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  1. Ziusudra

    New to the community.

    Welcome to the AllDeaf Forum! Hope you enjoy it here.
  2. Ziusudra

    Who got snow already?

    Since I live in Australia, there's no snow at Christmas time :( But I went to England a few times over Christmas and it still didn't snow! We'll most likely have a hot, sweltering Christmas Day.
  3. Ziusudra

    What is your favorite animated christmas TV special as a child?

    I don't think I watched any of those, except maybe Scrooge... not sure why I didn't watch them, most likely because they weren't subtitled, and I found cartoons very hard to understand.
  4. Ziusudra

    What time maximum should AOFrozen City database execute?

    I don't think it matters that much, as fast as it can is good.
  5. Ziusudra

    If you had a choice to pick a time you like to be born in and why?

    I think the era of the Gold Rush in Australia in about the 1880s. The first convict fleet and the Eureka age were very interesting to me. I would also love to know more about England in the early years, where they all wore long dresses and a hat. Very interesting.
  6. Ziusudra

    Researchers consider chances of life on Mars

    Ooh, if it's true, then there's a big possibility we could live on Mars some day. That would be interesting, I wonder what other planets had a possibility of life.
  7. Ziusudra

    Anyone want to have a pet clone?!?

    I don't really think cloning is a good idea. It is best for the person whose pet died to come to terms with their death and accept their death as eventual, or else it'll end up like that movie, err... Minority Report or some cloning movie.
  8. Ziusudra

    Would you own a monkey?

    Yikes, I hadn't even had a chance to post the poll! But yeah, there ya go.
  9. Ziusudra

    Would you own a monkey?

    I might, depends on how house-trained it is, and if it was a 'helper' monkey :P Seriously though, it would be cute if they were on me all day. Well, the soft toy monekys are like that.
  10. Ziusudra

    IRC Chatroom 'tutorial'

    I actually have Classic OS 9.2.2 and don't have OS X yet, so I can't have Firefox.
  11. Ziusudra

    What is the worst and best TV Shows

    The best - Simpsons Futurama Farscape Stargate SG-1 Friends Seinfeld The worst - All Reality TV shows Most Drama TV
  12. Ziusudra

    What is the best science fiction/fantasy movie ever?

    The Dark Crystal, I really liked. I saw it for the first time ever last year and enjoyed it. The Labyrinth wasn't bad, but I liked the Dark Crystal more. The Never-Ending Story and Flight of the Navigator are my favourite fantasy movies as well as the Princess Bride.
  13. Ziusudra

    Milk And Cancer

    I drink soymilk, and I mix it with soy chocolate protein, which does make it taste chocolatey, like an iced chocolate. I only drink soy milk these days, and soy actually helps to prevent cancer. It depends on the brand of soy milk you get, and unfortunately, they don't seem to make soy powdered...
  14. Ziusudra


    Welcome to AllDeaf! I've never had a ferret, but my boyfriend did, and I wouldn't mind owning one of them some day... are they as cute as they look on TV? I like your avatar btw, looks very nice. :)
  15. Ziusudra

    What is the best science fiction/fantasy movie ever?

    Best plot. Definitely the best plot. It's the story that matters the most, although special effects help.
  16. Ziusudra

    IRC Chatroom 'tutorial'

    Lol, I use a mac myself, that's why I asked. I can make a new thread for a tutorial for macs, and I also use X-Chat on the PC. But I'm not very good with tutorials. And btw, OSX macs aren't that user-friendly.
  17. Ziusudra

    What is the best science fiction/fantasy movie ever?

    I've got so many favourites, I simply can't decide. There are so many classics out there, the Star Trek movies, Contact, E.T., Aliens and so much more. What do you think is the best?
  18. Ziusudra

    IRC Chatroom 'tutorial'

    What about a tutorial for some alternative IRC programs such as X-Chat? And for the Mac platform, Snak and ircle?
  19. Ziusudra

    Anyone like Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban?

    I love both, LOTR and Harry Potter. The third book is definitely my favourite still! The movie rocked, and I loved the director's work in it. Really gave Harry Potter a lift.
  20. Ziusudra

    What's so great about Firefox?

    I use Internet Explorer on the PC/Mac and I also use Opera for both. I still see no reason why I should download Firefox, because Opera pretty much has all the features it has and more. It's just a lot of hype around Firefox.