I had been originally diagnosed with it by an ENT. Then like a year later I had to get aids, at first it was just my left ear, when it started going in my right it was unavoidable. I had lost so much during that year that they were afraid I might have a tumor so they had me get an MRI. Nothing, then they sent me to a specialist in Boston and he had me get a CTscan, that's when I got diagnosed with otosclerosis and cochlear otosclerosis.
Was it just your audi or did you at least get this from an ENT? There's tests they can do for it, measures how your ears adjust to pressure changes, that's a symptom of it but I don't know if its enough fir a diagnosis.
It's hereditary, and prevalent in women, is there anyone else that started losing their hearing in your family. Somewhere between ages 20 and 40? My mother and aunt have it, both have gotten stapedectomies. I started losing mine before my mother though. Started when I was 20. I'm 39 now, and just got to profound in my good ear I don't know like 2-3 years ago. So it takes awhile.