should be plugged to computer's ethernet (it make no difference if you plug two or three jacks to #1-4). IF your son have wireless laptop, you should invest Wireless router so ur son can connect it without rigging wires across the room.

The only problem IF you are using webcam videochat software such as Netmeeting, Sorenson Envision SL and few other software that would not receive calls cuz of gateway not configured (it's technicial issue). BUT if you use software, it'll automatically configures gateway just like AIM or MSN.

Got 2nd computer!!!!!!!!

I got my PC back after re-install due Malware virus last saturday and bought windows vista computer and wireless high speed router for both sons on that same store last Saturday. It's cool!!!!!!

My oldest son install the new PC to internet connect with new router with the help from his friend...

After that, we tried with internet connection on 2 computers on the same time to see if speed goes slow or not... I would say that speed is high than we use one computer before... :eek3:

I said to my sons that I want window vista for me & my hubby and my old window PX for them... My both sons said.. :nono: :| Well, my hubby & I are happy with our old one... :D
