health risks


New Member
Oct 12, 2010
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Are deaf or hoh people at risk for certain diseases or illness?
What kind of a question is that. We are human just like hearing people, therefore, we could have the same risks that they would have.
Yes, deaf or HOH are more likely to grow horns and have glow in the dark eyes if we arent careful. :)
Are deaf or hoh people at risk for certain diseases or illness?

Some are depending on what caused the hearing loss. Usher's syndrome is one that comes immediately to mind, but there are many others.

You should be able to research this through Google for various syndromes of which hearing loss is one feature.
Deafness itself does not increase the risk of other serious illnesses. However, as pointed out, if someone has a syndrome, then it's possible that they may be subject to other health problems and risks. However, in this context, I'd separate that from deafness as there's not a direct connection.

As you can see from my picture I became infected after getting a CI. My body did not want to become hearing