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  1. E

    Do you have acne issue?

    I never suffered from acne but I do notice a difference in my skin if I don't drink much water, or if I drink a lot of other drinks instead. I suggest drinking a lot more water and cut down on sugary drinks.
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    health risks

    Deafness itself does not increase the risk of other serious illnesses. However, as pointed out, if someone has a syndrome, then it's possible that they may be subject to other health problems and risks. However, in this context, I'd separate that from deafness as there's not a direct connection.
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    Member turning straight?

    It is not uncommon. I guess most people made the false assumption that she's a lesbian when she may really be bisexual. Just because a female may have been dating another female for 10 years, it doesn't automatically mean that they're pure lesbian. They could still be bi. At the end of the...
  4. E

    Member turning straight?

    You don't just "become straight". She is probably bisexual but may not have admitted it. She may also have a preference which may cause her to swing one way. As we all know, our preferences can change over time. I guess this can result in people being confused over their sexuality. However, I'd...
  5. E

    How being deaf can enhance sight

    Apparently deaf people only have "better" vision because they pay more attention with their eyes and know how to make better use of them. However, if you spend all day on AD, I doubt you will have better vision! You shouldn't do that, it's extremely dangerous. Here in the UK, it's also illegal.
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    Like the previous two students I need to interview three people with hearing aids.

    Sometimes this forum makes me feel like I'm Exhibit A...
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    Friends hearing/deaf

    Yes. Mine beeps when the battery is getting low. Problem is, it beeps about 5 minutes before it decides to die! How helpful! I find it very difficult to adapt to changes in my hearing. Without my HA, I tend to try and guess what people say and answer as I see fit. Often, I answer a totally...
  8. E

    Taken Girls = No male friends?

    I'm not sure the online world counts. The internet is a barrier, and a fairly big one at that. Sure, I'm not doubting the fact that it's used to form real friendships. But more often than not, people are often some distance away and that's enough to give people a sense of security. (even though...
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    Going into IT

    Software development (programming) can be difficult to get into. If you're serious about it, you should ideally be qualified to degree level. I have a friend who used to work for Blizzard Entertainment and he said "to be hired by the big boys as a programmer, you need to be top notch." If you...
  10. E

    Taken Girls = No male friends?

    Firstly, sorry for the vague topic title! There's something I've been wondering about recently. It seems that many* females don't have male friends while they're in a relationship. For example, I've lost touch with many female friends shortly after they've entered a relationship with someone...
  11. E

    If you wear a hearing aid and want to help please read... thanks!

    This forum usually doesn't like people coming here to ask people to complete surveys. But I will fill it out anyway. 1. How long have you worn your hearing aids? 20 years. 2. For how long before you got your hearing aids did you suspect you had a hearing loss? Don't know. I was too...
  12. E

    Hearing Aid Charms

    Interesting but I wouldn't buy them because I don't like attention to be drawn to the fact that I wear a HA. + I'm not sure if they'd cause a problem with mini-BTE's. /
  13. E

    How do you like to socialise?

    Hi there, Out of interest, how do you like to socialise? Please vote in the poll. (Please don't vote if you're not deaf or HoH.) I am moderately HoH and I'm unable to identify the direction of sound. As a result, I have communication preferences because of it. For instance, I hate socialising...
  14. E

    Linux or Window Server/Host

    Old thread I see, but I would also say Linux due to its affordability, efficiency, security and compatibility. There's a reason why Linux accounts for the vast majority of the web hosting servers out there and it has to be pointed out that it was all done with next to no marketing! That says a...
  15. E

    Who agrees with me waking up early and sleeping early is good? HELL NO!

    I'm a night owl. I much prefer the night. It's more relaxed imo. Here in the UK, the sky is a miserable grey throughout much of the year. Obviously during the night, you can't see the miserable sky. They say that the weather has a great effect on one's mood. So I guess that explains why I'm...
  16. E

    Choosing Not To Speak

    I have a theory about this and despite the fact that I've lived with my condition for my entire life, it's something that I've only just realised. People tend to take the easiest route in life unless they have no choice. For example, if you can't walk very well, you're probably unlikely to...
  17. E

    Deaf Police Officer

    Hmm, this topic is two years old but I guess there's no reason for it to stay in the graveyard. Being a cop is one of my career dreams. I've yet to find an answer for a very big question though; How do deaf people cope with the demands of being a front line police officer? I am HoH (not even...
  18. E

    Different brand of tires

    Viscous coupling unit Viscous coupling unit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Different brand of tires

    That rule doesn't always apply, it depends on the vehicle. For instance, on my car, new tyres need to go on the back, otherwise it will mess up the VCU. (Part of the four wheel drive system)
  20. E

    Question about facebook and friend died?

    No, Facebook have procedures for handling cases like this. They can and do close accounts belonging to those who are deceased. However, I'm not sure on the exact procedure. I'm guessing that someone has to request for it, but whether or not they need to be a close relative, I don't know...