What Do You Think Of Reagan?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
May 26, 2004
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Reagan was a piece of CRAP!

More on that later...
OooooOOOhhhHhhhh...that was cruel!....and the man is not even buried yet! :squint:
Beowulf said:

Reagan was a piece of CRAP!

More on that later...
I suppose your jealous because he's a million times more popular than you? tsk tsk tsk...
JEEZ, just wait.
I am NOT "jealous" of this asshole.
I will tell ya why later, if that is okay with ya closed-minded ppl????????
It IS an emotional issue because I saw it
If you want to criticize Reagan, make your own thread. This is a thread where you pay your respects to the former President.

If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it here, say it in your new thread.
You are absolutey right.
Sorry sir.
I lose it sometimes.
I am not gonna start no damn new thread.
I goofed and am embarrassed.
This is a GREAT site and I care for it somewhere in my heart.
I fuck up a lot.
Beowulf said:
I am not gonna start no damn new thread.

Don’t be so hard on yourself. If you want to start a new thread, nobody here will object. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people died in Guatemala and El Salvador for the sake of Ronnie’s Cold War paranoid delusions. He’s a murderer, not a martyr. But Banjo is right—this is simply an obituary thread. But that doesn’t mean that you or I shouldn’t discuss whatever we want in another thread.
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Beowulf said:
You are absolutey right.
Sorry sir.
I lose it sometimes.
I am not gonna start no damn new thread.
I goofed and am embarrassed.
This is a GREAT site and I care for it somewhere in my heart.
I fuck up a lot.
aw yeah you DO lose it...but sometimes? I'm not so sure about that... if you can't start another thread because you forget how, then it's okay because if you do, then you are one nutcase who doesn't even know what he's messing with.
Beowulf said:
JEEZ, just wait.
I am NOT "jealous" of this asshole.
I will tell ya why later, if that is okay with ya closed-minded ppl????????
It IS an emotional issue because I saw it
why later? because you can't think of a very good reason why he is a "piece of crap", while most ppl don't literally think he is...but more of a respected and most popular president of our nation.
Mod Note:

I've split this thread. Let's keep it cool because we're not here to mock Reagan since he recently died. If it was Bush, that would be a different story... :roll:

Anyway, if you want to talk about Reagan in a good way... do it in the other thread. If you want to criticize him, do it here. Again, keep it cool... don't get out of hand. Thanks. :thumb:
Thats what i just said...the man is not even buried yet and yet somebody was ragging on him ...geeez! have some respect for the deceased ok? Nobody is PERFECT! heh!
VamPyroX said:
Mod Note:

If it was Bush, that would be a different story... :roll:

:rofl: You are so funny about Bush when you stated that it would be a different story. Ha!

Anyways... yeah, have some respect for Reagan since he is deceased last Saturday. I am pretty much aware of Reagan's history in his life, so it's not necessary for me to criticize him. Mr. Clinton is the worse one than any President I've ever known.
Simply said....

Reagan's policies like deficit financing, tax cuts, the Star Wars stuff, really fucked up the United States' Government and Economy. The Neo-Conservative movement started the ball rolling. Dimson is basically carrying only a half-gallon bucket of Reagan's water (policies) to the present day...

The Iran-Contra mess makes Clinton's Monica affair look like child's play...However Reagan wasn't that bad compared to that IDIOT presently sitting in the White House. (After all Ray-gun was legitimately elected unlike Dimson)

The good news is that the kids out of Reagan's OWN loins, both Ron Jr and Patti are both LIBERALS unlike their father. Even Nancy has come around and opposed Bush on stem cell research for Alzheimer's.....
He was good man because he made an end of Cold War and cut 50 percent of US Warhead missiles with a Russian man with a big fake birth mark on his head. (I can't remember his name for prez of former Russian) But other issues, I don't have no idea.

If it was Bush, that would be a different story
Good one Steel. :mrgreen:
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The Iran-Contra mess
What exactly was Iran Contra? I've heard all about it but have no idea what it's actually about.
Need we mention supply-side economics? ( tax cuts for rich folks stimulate the ecnomy)
He was good man because he made an end of Cold War and cut 50 percent of US Warhead missiles
He also popularlyzed that Star Wars thing!!!! I don't think he ended the Cold War singlehandedly. The reason why the Cold War ended wasn't b/c of Ronny boy's dipolmacy, but b/c Russia stopped being Communiest!
a Russian man with a big fake birth mark on his head.
The Iran-Contra mess...

go over there... http://www.dreamscape.com/morgana/reagan.htm

Let's just say "a bit of sleepin' with the enemy".....That's one huge fine mess!

Also contributing to the downfall of the Commies in Russia, not just Reagan contributed to it.....the Soviet economy contributed to the Commie's downfall....
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Whoa, Take an easy here...

I'm sure that Beowulf didn't mean any harm, just to saying it at the wrong time ( which we're suppose to pay our respects )....there's just no reason to jump all over that ' one ' person because he/she sees a different opinion about Reagan just like some of us have an different opinion about Bush!.... :thumb:
^Angel^ said:
Whoa, Take an easy here...

I'm sure that Beowulf didn't mean any harm, just to saying it at the wrong time ( which we're suppose to pay our respects )....there's just no reason to jump all over that ' one ' person because he/she sees a different opinion about Reagan just like some of us have an different opinion about Bush!.... :thumb:
Angel..that person was bashing the deceased when he is not even buried yet.
Some people dont have any sense of decency when it comes to deceased, for heavens sake..thats why we are reacting to this person's comment, is all.
VamPyroX said:
Mod Note:

I've split this thread. Let's keep it cool because we're not here to mock Reagan since he recently died. If it was Bush, that would be a different story... :roll:

Anyway, if you want to talk about Reagan in a good way... do it in the other thread. If you want to criticize him, do it here. Again, keep it cool... don't get out of hand. Thanks. :thumb:

Umm... Reagan is Bush's right hand. Think again. ;)
Reagan the new face of the $10 bill?
Published report says conservatives will push for image of 40th president to grace $10 bill or dime.

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Ronald Reagan's face could one day adorn the $10 bill or half the dimes minted in the country, if fans of the late president get their way.

USA Today reported Tuesday that Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., plans to sponsor legislation to have Reagan replace Alexander Hamilton, the nation's first treasury secretary, on the $10 bill.

Meanwhile, an effort is underway in the House, led by Rep. Dana Rohrbacher (R-Calif.), to put Reagan's face on the $20.


Wow, that's such a honor!