I'll try to reply to this loooong post if I don't get interrupted, or my wrist goes numb.
Clinton had admitted the affair and accept his knowledge that he made a mistake and did regretted it and ask for forgive and move on... instead of spend millions to find out about his affair with Monica... and get Ken Starr.... Why have the people make a big fuss over that affair... look this...
Independent probes of Clinton Administration cost nearly $80 million - April 1, 1999
I can't believe how the public can accept the huge taxpayer's money that Kenneth Starr wasted on Clinton's affair... Yes, Clinton should not lied, but Starr shouldn't investigated Clinton's private affairs in the first place.
What a waste...
It certainly was a waste of money. We could have saved a lot of time and money if Clinton had kept is pants zipped in the first place. If that was impossible for the leader of the free world (no self control), then he should have at least been a man about it and admitted to it right away instead of lying. That would have save a lot of time and money, and spared him the impeachment. He just kept making bad decisions.
It could be reason why he lied is because he don't want anyone to know what/how he did with Monica because he want to protect his reputation and family.
It could be that he lied because he's a natural liar, and lying is easy for him.
If he really cared about his family he wouldn't screw around, PERIOD!
Clinton is not the first and last president who have an affair or lie to the public. Perhaps you remember the example about Gingrich?

Gingrich was never President.
I mean the president of the USA (not just USA but world) tells lies everyday to their people. Do you honestly believe that this is the only lie? Personally I think the people in everywhere did a lot worse.
Well then, we need to get on their cases more firmly, and not let them get away with it!
I do understand the difference. Like what I said before that I take BOTH sides.
So you say. I haven't seen much evidence of that in any AD threads that I've read, so I'll just have to take your word for it.
I am right about you that you take only one side... It shows that you support politicans only because you beleive only in fact...
Well, duh, I don't believe in fairy tales! Of course I believe in facts. And yes, I take sides because I'm not a wishy-washy fence sitter. I don't mind researching both sides, asking questions of both sides, and presenting pro's and con's of both sides. But at some point, we have to make decisions and act upon them.
That doesn't mean I support all politicians. Sometimes the facts prove things
against politicians. Facts are facts; they don't discriminate.
Remember, the fact often are being ignored. I rather to look both sides until I decide myself. I collect the people/solider's ranted/vented and began to beleive them, not Bush because I often saw Bush change his speech often...
You look at the both sides of what? Do you mean you examine the
facts of both sides? That's good.
I see nothing wrong that the people express their feeling what they thought about their President, etc. and also fight against President etc. They hope their view to get white house attention but their expression about Bush are being ignored which is a really sad.
Of course there's nothing wrong with people expressing their feelings, as long as they don't forget to consider the facts of a situation before they take action.
confused: I never said one word "everyone expect you"... You made it up. Perhaps I should say next time "Everyone in the world except Bush's supporters"
This is so tiresome.
OK, here it is:
wow, I cannot beleive after read your comment here... Everyone knows Bush´s lie has killed and wounded thousands of American soldiers and Iraqi people including children. (see those links above).
"Everyone" knows, huh? Really. "Everyone." You had time to check with "everyone" about that? Wow.
I guess that means "everyone" on the planet except me. Amazing.
You see? I didn't say that
you said everyone but me. I'm trying to point out that when you say "everyone" knows something, it's not true.
I am surprised that American TV did not show you what and how behavior the people did toward Clinton... or perhaps it's European's different emotion after saw kind of behavior Americans over Clinton's lie.
I promise you, no one in America was running around in a panic over Clinton.
Tousi--were you in a panic during the Clinton scandal?
Any other ADers old enough to remember--were you in a panic during the Clinton scandal?
Really? wow... What about Bush? Do you mean that Clinton's situation is the worst than Bush? You care about Clinton's private matter than remember his duty as president to run his country well, don't you?
Clinton was lousy in his private life
and in his office as President.
I remember Clinton's interview on TV document. He regretted what/how mistake he made during his President time and also his private life as well. He stood up bravely on the impreachment and after that, he didn't quit but move on.
He regretted that he got
caught with his pants down.
Bravely? There was nothing brave about his reaction. It was smugness, and he thought he was above the laws and moral that the rest of us follow. That's not courage; that's conceited self-centered attitude.
I find the sad that some people have the problem to accept Clinton's past and move on...
Yeah, I wonder why you keep hashing it over?
For your information, I know Clinton family's life thru TV News, documents, meidas, etc and like them.
So? He's not your President, so it's really none of your business how Americans deal with him. I don't butt into the lives of German leaders.
You can post your points of view, of course. Just don't be shocked if some people disagree with them.
But Clinton did many good things, like the budget etc. He might have done millions of good things, BUT his reputation over affair goes down in history which is really sad.
Yeah, that is sad. He should have used some of that good sense that you claim he had, and kept his pants zipped up.
Is Monica and Paula one of his "women" instead of American people, you referred to? wow... It sound that you can't forgive and can't forget over Clinton's affair... and don't want to remember what and how he run country for 8 years. Sure, he made mistakes but still better than I can say about Bush.
Do you consider adultery, lying, sexual harassment, abuse of power, intimidation, and rape as just "mistakes"? It sounds like you don't care much about the rights of women.
Hello? Did you know what you judge here the people as sour loser whining... ? Hello?
You kept deny that you support Bush and his people... See yourself what you said here...
Oops! My typo. I meant "sore" loser.
I read the link. The author was complaining that Bush wasn't legally elected. The fact is, he was. So the author was a sore loser, complaining. What was your point?
You do not accept their opinion but the fact...
Suppose I accepted her opinion that Bush didn't win the election. Would that change the fact that he was elected? No, of course not.
Opinions are great but they can't change the facts.
Again, the fact could be often ingored that's why the people expressed their POV and also shared their rant/vent what/how they expreienced... It's not just bloggers, but World New TV, documents, meidas, etc are everywhere...
If news people are giving opinions, not facts, without clearly stating that they are opinions, then they are totally breaking the ethics of reporting, and must be fired.
I see nothing wrong that the Americans vote the poll what they expressed their thought about Clinton's job task as President... You denied it and interest in fact, not opinion what they thought about Clinton...
There's nothing "wrong" with taking a poll as long as you understand that it represents
What I provided few links about Clinton is not enough for you because they are opinoin... It's your problem, not mine.
Oh, I don't mind your links; actually, thank you for them. Several of them helped support
my points. I'm really surprised that you posted links that prove my points are right.
If you want the fact... then here is link for you....
Powell tried to talk Bush out of war - Times Online

I thought you were supposed to show me links proving how great a President Clinton was; he's not even mentioned in this one.
Yes I know you referred to the Europeans because I am also European, too.
So you know that I didn't say that
you said that. So why did you even bring it up?
wow, do you mean that Europeans (including myself) are not allow to judge or share their point of view about Clinton after learn from his affair with Monica because Clinton was not President of EuropeanS' country?
You said:
"It doesn´t matter but Clinton CHEAT his own wife.. .It´s between him and his wife, not public attitude about his adultery to Monica because it´s none of our business. We do not need to know about his affair..."
I just agreed with you. He wasn't your President, so it wasn't your business.
I don't know why you bring up topics then get bothered when people respond to them.
Yes I know that they did in the Oval Office. I already stated in previous post that he regretted for mistake, he made. So? Wait a minute... They should do something on Clinton instead of wasted taxpayer's money on investigate on that blowjob in the Oval office, don't you think so?
Right. Clinton should have behaved himself, and this would never be a problem. It was
very selfish of him to put our government and country in such an embarrassing situation.
wow, you think I don't know what it is about? See yourself that you ignored how good enocomy, he did during president time which compare to Bush's presidency.
I didn't ignore it. I just asked you to please explain to me how Clinton made it happen. What's so hard about that?
Oh my God, I cannot beleive after read your comment here... It sound that you think Bush is a talent than Clinton that's because Clinton was the governor of a poor redneck state... I hope the people won't upset after read your nasty judgement here.
Not at all. I'm just pointing out that many former presidents were governors of states; that doesn't mean one is more qualified than another based only on that. Also, each state is very different from the other 49, so the skills involved in running them is different also.
Calling Arkansas poor and redneck isn't an insult or shock to anyone.
If Arkansas is such a great state for political street cred, then why did Hillary run for the Senate in New York (where she never lived) instead of Arkansas?
Think about it.
I know from TV document that Bill Clinton was politian all his life and fought his dream to be President... He did it successful.
You can say that about almost
every President; that's not unique.
Don't you know about the history of Iran-Iraq war?
Are you referring to the war between Iran and Iraq? Yes, I know about their dispute. What does that have to do with your link?
You said:
"See this video and news...
Think Progress » VIDEO: President Clinton Warns Against Iran Attack
Bush should take Clinton´s advice... His advice is an excellent... Bush should not attack Iraq but talk with them is the best solution."