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    skeptic now says global warming real

    It's amazing... he spent so much time denying that there's global warming and came up with every explanation for the increase... and now he's saying he's convinced there's global warming. A prominent physicist and skeptic of global warming spent two years trying to find out if mainstream...
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    Which Best DVD Player Software with CC

    I am not sure what you're asking but if you're using Windows, Windows Media Player has built in support for captioning.
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    how much for interpreting per hour

    That's what I was thinking... I'd think agencies charge a lot more and it may be cheaper to hire freelance interpreters. I could pay $80 per week (one hour) for a freelance terp. Is that too low?
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    how much for interpreting per hour

    Ok, well, I expect one hour meeting once every week. It's a consistent schedule. I must have an interpreter for the meeting.
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    how much for interpreting per hour

    let me clarify... how much does a deaf contractor pay for an hour or two hours of ASL interpreting? How much do ASL interpreting agencies or independent terps charge them? That's my question.
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    MAC users suck....

    You didn't read the whole story, did you? Steve Jobs warned him that with excessive regulations, Obama will be a one term president but *offered* to help his campaign.
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    Food stamps at restaurants?

    I don't mind food stamps for restaurants but they should not pay the same price as regular consumers. They should give them automatic 30% discounts. It costs money to cook - if you don't have cookware, microwave, gas, stove, etc then how are you gonna eat well?
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    What do you think of Herman Cain 999 Tax Idea?

    seriously, I don't think people really understand that the higher the income, the better the standard of living becomes, even if the taxes are progressively increased for them. Rich people paying 40% tax rate is hardly the same as the poor paying 40% tax rate. The poor would be MUCH worse...
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    Steve Jobs dies at 56

    this is just mind boggling how Apple shares have dramatically gone up:
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    Steve Jobs dies at 56

    Although I knew he was dying, it was still a great sadness and I don't think he realizes how much of an impact he has for the world - even in China, kids love iPhones and Apple stores are always crowded... they were asked what America is about and they screamed, "iPhone!" And that, my friends...
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    Pay-By-Race Bake Sale Sparks Firestorm

    while we try to give opportunities to minorities, sometimes it just doesn't work in the long run. minorities stand to benefit the most from empowering their OWN minorities.
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    Actress Kicked Off Flight For Kissing Girl

    Too much PDA isn't good - even for straights. I mean, I don't mind PDA in some places but in a plane? That is disgusting and it has nothing to do with being a lesbian or being straight.
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    woman tortured by man on FB

    that's why you have to be careful with strangers on FB! Chicago Man Held Without Bond Over Imprisoning, Torturing Girlfriend | Fox News
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    UK bloke gets jailed 18 weeks for trolling on the internet

    Thank god we don't allow that arrest to happen here - we let trolls be trolls all they want! Praise the First Amendment. I be trollin' all I want!
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    your memories recorded as videos!

    I cannot believe they finally came to this day... they literally recorded your visual memories! Check the video of "brain" compared to viewed video... it's just amazing! "Ever dreamed of recording your dreams and turning them into a video clip? The technology that enables you to do that is...
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    Sarah Palin had one night stand with former college basketball star Glen Rice?

    They look yummy: But you see, some don't like this one:
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    Debate GOP

    We the society have the wealth but not ALL of us have the wealth. Hence the redistribution of wealth.
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    Top 5 Smelly Things That Should Be Banned In Airplanes

    That's the thing - I don't ever recall thinking, "Damn that indian smells!" What does it smell like?
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    Australian Passports Now Offer Gender 'X'

    That's dumb. First of all, if you're transgender, gender wouldn't matter - you can pick F or M if you want and works with the society expectations of you.
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    Top 5 Smelly Things That Should Be Banned In Airplanes

    how is indian curry so smelly? I am trying to figure that one out. I love the smell of garlic and I know I emit garlic smell if I eat raw garlic.