What the president did was wrong. What Ken Starr did was even worse and too far. They should solve something with Clinton instead of waste taxpayer's money on Clinton... like just got him sacked for break the Rule like what Gerhard Schroeder did to Defence Minister Rudolf Scharping few years ago.
BBC NEWS | Europe | German defence minister sacked
Ken Starr didn't have the authority to fire Clinton. He had to follow the legal procedure.
To my opinion to save millions taxpayers' money is: We found out thru the medias, news, etc the reason why Clinton got sacked and then explain the reason why they sacked him is because of "sexually inappropriate" in his office. It's a simple and manner word...

Clinton was never "sacked".
Clinton & Monica would keep their affair quiet but Moncia confided her affair with Bill to a wrong person... that's how the scandal start...
The scandal started when Clinton unzipped his pants.
Do you really believe that adultery is OK as long as it's "kept quiet"?
Yes, what Clinton did was wrong. So what. Let's get real here. It's just sex. It's not crime... People lie about sex, even in court.
I guess some people just have lower moral standards than others.
Where have I say that Gingrich was a president? I do not see anything that I mentioned? I only gave you the example about Gingrich with link. Don't you read the link, I provided about Gingrich in my previous post?
You posted:
"Clinton is not the first and last president who have an affair or lie to the public. Perhaps you remember the example about Gingrich?"
You were talking about presidents--Gingrich was not a president, so his link wasn't relevant.
Of course I knew about Gingrich; that's old news. I don't approve of his behavior either. But the topic was Clinton, not Gingrich.
Do you meant that the soliders' and people's rant/vent about their experience are fairy tales? The several threads, I created about them is also fairy tales? The links of the soliders' and people's express their rant/vent is also fairy tales?
Sometimes they are. They have proven that many of the blog stories are fake.
Of course, people are allowed to vent their feelings. Nothing wrong with that. People just shouldn't base their important decisions on feelings only but on facts. It's like buying a car. Do you decide which car to spend thousands of dollars on based on your
feelings (sexy looking, pretty colors, cute name) or based on the
facts (price, gas mileage, safety record, reliability)?
Or elections. Should people vote for someone because he/she looks attractive and has a charming attitude, or because he/she has a strong political record, trustworthy character, and clear goals?
I am surprised that you didn't know about this...
Of course 
We all learn from the world news, medias, newspapers... talk about war issues..
Wow, you're really missing the point on this one. I was being sarcastic. It's obvious that
not "everyone" agrees with your point of view, and yet you seem oblivious to that fact.
Just because something gets a lot of attention in the media doesn't mean it's correct or that it's the majority view. It just means that it's more newsworthy.
Of course I know about the various international view points on political situations. That doesn't mean they're right any more than American media view points are right. The media of each and every country have their biases.
You made it up... I never said that America was running around... I only said that the people are panic or better say furious.
Definitions of 'panic'
The American Heritage® Dictionary
panic (n.)
A sudden, overpowering terror, often affecting many people at once. See synonyms at fear
Webster's English Dictionary
Cross references:
1. fear
2. panic n 1:
a sudden overpowering fright; esp :
a sudden unreasoning terror often accompanied by mass flight
wow, I didn't know that you scream anyone for the help to convince me... You all try to convince me if you want to but it doesn't work because I said what I saw on the TV, period. To us, they are panic - better say "furious"...
Scream? I didn't even use CAPS.
Of course, whatever you saw on European TV is more trustworthy than what your fellow ADers tell you. :roll:
Maybe the news broadcast was using clips from old Godzilla movies to show people in a panic.
I don't know any Americans who were in a panic about Clinton's "scandal". Certainly not the late night show comedians.
...I would have been happy if he had not said anything but just sacked because of "sexually inappropriate" instead of tell us everything about Clinton's sex life with Monica, etc. I am surprised that his private life is mainly important to you.
US Presidents can't be "sacked". If they do something wrong, they have to go thru the legal procedures of impeachment. Our Constitution established the rules. Besides,
who would "sack" the President? (I mean, other than Hillary.)
Honestly, you are making a bigger deal about Clinton's sex life than I ever wanted to do.
If Clinton had lied about financial business dealings (not sex), would that be OK? (Oops, did we forget about Whitewater? We'll let Hillary worry about that one.)
He got caught because Monica confided a wrong person whom she thought is a friend.
He got caught because he had a total lack of judgment, which is proven by the fact that he had sexual relations with an immature groupie intern who was bound to brag to her friends about her exploits with the Prez.
...Are you trying to say that "It's my, my, my President, not your President?" Remember, you don't own him as your president but he is President of the USA, not your President...
That's right; he was the President of
Americans, NOT Europeans. Americans pick their presidents, and Americans can get rid of their presidents. It's not the
business of Europeans, Asians, Africans, Australians, etc. You can gossip about it, share your opinion about it, fine. But why should you care about them? They aren't your leaders.
Every people from the world have the right to judge what they view about Clinton's affair scandal. Clinton's sex life is NONE of your business, no matter either he is your President or not.
So, every one in the world has the right to judge Americans but I, as an American, don't have the right to judge my own President? Huh?
Let to not mix his private life with his duty as President. His affair scandal has nothing do with his duties as President.
Yes, it does effect his duties. It shows that he is selfish, foolish, and untrustworthy. Who wants to vote for a President whose slogan should be "Vote for the man who has no self control, lies and cheats, thinks about himself first and his nation last"?
...Once again, It's Hillary who deal with her concern about her husband's affair situation is her business, not our because she knows about his past affairs before become president of USA.
Are you saying that the men are the one who cheats their partners ? No, men and women are equal... women cheat their partners for other men - men cheat their partner for other women... If they need someone to talk and support then they have my support but we do not see anything that Hillary need our support, don't we? All what we see is she CAN deal with her husband herself and decided to stay married to him and stood up for him... This is her decision, not ours.
I'm talking specifically about Clinton. He abused his power against other women, not just Hillary. Not all the other women in his sexual exploits were willing participants. Those are the women who should be getting support from the women's rights groups, and they are not.
wow, I thought America is a free country?
Yes, it is. What does that have to do with my statement? If someone breaks the rules at work, they should be fired.
Do you think "freedom" means the right to do whatever you want at work, even if it's unethical?
News reporters are supposed to report the facts.
Commentators and editorial writers are supposed to present their opinions and analysis of the facts.
They are two separate jobs. News reporters shouldn't mix their opinions in with the facts because some readers (viewers and listeners) don't know how to discern facts from opinions.
It's the same reason full page "testimonial" ads in newspapers and magazines have to have "Paid Advertisement" printed above the ad. Some readers don't know how to discern factual articles from advertising.
He wasn't your President but he was President of USA. His private life wasn't your business either.
Huh? Yes, he was my president; I'm a citizen of the USA, and I was alive during his presidency.
As far as I know that some Americans think raising taxes is the reason why the economy goes improve which it's doesn't.
I sure don't want
my taxes increased. I think taxes are too high.
Thank you for the link.
It's informative but it still shows the
outcomes, not the
causes. Also, it compares
8 years of Clinton's administration to
3-4 years of Bush's. Not really a fair comparison. Oh, well.
Perhap for you but not others?
You use those word "poor redneck state" in harsh way because you didn't use those word "Arkansas" when you mentioned that he was the Governor of...
Everyone in the USA knows which states are poor, and which ones are redneck. My state is one of them, too. It's no big deal.
If any Arkansan ADers are offended by that phrase, please let me know and I will apologize to you.