Liberals will never get it! That teacher is protesting about newt gingrich on his republican views on taking away the school lunch programs. I agree with newt gingrich. Ever heard the old saying """ Theres no such thing as a free lunch"""
Why dont we start living that way instead of wasting taxpayers dollars on children getting free lunches.The parents should be paying for their own childs lunch. It doesnt cost much to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches put em in a lunch bag along with a quart of milk or juice or even a little bag of crackers to go with it. Im glad bush and the repubicans are in charge and the liberals are not. Face it! The bad old days of liberalism is over!!! GET USED TO IT! The teachers idea using dog foor is what diane finestein said on the senate floor complaining about republicans taking away the free school lunch programs. She said this quote,,, The republicans wanna starve your children,Put your grandmother out on the street and make her eat dog food!,,, She was expressing the republican anti womens and children programs as well cutting social security funds. Now theyre people who will belive that the republicans wanna starve your children and put your grandmother out on the street and make her eat dog food. Now you dont belive that now do ya?