Following up the debate about clone in my topic, 'Clone Sexual Therapy', I asked one of my classmates who spend many and many hours on clone technology than I do (I am more of interested in nanotechnology than I do for clone technology). She showed me this link: and see for yourself. Allow me to quote:
Seriously, that is the beginning of the age of cloning. So what do you think..? If your pet get killed from natural accidents, will you clone yours?
So.. your old dog died from car accident? Clone it and have your old dog back! The glory is here! [/sarcasm]Genetic Savings & Clone enriches the lives of pet lovers through superior cloning technologies. Cat cloning available today; dog cloning available in 2005.
Seriously, that is the beginning of the age of cloning. So what do you think..? If your pet get killed from natural accidents, will you clone yours?