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  1. illustrator

    How many siblings do you have?

    I have... 8 sisters. 6 brothers. 9 of them are adopted. = 2 of them are India. 3 of them are South Korea. 3 of them are Hispanic = 3 of them are hearing impaired. 1 of them is in wheelchair. I am 7th sibling - the middle.
  2. illustrator

    Woman gives birth to own grandchildren

    It seem not given more specfic. Maybe it's son-in-law or... I don't know!
  3. illustrator

    Being Adopted, Would You....

    I am adopted. I don't look for my real parents. I am much happy with my american family. They are wonderful, full of love and raise me well.
  4. illustrator

    Holy crap Reagan's ....

    Drop Andrew Jackson? Forget it. He one of great America warrior.
  5. illustrator

    "Kill Bill" continues...

    I hear "Kill Bill Vol 3" is about kill Bill Gates. :mrgreen:
  6. illustrator

    XP vs OS X

    there are only two OS (Windows and Mac). Must be include Adobe's famous programers :mrgreen: Therefore, I hate Window so much as it waste my time than I spent on Mac which is wonderful and save my butt.
  7. illustrator

    J.Lo preggers......

    remember :mrgreen: like bbnt said after I post about non-marriage dad-do.
  8. illustrator

    Do not stay at Comfort Inn!

    I stayed at Comfort Inn in Indianapolis for deaf expo. No problem. It's very nice place include free wi-fi. Couldn't be happy. :)
  9. illustrator

    Job Seeking

    I have been laid off before. Lucky, I had good friend who hired me as soon as possible.
  10. illustrator

    Oh boy.. its about Ebay thing

    dang, no wonder, that seller manager to get more buyers to bid on it. I am jealous! I got an idea! That way I could help my friend to sell her stuffs
  11. illustrator

    Sega is *gasp* dying?!?!

    I knew that. Nintendo should buy Sega to own. Then both will make heck BEST video game maker in history.
  12. illustrator

    emska :)

    cool. I have twin friends who actually from Poland. Every summer, they came here in Texas (US) for work and see their parents who live here in America. They always go back to Poland for Poland unviersity.
  13. illustrator

    What Do You Think Of Reagan?

    Wow, that's such a honor!
  14. illustrator

    What Do You Think Of Reagan?

    Umm... Reagan is Bush's right hand. Think again. ;)
  15. illustrator

    Fear Factor Food

    I also ate chicken's liver and cow's liver. :P
  16. illustrator

    Fear Factor Food

    famous indiana food in Alaska, I hear that.
  17. illustrator

    Do not stay at Comfort Inn!

    true. I was one of rude staff in north of Dallas at Albertson. :mrgreen:
  18. illustrator

    Do not stay at Comfort Inn!

    you should ask the clerk to get an sign of "Do Not Disturb". You, customer have a right to get one before taking a nap. Still... these crazy clerks are doing awful job.
  19. illustrator

    your friend going to be dad! (non-marriage)

    :roll: bbnt heck at me like if I told him about marriage already. no.
  20. illustrator

    Fear Factor Food

    ate slug, ant, spider, earth worm, and red fish's eye. no big deal.