Depends on the going rate for your area, how much advance notice, day or evening, week day or week end, and how regular. Expect to pay a two-hour minimum, and possibly mileage.
Sometimes with a consistent weekly appointment you can get a slightly reduced price.Ok, well, I expect one hour meeting once every week. It's a consistent schedule. I must have an interpreter for the meeting.
You might be able to negotiate better with a freelance terp. The agencies have to charge more because they keep a percentage of the fee for themselves.
That seems very reasonable to me. However, I don't know what the common rates are for your location.That's what I was thinking... I'd think agencies charge a lot more and it may be cheaper to hire freelance interpreters. I could pay $80 per week (one hour) for a freelance terp. Is that too low?
If I were in your shoes, I would not worry in the least over the cost because I would write it off as a business expense. Which it is.
I have hired interpreters from all price ranges. Average is about $30-50 an hour, two hour minimum.
You're worth it.Two weeks ago I paid $100 for 45 minutes. It was worth it.