Since Bush became President in 2000...

I am trying to answer your question when I know that I am not an Expert economist.

As far as I know that some Americans think raising taxes is the reason why the economy goes improve which it's doesn't.

The economy can improve, no matter either with or without tax increase.

The improve economy is show that Clinton produced more jobs and reduce government spending. It shows how thought he is of his people in his country, not do for rich people.

You want the fact, here is link...

PPI: Bush vs. Clinton: An Economic Performance Index by Robert D. Atkinson and Julie Hutto

You shouldn't said it's "fact". Have you read under endnote? It's bottom on this page you gave the link. :cool:
You shouldn't said it's "fact". Have you read under endnote? It's bottom on this page you gave the link. :cool:

PPI | Front & Center | October 18, 2004
Bush vs. Clinton: An Economic Performance Index
By Robert D. Atkinson and Julie Hutto

Robert D. Atkinson is vice president of PPI and director of its Technology & New Economy Project. Julie Hutto is a policy assistant at the Progressive Policy Institute.

Are you still deny that they are fact?
Ken Starr didn't have the authority to fire Clinton. He had to follow the legal procedure.

Yes I understood but I disagree with American policties system to do to US President and policitans. What a waste taxpayer´s money over that sex... :roll: I know you will repeat that Clinton should not lied in first place. But other question, I want to ask you: What would you say if Clinton refused to answer questions? Would you support that decision, Clinton choose to not answer? Is it obligate to answer the questions, Ken Starr want to ask?

:confused: Clinton was never "sacked".

Yes, I know Clinton did not sacked... Please re-read my post carefully... It´s opinion of me to aviod waste taxpayers´s money and also suggest of me, too because of save taxpayers´money.... Just report the media the reason why Clinton got sacked because of sexually inapproriate in his office. It´s a very simple and clean word than waste taxpayer´s money to know everything from Clinton´s sex life etc...etc...etc...

Liebling´s post
To my opinion to save millions taxpayers' money is: We found out thru the medias, news, etc the reason why Clinton got sacked and then explain the reason why they sacked him is because of "sexually inappropriate" in his office. It's a simple and manner word...

Do you really believe that adultery is OK as long as it's "kept quiet"?

No, I personally am glad that Clinton is not my husband... Anyway, adultery situation is between a husband and wife, not everyone. They solved themselves either they can forgive each other or stay married each other... It´s their own decision, not everyone... If Hillary want our support then she will have our support... but she do not need our support and would say that it´s none of our business.

I guess some people just have lower moral standards than others.

:confused: What do you mean?

You were talking about presidents--Gingrich was not a president, so his link wasn't relevant.

No, it´s not just President but any policitans including Presdient in general way because you claimed in previous posts that the background of Presidents and policitians should be clean.

Sometimes they are. They have proven that many of the blog stories are fake.

Of course, people are allowed to vent their feelings. Nothing wrong with that.

How do you know that they are fake? - it´s not just blog but also Media, News, too

I think its not nice of you to label the people who rant/vent/express their feeling out as fairy tale.. Where is your respect?

People just shouldn't base their important decisions on feelings only but on facts.

Yes, because they have feeling.

It's like buying a car. Do you decide which car to spend thousands of dollars on based on your feelings (sexy looking, pretty colors, cute name) or based on the facts (price, gas mileage, safety record, reliability)?

No, there´re no comparison between people´s feeling/experience and material. The people´s expression of feeling toward their bad experience is not material, you know that.

Or elections. Should people vote for someone because he/she looks attractive and has a charming attitude, or because he/she has a strong political record, trustworthy character, and clear goals?

Yes I notice it but it is still no comparison between attract toward outside of personality and expression of rant/vent what they have bad experience. This is a difference.

I personally disagree to have actors to become preisdent... I beleive to elect the a person who have knowledge of political experiences. Look the example about Bill Clinton... He had a knowledge of political skill etc. I would vote Hillary due her politican expriences than worry about her past background.

Wow, you're really missing the point on this one. I was being sarcastic. It's obvious that not "everyone" agrees with your point of view, and yet you seem oblivious to that fact.

:confused: where have I say that everyone agrees with my POV? Can you please show me where have I say because I didn´t find it?

I only stated that everyone knows which mean that it´s common to receive the news about Iraq war issues, Bush, etc. like this everyday... We were like *sigh* War.. War... War... War.. economy... , politics.... We agree that Bush is the worst President ... Unfortunately yes, we said this.

Just because something gets a lot of attention in the media doesn't mean it's correct or that it's the majority view. It just means that it's more newsworthy.

After saw the TV news - we have videotext in our TV... the world news comes in our videotext everyday... I compared my videotext with websites where we have different meidas between German and English websites, I visit to.. Their stories all are almost similar... Bad reputation about Bush is very common in many websites and world TV, too...

Of course I know about the various international view points on political situations. That doesn't mean they're right any more than American media view points are right. The media of each and every country have their biases.

Well, the world TV, we saw is original film... and interview with Americans and other nations... How could original film lie? There´re original - they open to us what they did in different countries... I watch TV World Journal everyday at 9.45 pm for one hour. We do have different news between 15 and 20 minutes between 5.00 pm and 8.15 pm...

Definitions of 'panic'
The American Heritage® Dictionary
panic (n.) A sudden, overpowering terror, often affecting many people at once. See synonyms at fear

Webster's English Dictionary

Cross references:
1. fear

2. panic n 1: a sudden overpowering fright; esp :
a sudden unreasoning terror often accompanied by mass flight

:giggle: Not that what I said... I thought panic means is expression of extremely angry... I should say "furious".. .Right?

Scream? I didn't even use CAPS. :confused:

But you typed and changed the color from black into red which mean is you scream for anyone´s attention. Right? It´s the same thing with CAPS as well.

Of course, whatever you saw on European TV is more trustworthy than what your fellow ADers tell you. :roll:

Original film does not lie. Right?

Maybe the news broadcast was using clips from old Godzilla movies to show people in a panic. :lol:


I don't know any Americans who were in a panic about Clinton's "scandal". Certainly not the late night show comedians.

:lol: I already admitted my mistake because I thought Panic mean is expression of extremely angry and admitted that I should type "furious" instead of panic.

US Presidents can't be "sacked". If they do something wrong, they have to go thru the legal procedures of impeachment. Our Constitution established the rules. Besides, who would "sack" the President? (I mean, other than Hillary.)

Okay, I stated above that I disagree with US policity system did to Presidents or Politicans and then nosey their private life and spread their private life to the world and then make sure that their background must be clean because we all know that nobody are prefect.

At some European countries, we (employee, employer, politicans, or whatever) receive the equal if we break our work rule then we get fired/sack. Example about Rudolf Scharping. As long as we stick work rule and doing our duty well.

Honestly, you are making a bigger deal about Clinton's sex life than I ever wanted to do.

Opposite to your view to my view: Europeans´s view including me: We don´t understand why Americans took Clinton sex scandal serious... Why make a big deal over that minor sex scandal... It makes no sense... Simple is if Clinton broke his duty´s ruler then fired/sack!!!!!! It´s a very simple and save taxpayer´s money... You are the one who took Clinton´s affair serious and label him as selfish, etc.
Eric Margolis | Foreign Correspondent : CLINTON, YOU'RE NO CALIGULA

If Clinton had lied about financial business dealings (not sex), would that be OK?

There´re no comparison between sex and financial... If Clinton cheat/lie about financial then is a betrayal and crime offense... If anyone who cheat with money issues which is not belong to them is crime offense. Is it what you want to question me about?

He got caught because he had a total lack of judgment, which is proven by the fact that he had sexual relations with an immature groupie intern who was bound to brag to her friends about her exploits with the Prez.

Unfortunlately I has to agree with you on this... :cool:

That's right; he was the President of Americans, NOT Europeans. Americans pick their presidents, and Americans can get rid of their presidents. It's not the business of Europeans, Asians, Africans, Australians, etc. You can gossip about it, share your opinion about it, fine. But why should you care about them? They aren't your leaders.

Yes, that´s right but he was the President of United State of America where his people including you, legal or illegal immigrants around. Yes you as American citizen can vote which President, you trust and expect to take care of America where you live. US news are welcome to Europe... We are free to say what we thought about this.

We wonder to ourselves why the politicans did to only Clinton...? It´s worst and hypothetical what they did to him because they are also lousy and bastards themselves as well. I know Clinton is cheater and lied as the same as them as well.

Simple, we know Clinton and like them thru their TV Document, books, etc. about their life history, etc. I know Bill Clinton as private person is a lousy man but as policitan, he is really good. Anyway, I know Hillary Clinton will be good President.

So, every one in the world has the right to judge Americans but I, as an American, don't have the right to judge my own President? Huh?

We don´t judge Clinton what he did with Monica but the policitian including Ken Starr who did to Clinton, that´s all... Some Americans judged Clinton, some not but against the politicans including Ken Starr... No, I do not against if you are on the Policitan and Ken Starr´s side against Clinton. You are free to think what you beleive in but you and I also are free to agree and disagree each other, too. Right?

Yes, it does effect his duties. It shows that he is selfish, foolish, and untrustworthy. Who wants to vote for a President whose slogan should be "Vote for the man who has no self control, lies and cheats, thinks about himself first and his nation last"?


Should I fresh your memory about Presidents in the past?

Sex, Lies, and Audiotape: A Cognitive Analysis of the Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal - Psi Chi

BBC News | Clinton Scandal | Sex and the White House

Do you mean that Clinton is a the first worst and last President who is cheater and liar in the world?

I'm talking specifically about Clinton. He abused his power against other women, not just Hillary. Not all the other women in his sexual exploits were willing participants. Those are the women who should be getting support from the women's rights groups, and they are not.

Do you mean that Clinton abused women thru his charm talk? I know his charm talk make women fall for him and agree to do something with him before and after President time... He has no reason to do with sex harrassment on women because many women run after him... :cool: Anyway, I would divorce him at long time ago when I were Hillary... Oh Well... I know from their TV document... Hillary want to divorce him but she can´t due politicis ground. They are policitans freak.

Paula Jones tried to sue him as sex harrassment for money but she lost her case... Why?

Yes, it is. What does that have to do with my statement? If someone breaks the rules at work, they should be fired.

Exactly... Why can´t they fire Clinton then because of sexual harrassment or sexually inapproriate in the Oval Office? I am trying to tell you that employee, employer, politicans, etc are treat equal, no matter what like what they did to Rudolf Scharping.

News reporters are supposed to report the facts.

Not always.

Commentators and editorial writers are supposed to present their opinions and analysis of the facts.

Yes, that´s right.

They are two separate jobs. News reporters shouldn't mix their opinions in with the facts because some readers (viewers and listeners) don't know how to discern facts from opinions.

Yes, that´s right but they do that sometimes - not always. Mainly important is original speech thru TV reporter... on the TV...

It's the same reason full page "testimonial" ads in newspapers and magazines have to have "Paid Advertisement" printed above the ad. Some readers don't know how to discern factual articles from advertising.

The people can compare thru TV, websites, etc to find out either they are true or not. If many said the same thing which mean is they are true.

Huh? Yes, he was my president; I'm a citizen of the USA, and I was alive during his presidency.

Okay...I respect you when I see different as you

We have counsellor here in Gemany.. We don´t consider her as our counsellor but we know that she is counsellor of Germany who takes care of her country where we live. I am not a German citizen but I live in Germany.

I sure don't want my taxes increased. I think taxes are too high.

I thought Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy people and business owners to help workers and middle classes people?

Thank you for the link.

It's informative but it still shows the outcomes, not the causes. Also, it compares 8 years of Clinton's administration to 3-4 years of Bush's. Not really a fair comparison. Oh, well.

Well, I do not see any comparision... Example, Clinton improved Arkansas’s economy when he was a Govenor... Right?

During his first year after Clinton´s election, he focused on improve the economy real fast... only one year? Right? Bush?

I found the link. Those link explains better than me...

The Bush Budget Deficit Death Spiral
Site designed and managed by Beaconfire Consulting ? Is it what you referring to?

:eek3: are you blind? there is "endnote" that give reference, study as where source come from and explain that these are not promise information.
wait a minutes. I got an interest thoughtful after puzzle put together....

Some of you said mad that Clinton got sexual harassment or sexual relationship with other woman make Clinton hopefully to resign. And any of you thought it's no big deal and careless about Monica, yet she is woman.

Later, you want to vote Hillary because she is woman to show like you care. I thought that's funny.
Later, you want to vote Hillary because she is woman to show like you care. I thought that's funny.

Maybe, she will have an affair someday to break even that would hurt his feeling. Whoa! I wonder who is a man that she might be looking for.
...I wonder who is a man that she might be looking for.
:wave: Me?

... What would you say if Clinton refused to answer questions? Would you support that decision, Clinton choose to not answer? Is it obligate to answer the questions, Ken Starr want to ask?
If he refused to answer the questions, everyone would think he was guilty.

I wouldn't support Clinton refusing to answer.

Yes, while under subpoena he was obligated to answer the questions. (The subpoena was withdrawn by Starr but could have been reinstated if Clinton refused to answer.) If he refused, he would be in contempt of court. Clinton could have also invoked the Fourth or Fifth amendments to avoid answering.

Yes, I know Clinton did not sacked... Please re-read my post carefully... It´s opinion of me to aviod waste taxpayers´s money and also suggest of me, too because of save taxpayers´money.... Just report the media the reason why Clinton got sacked because of sexually inapproriate in his office. It´s a very simple and clean word than waste taxpayer´s money to know everything from Clinton´s sex life etc...etc...etc...

To my opinion to save millions taxpayers' money is: We found out thru the medias, news, etc the reason why Clinton got sacked and then explain the reason why they sacked him is because of "sexually inappropriate" in his office. It's a simple and manner word...
Clinton was never "sacked". He wasn't "hired" so he couldn't be "fired."

:confused: What do you mean?
Exactly what I said. Some people have a lower standard of morals. They don't expect people to behave well.

I personally disagree to have actors to become preisdent...
Why? Are you prejudiced?

...I would vote Hillary due her politican expriences than worry about her past background.
Other than her one term as Senator, what was her previous political experience?

:confused: where have I say that everyone agrees with my POV? Can you please show me where have I say because I didn´t find it?
How many times do I need to repeat it? You're still doing it.

"We agree that Bush is the worst President ... Unfortunately yes, we said this."

Well, the world TV, we saw is original film... and interview with Americans and other nations... How could original film lie? There´re original - they open to us what they did in different countries... I watch TV World Journal everyday at 9.45 pm for one hour. We do have different news between 15 and 20 minutes between 5.00 pm and 8.15 pm...
If you want to blindly believe everything you see on TV or blogs, that's your choice.

But you typed and changed the color from black into red which mean is you scream for anyone´s attention. Right? It´s the same thing with CAPS as well.
Changing the color doesn't mean screaming. It was normal font size, lowercase. I wanted to make it clear that those two sentences were addressed to other people, not you.

Original film does not lie. Right?
Yeah, that worked for Goebbels, and he didn't even have Photoshop software.

At some European countries, we (employee, employer, politicans, or whatever) receive the equal if we break our work rule then we get fired/sack. Example about Rudolf Scharping. As long as we stick work rule and doing our duty well.
The American President is not "hired" so he can't be simply "fired."

... Simple is if Clinton broke his duty´s ruler then fired/sack!!!!!!
Presidents aren't "hired" so they can't be "fired". They can be impeached. Clinton was impeached.

It´s a very simple and save taxpayer´s money... You are the one who took Clinton´s affair serious and label him as selfish, etc.
Well, of course Clinton was selfish. His physical pleasure was more important to him then the pain he caused his family and nation. He cares about himself only. He doesn't care about his family or his country.

... If Clinton cheat/lie about financial then is a betrayal and crime offense... If anyone who cheat with money issues which is not belong to them is crime offense. Is it what you want to question me about?
Adultery is also a betrayal. If a person can cheat on someone he supposedly loves, it's very easy for him to cheat strangers for their money.

We wonder to ourselves why the politicans did to only Clinton...?
They had to follow the law of impeachment process.

Do you mean that Clinton abused women thru his charm talk?
Charm talk? He raped at least one woman (JUANITA BROADDRICK). I don't think rape is charming.
Woman tells America of how Clinton raped her

... He has no reason to do with sex harrassment on women because many women run after him... :cool: ...
I guess you don't know much about predatory males. That's the same excuse they use to get out of rape charges.
I don't paying attention to ASLGAL's post, she's republican and conservative.

She seems worse than Reba does, based on conservative.
PAC sweetie, When you have actually contributed to society - then - you can attempt to insult others.
At 19 the only thing you have probably managed is the words "Gimme Gimme"

As far as being like REBA - Thank You, I'll take that compliment!!

~Liebling - MSM is "Main Stream Media" which is very very liberally based. The news is tempered from a liberal point of view and will always be negative toward the President (a Republican President, anyway)

Both Republicans and Democrat congress people have some dirty money. Not just one party
Very True WEBEXPLORER, and that is why those who claim allegiance to either party need to take the blinders off and see all of the congresscritters for what they are.

Originally Posted by webexplorer View Post
George Bush is having another vacation today.
I am not surprised because it´s not a first time that he ignored the problems and go off for his vacation... It´s him...... example about Katrina time..

It could be reason why he go off for his break...
Shake head - The President is never really 'On Vacation'
besides - where have all the congresscritters gone? Any criticism for them?
As far as Katrina:
President Bush - being a Commander In Chief
Jefferson/Democrat Louisiana - demanding the military cease their rescue operations to take him to his house to get his skimmed/hidden freezer money
Hummmm....I think I'll applaud the President :)

I thought Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy people
Politicians are 'the wealthy' in most cases and certainly are not going to do anything to jeopardize their own wealth - Sheesh! Wake up people!!

Of course, whatever you saw on European TV is more trustworthy than what your fellow ADers tell you.

Original film does not lie. Right?
What "Original Film" ?

BTW - REBA you have been doing a wonderful job :)
Remember though, The facts will never be seen, heard, or acknowleged by those who are under the influence of the MSM. MSM does not deal in fact just fiction.
...BTW - REBA you have been doing a wonderful job :)

Blush . . . and same to you! :)

Remember though, The facts will never be seen, heard, or acknowleged by those who are under the influence of the MSM. MSM does not deal in fact just fiction.
Fiction and "feelings".

"Feelings, nothing more than feelings,

...Feelings, wo wo wo feelings..."

George Bush is having another vacation today.

Yes, you are right.

We saw World Journal News TV yesterday. It´s original film... Bush allowed them to film him, his wife, his parents and french President Nicolas Sarkozy at his vacation home in the U.S. state of Maine. They were at garden. After lunch, then boat ride.

Sarkozy´s wife Cecilia and children can´t make up to join Sarkozy because she & her children are not well. Sarkozy joined Bush and his family alone.