Who agrees with me waking up early and sleeping early is good? HELL NO!

It would be great if there were more jobs that allows flexible hours. I find that when I work in labs or have some internship that uses programming, I could work very very late and wake up late as well and work at any time and anywhere. :)

sooooo lucky
I am defininitly not a morning person.
I'm one of those rare people that can wake up and not need anything to help me "wake up" like coffee. Once I am awake (5am) I am "rip-roaring and raring to go". I generally get my exercises done (no family to laugh at me), dishwasher emptied, and breakfast table set. Then I sit down and read and do my Bible Study. Mother and son get up at 8, daughter at noon and MIL at noon or 1pm.
I'm a night owl. I much prefer the night. It's more relaxed imo. Here in the UK, the sky is a miserable grey throughout much of the year. Obviously during the night, you can't see the miserable sky. They say that the weather has a great effect on one's mood. So I guess that explains why I'm happier at night!

If I was the prime minister, I'd have the country sleeping during the day, and awake at night. :P
For nine months I had to wake up at 5am to go to work and my boss would complain that I was too slow in the morning, then when I finally woke up, he complained I was too fast >.> Either way, morning just doesn't cut it for me. I can set my body to wake up early if I want to but I get so bored if I wake up early on my free days :/ Besides...the nights brings the fun and that's when everyone goes out. Sleeping early means you'll miss the fun. :)