Wash. Preschoolers Given Dog Food to Eat

Thats the reason why our goverment is in a national debt problem

What Government you are talking about? President Bush? The reason we are in debt because of the war... :slap:

You not paying every single child out there for fee lunch meal. Don't act like you are paying for all the children. :)

I am done discussing this with you because, Your make pointless posts. :dizzy:
Whatever happened to the wasteful spending from the democrats all during the 70s-80s and mid 90s? Like $900 for a toilet seat when you go to sears buy one for $25 ,$300 ink pen when you get go to walmart buy package of 5 pens for $9.99. And all them extra nuclear bombs they build they cost us billions. Theres your unessary crap right there. Money is no object to the liberals. They spend,Tax and then borrow. We need the money now for war WE WERE ATTACKED!!! So my guess to you liberals is dont fight back huh? No wonder liberals are against guns,Anti death penalty and pro parole and probation system so they can let the criminals back out on the street and do more volence but oh no we cant turn the guns on them. Thats bull!! Now i know we have the right man in office.
ravensteve1961 said:
Liberals will never get it! That teacher is protesting about newt gingrich on his republican views on taking away the school lunch programs. I agree with newt gingrich. Ever heard the old saying """ Theres no such thing as a free lunch"""
Why dont we start living that way instead of wasting taxpayers dollars on children getting free lunches.The parents should be paying for their own childs lunch. It doesnt cost much to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches put em in a lunch bag along with a quart of milk or juice or even a little bag of crackers to go with it. Im glad bush and the repubicans are in charge and the liberals are not. Face it! The bad old days of liberalism is over!!! GET USED TO IT! The teachers idea using dog foor is what diane finestein said on the senate floor complaining about republicans taking away the free school lunch programs. She said this quote,,, The republicans wanna starve your children,Put your grandmother out on the street and make her eat dog food!,,, She was expressing the republican anti womens and children programs as well cutting social security funds. Now theyre people who will belive that the republicans wanna starve your children and put your grandmother out on the street and make her eat dog food. Now you dont belive that now do ya?

I see all of your posts is complaint over the children!!!!!! I would advise you to not become father one day because the children does not deserve to have the father like you!!!!!!!!1

Thank stars, that you are not my husband and father of my children!!!!!!!!
Oceanbreeze said:
You're right, Banjo. The kids probably won't get sick from this, but it still was a very inappropriate thing to do, and the parents had a right to complain about it.

Yes, I second that.
harleymn said:
He was eating dog food too but cant remember the movie's name :cool:

I guess you mean:

MAD MAX right? I hope it help to fresh your memory :angel:
Liebling:-))) said:
I see all of your posts is complaint over the children!!!!!! I would advise you to not become father one day because the children does not deserve to have the father like you!!!!!!!!1

Thank stars, that you are not my husband and father of my children!!!!!!!!
Im a republican maam,,, A we belive people are the ones to decide how they wanna spend their money, NOT THE BEAUCRATS IN WASHIGTON.
ravensteve1961 said:
Im a republican maam,,, A we belive people are the ones to decide how they wanna spend their money, NOT THE BEAUCRATS IN WASHIGTON.


Guess what? I'm ALSO a Republican. Being Republican or Democrat has nothing to do with the issue we are discussing in this thread. Neither does free lunch programs or the state of our government. Once again, you've taken a thread and turned it completely upside down by bringing statements into this that have nothing to do with the original topic.

There's no wonder there's so much aspirin being passed around! We need it for the gigantic migraines we all have after reading some of your posts. LOL
geeze, poor kids! :(

The teacher should have never done that and it doesn't matter if it didn't harm or made the children sick, this is unacceptable and should have never happened in the first place!

The teacher should be fire in the result of feeding the preschool children dog food!..If the school ever did that to my children, I would be on their back until they do something about it....that was uncalled for! :crazy:

Yes i agree with you completly.I think the teacher needs he/she needs too have thier heads examined anyone a pshcologist heres a job for you .Just kiiiddddiing !!!!!!
Poor kids, if they did this to my son Nathan, I would be very furious also! It's so cruel!

RaveSteven, those families that are poor can't help it because it's hard to find a job nowadays, they need clothes, foods, etc. How dare you say that they have to work to earn it??? It's not their fault that it happens that they are poor. My dad and I always go with his chruch and get toys for children that are unfortune.. my brother does serve dinner for those poor familes at chruch as much as he can.
tsk tsk tsk RavenSteven...

do you even listen to yourself? you make it sound like there's no such thing to finding a job that would be so difficult these days and you blame on the people who are being poor? cut 'em some fuckin' slack.

if you only like to think of yourself and be with the people you admire to be with, then I suppose AD isn't the right place for you to talk about things when it isn't apporicate or disrespectful to talk like that when there are so many poor and money struggling people out there today...and even more than 50,000 american citizens with no health insurance had to struggle with money to help their kids survive and shit like that...

if you say you have a brain, then use it properly.