Bad luck if you don't read this

:lol: he's right ya know, I hate those forwarded scam emails Urgh.
Cute.. I have seen something similar to this. But not on a soap box. LOL.

I hate forward mails, and I usually delete any forward and spam mails right on the spot.
*forwarding this link to my gullible chain-mail-forwarding friends*

Problem solved!

Oh, wait... I forwarded this. This makes me like them! Argh!

Seriously, I do think it gets out of hand... but I haven't really had this problem in years ever since I embarrassed some of my friends who did this to me. ;)
VamPyroX;901231 . . . I haven't really had this problem in years ever since I embarrassed some of my friends who did this to me.[/QUOTE said:
What's your method? Two friends of a friend are becoming obnoxious with their "send this on" e-mails. It's time to go to guns.
:giggle: cute one...

Don't we get tired of it...don't anyone notice that those emails will always come back to you in a will always come back to haunt ya all...

When a person send me like say, eleven emails, all about forwarding or get bad lucks. I do it back....same thing, eleven times to that person for eleven emails. Now you will do the math, how many will that person recieve, eleven of each eleven emails...That person say what the heck, and will ask me why I do that, I say STOP SENDING ME ANNOYING EMAILS lol.....:giggle:
What's your method? Two friends of a friend are becoming obnoxious with their "send this on" e-mails. It's time to go to guns.
Here's one example...

During the spring of 2000, a friend sent me email telling me that someone named Madalyn O'Hair was trying to get Seventh Heaven canceled from television because it was a religious show. It was a chain email that was passed on and on through hundreds of people and you could see who the email was forwarded to. She didn't even use the BCC trick.

Anyway, Madalyn disappeared and died five years earlier... so this attempt to cancel Seventh Heaven was impossible. There was even a Snopes article debunking this rumor.

What did I do? I clicked "Reply All" and then explained why it was a hoax. I even included the URL to the Snopes article. A few others got my email and replied angrily that they got the chain email from her. She got embarrassed about it and never did it again. ;)
What did I do? I clicked "Reply All" and then explained why it was a hoax. I even included the URL to the Snopes article.

Thanks, VPX. I got one this morning. The sender is all excited and irate because "In God We Trust" is said to be left off the new presidential coins. The forwarded letter demands we all refuse to accept them in protest.

I have one of the coins and saw "In God We Trust" and other words enscribed on the edge.

Snopes also says the letter is a hoax, so I'm giving your solution a try, VPX.
Thanks, VPX. I got one this morning. The sender is all excited and irate because "In God We Trust" is said to be left off the new presidential coins. The forwarded letter demands we all refuse to accept them in protest.

I have one of the coins and saw "In God We Trust" and other words enscribed on the edge.

Snopes also says the letter is a hoax, so I'm giving your solution a try, VPX.
Let me know what happens. ;)