I agree. I hope we can do better.Rudy G for president? please not him.
Have you seen him with Chuck Norris? It's a great commercial. :PI think I like Huckabee at this point.
I found out that Huckabee only believes in Adam and Eve. He does not believe in evolutions. That's pretty odd, but interesting.
I found out that Huckabee only believes in Adam and Eve. He does not believe in evolutions. That's pretty odd, but interesting.
Well, as someone I know online said, I've got electile dysfunction, meaning I'm not aroused by anyone running for the Presidency from either party! Lol...
Looks like McCain won Florida, and Giuliana is going to quit and give his support to McCain.
Looks like McCain won Florida, and Giuliana is going to quit and give his support to McCain.
McCain is not a Southern Baptist preacher. Huckabee is a Southern Baptist preacher.I think Huckabee is most likely candidate to get it since Guilliani stepped down. I would have voted Guilliani because of the way he handled things in New York but as far as republicans go I say Huckabee next. McCain is a no because of the Southern Baptist preacher thing for me. I was raised Southern baptist and I don't trust many because of it. and the other candidates I don't know anything about.