

New Member
Dec 4, 2004
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I'm a newbie. I live in Boston, MA, where I'm studying theatre for an MFA. I'm here because I have long had an interest in learning ASL. Unfortunately, my blasted "entertainment person" schedule has foiled my attempts to sign up for classes, and I don't know anyone to teach me. So, for the meanwhile, I hope you won't mind if I visit here.

As for who I am . . . I'm 24. I grew up in rural Virginia, near Roanoke, and I fled north for college. I (of course) majored in theatre, then moved to New York City. I worked as a production assistant on several shows, and was at Roundabout when they were preparing to produce Big River. I desperately wanted to work on it, too . . . but was too shy to ask. Oh well. I'm fond of reading, and own a ferret. I've only been in grad school in Boston for a few months, so I'm still looking to meet people.

Anyone here from Boston? who also loves theatre?

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demoiselle, welcome to AD! Hope you will enjoy staying around here! I always want to have a ferret whole of my life... but I couldn't. I cannot afford to have more responsibility, not while in university :(
Lily (my ferret) is very easy to care for! She sleeps all day when I'm not around, and has a truly lovely personality. I had her in college with no problem.
Welcome to AllDeaf! I've never had a ferret, but my boyfriend did, and I wouldn't mind owning one of them some day... are they as cute as they look on TV? I like your avatar btw, looks very nice. :)
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf demoiselle! Alldeaf is 'open' to anyone who wishes to 'connect' to others within the Deaf community, make your yourself at home in for theatre, long ago, I had a genuine interest in 'acting', but never found the time or the direction to get into for being 'shy', next time, boldly step forward no matter if anyone might berate you, at least you can walk away knowing you had tried! Anyhow, enjoy reading and posting in here and hope your stay will be a rewarding experience for you...! :)
Welcome to AD!

I love theatre but unfortunately they are not always interpreted. Even if interpreted, they dont always get the concepts of the plays correctly.

Good luck with your studies :)
welcome to

I love theatre.. current i am taken course for theatre in NTID/RIT in rochester ny...
panda manda said:
welcome to

I love theatre.. current i am taken course for theatre in NTID/RIT in rochester ny...

Thank you!

What kind of course is it? What are you studying? I'm just curious - especially since I am TAing now. I'm always looking for ideas.