Do you mean before Clinton won Presidential election in 1992? If yes, Can you prove me some link what and how he was accused before he won at Presidential election in 1992 because I can´t find.
OK. Here it is: Special Report: Clinton Accused
Do you mean that you are obligate to know an exactly what he doing with Monica in the Oval office?

I never said that.
It look like that Clinton´s affair is mainly important for you to know than what and how Bush´s lie lead thousands of people to death.
You come up with the most astounding conclusions.
Like what Webexplorer said:
"Look, Clinton does not want to answer it because it was very embarrassing to him. You really want him out of his office if he tells the truth in the first place."
What's your point? That doesn't change any of the facts.
Okay... :roll:
News Headings[/color]
What's your point?
Is it this quote?
"In Germany, too, where politicians’ indiscretions are often seen as irrelevant, there was a damning tone to commentaries.
"Mr Clinton is a President who has been caught with his trousers down," said the highbrow Frankfurter Allgemeine. 'A skirt-chaser is not a good occupant for the White House.'"
Could it be this?
"When the Monica thing started out, I opposed impeachment for Clinton. A person’s private life should not be subject to civil and criminal penalties. But the more I hear Clinton supporters talk--especially
my fellow liberals--
the more their hypocrisy and lack of principles brings me round to support impeachment. Clinton is trying very hard to be the death of liberalism in America."
Huh? Do you mean that the people who don´t obligate to study at school to qualified to be Policitans, lawyers, teachers, or whatever as future career or have policitian knowledge skill but mainly important to focus and make sure their past background clean before accept them? Right?
A candidate's character is much more important than his schooling.
George Washington didn't attend "politics" school. He wasn't even a lawyer, teacher, or governor before his election to President.
Abraham Lincoln didn't attend "politics" school.
We don't need more professional "politicians" in America; we need people of character who can become statesmen and leaders.
When our Constitution was drafted, the viewpoint was that our country should be governed by
citizens, not career politicians. The goal was to elect good citizens to serve their country for one or two terms, then they would step aside for other good citizens to take their turns. No one expected people to spend their entire lives raising campaign funds, making campaign speeches, and staying in office until they had to be propped up (a la Strom Thurmond.)
Yes I am right that you made up and twist it. You quoted my word is AFTER, not BEFORE...
You claimed that I said that everyone agrees with my POV. I asked you to show me where I claimed that everyone agrees with my POV because I didn´t find it.
Look at your our posts accord #148
You can say whatever you want. People can read the proof of the posts for themselves, and see the truth.
Please be careful what you say before I can say that you make a false statement.
If I use your direct quotations, there is nothing false. Maybe you should be more careful before you make those posts in the first place.
Yes, they can if they found him guilty for sexual harrassment, rapes, plus monica case... which is too much.
No matter what charge he is found guilty of, he still has to go thru the impeachment process before he's "sacked". Constitutional law must be followed.
Where did you get the idea that Congress didn't need to follow the law?
Accord your post #172
I do not see anything that he said "I loathe the military," in the letter or publicly.
"I am writing too in the hope that my telling this one story will help you to understand more clearly how
so many fine people have come to find themselves still loving their country but loathing the military, to which you and other good men have devoted years, lifetimes, of the best service you could give.
To many of us, it is no longer clear what is service and what is disservice, or if it is clear, the conclusion is likely to be illegal."
I put it in bold to help you see the connection. Bill Clinton was referring to himself
and other people, who make up the "us". He and the "many fine people" are the same group.
It explains more and better in those link. First I was a bit skeptical after read the link, you provided and wonder to myself because the letter is supposed between Col. & Clinton, not publicty or it´s false letter? so I ask snope to find out for me. I understood after read those link...
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Bill Clinton Draft Dodger?
I never referred to the false letter about the felony. I linked you to the real letter that Clinton wrote. It has nothing to do with this snopes link. I really don't know why you are getting them mixed up.
Like what I said before, you should take both sides, not one side...
Why should I do that? Why should I support one side that is wrong? How can people support both sides at the same time without being schizophrenic? It doesn't make sense.
That is one of the most mish-mash web pages ever. It's a bunch of posts from unknown sources. I'm not even going to comment on an unsubstantiated opinion page of random opinion sticky notes.
I would suggest you to check a book "The Greatest Story Ever Sold," by Frank Rich.
Why? Did you read it?
I am trying to tell you that everyone are human - never be 100% prefect. I don´t care what and how the past president, political, etc are womanizers or not because their behavior is between them and their spouses, not our but mainly important I care is they doing their duties well and take care of their people and country/what and how they did to their own people is cheat and lie to kill innoncent people.
Fine. You don't need to vote for our President. You vote for your leaders, and I'll vote for mine.
They are adult and know what they are doing... Why they keep themselves until after monica case then .... It make no sense...
I'm not judging them; are you? If you were raped by an important government person, do you really know how you would react in that situation?
... Should they laugh or angry because Clinton´s lie about his wife doing blowjob in the Oval Office?
I truly have no idea what you're talking about. That one is news to me.