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  1. harleymn

    Wash. Preschoolers Given Dog Food to Eat

    Angel Yes i agree with you completly.I think the teacher needs he/she needs too have thier heads examined anyone a pshcologist heres a job for you .Just kiiiddddiing !!!!!!
  2. harleymn

    For Parents only

    i would love to but you cant sometimes I have a seven yr old son who is in 1st grade and doing real well (in hearing elementary school). they tried to say negative things bout my son from other schools saying he needed to go to a sign langauge school. i told them no way. I have got invovle...
  3. harleymn

    Mom told me she want me to hear out of both ears?

    Just get a Ci I think you will be happy, do whats best for you.Dont worry what people say about you cool .
  4. harleymn

    Laptops' heat could hurt men's fertility

    banjo At least three hrs to eight hrs depending on how big the race or practice laps. the heat from those cars are great transfer to those drivers big time.In fact almost everyday except three to four months break. During winter times etc.
  5. harleymn

    Shock doesn't even begin to describe it..

    The polce killed the gunman you'll never know geez. What a bad way to end it. Plus I dont like heavy metal anyway too hard on kids anyways .
  6. harleymn

    Finally gas price are dropping

    Gas price Yeah i have notice it the price was 1.99 now its down to 1.79. your state is better than here. thats good .
  7. harleymn

    Laptops' heat could hurt men's fertility

    nah I dont believe that, think about those race cars drivers or drag drivers they re in a lot hot situations more than a laptop chuckles threy have perfectly fine kids (race drivers)
  8. harleymn

    Bush will not raise taxes.

    Did i call you lazy, you got it backward too, sooorryy here tooo
  9. harleymn

    Dale Earnhardt, The movie '3'....

    Hey RR you ever been to the indianopolis 500 I have been five times man those cars are fast they dont look real giong between two turns.They look like animated cars.A freind of mine with me took a pic clunk into a man head becuz those cars were fast he told him he was sorry becuz those long...
  10. harleymn

    Dale Earnhardt, The movie '3'....

    yep missed it too My niehbor son recorded last nite he said he would let me borrowed it, iam going to make copy of it. i will have yto get my dad vcr and make it work. i really like Dale ernhardt. He is the best driver since richard petty.
  11. harleymn

    Bush will not raise taxes.

    hey you got it backward idiot rebublicans believe whats right or wrong, hell demecrats all they do is sit on thier ass do nothing but help rich they are from rich. they dont care maybe you need to read some more facts to whats really going got your tax break didnt you also you remember he...
  12. harleymn

    Wash. Preschoolers Given Dog Food to Eat

    like Mel Gibson He was eating dog food too but cant remember the movie's name :cool:
  13. harleymn

    Our Pets Pictures....

    how you like my pets hahah just kidding
  14. harleymn

    a politic joke...

    Thats the best joke lol i which i was the pilot doing that rolling the plane over so they will fall out the window.chunkles
  15. harleymn

    AOL and AllDeaf issues?

    aol sucks just kidding lol
  16. harleymn

    Santa Claus - How about that?

    Reba how come you dont believe santa are you jenovenain witness or something , just wondering
  17. harleymn

    Maybe it's not my task to start this thread, but still I start it.

    Lol that is cool quote meg. :D
  18. harleymn


    way to go dd.But we have to realize the mods and owner are doing this for free. So lets take an easy on them.Dont you think anyone ? :cool:
  19. harleymn

    Maybe it's not my task to start this thread, but still I start it.

    mag i second that take care mag, p.s. when you said bub? what is that sorry
  20. harleymn

    Rate the avatar above!

    10^ hey reba I like yrs too Also to Tw avatar finally got it i rate yrs a 10 too