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  1. J

    I need help with getting some information

    Why are we doing your homework
  2. J

    request list of current working vrs possible?

    I like sorenson interps n easy use of ntouch on my ipad hope they stay alive
  3. J

    The service dog battle continues

    More important nowadays with war veterans with pstd to be respectful of their service dogs I see more and more of those
  4. J

    hate the car - what to do? bank loaned

    I want lifted jeep wagoneer! Whoo that's one of dream car
  5. J

    hate the car - what to do? bank loaned

    Old school best. 2x4 cuz city not need 4x4 but regret it alot. But 2x4 sell out faster cuz less gas sippers vs 4x4 models in city that why
  6. J

    hate the car - what to do? bank loaned

    your right not lose my head, aint worth it. I miss my chevy! Maybe I'll just get the same year same model SUV and feed it gas everyday like a gas piggy the old one was and wash my hands alltogether of Jeeps in general- agreed they're rust buckets. Oh boy.
  7. J

    3 of my new angelfish

    hows the angelfish doing btw? everytime I had an angelfish they would pair off and chase the odd one around the tank and breed like crazy. cichlids are little bit aggressive (south american mild compared to their african cousins) you can have other fish certain kinds are great with angels in...
  8. J

    3 of my new angelfish

    you must have been thinking of clown loaches. Thats my future fish tank a monster tank 500 gallons full of clown loaches, sand and driftwood... oh my. freshwater beauties!
  9. J

    VRI vs LIVE interpreter

    :roll: for a person with ADHD it does suck. I cannot focus on TV screen you think someone with my issue will pay attention to VRI interpreter? they quit trying with me and gave me real interpreter because of what I am like trying to bounce back and forth its hard for me. Its okay for normal...
  10. J

    When traveling, what have you seen that was odd?

    once there was a weird stuffed animal sticking out of a RV older model few years back that looked too real for an dog or a cat to be stuck on window and flap back n forth in the wind out of that window. it looked too creepy and weird stuck with me thru the years for some weirdo reason other...
  11. J

    hate the car - what to do? bank loaned

    :ty: youre right, dislike..... i dont wanna jinx the car any further than its already been jinxed. Calvin- the car dealers around Chicago want to be ahead in the profit market. They actually wanted me to take out double the loan of what the car is worth and then said will reduce once...
  12. J

    hate the car - what to do? bank loaned

    OKay heres the situation. HATE MY CAR. ITS POS! worst SUV i've ever owned. its a JEEP- wrangler its a 2x4 and drives like crap. Already RUST on it and its only a 2010 I owe 7k left on it, its worth 10k private party value with 90k miles now Hate the car with passion, i've put all of my...
  13. J

    What are you doing right now?

    trying to get motivated to do some spring cleaning. Hook up the tv and maybe watch season 3 of game of the thrones to keep me going!
  14. J

    Just The Beer Fact's..

    Cool info
  15. J

    A female officer arrests a drunk. She warns him,

    :giggle: thats one smart drunk
  16. J

    You got a beef about something let us know about it someone might help you.

    I'm already on allergy med :giggle: Mew might be right I gotta ask the doc to switch my sleep drugs up every month if Mew's suggestion work I'll be grateful!
  17. J

    If you had a dream job, what would it be?

    Being a god. Just kidding Cop if I wasnt deaf I would have loved that job
  18. J

    Would you want cash or credit?

    Cash fo sho. Cash is more flexible
  19. J

    What is the deal on year cap?

    Maybe because itll be vintage n beyond ?
  20. J

    Otosclerosis is my final diagnosis

    Think derek asked that ? Because most insurance companies wont pay for hearing aids The messed up part is they rather pay for the ci