Is Clinton's affair scandal crime? :roll: You said nothing about Bush and denied Bush's lies and then blame Clinton over his affair with Monica... :roll:
Lying under oath is a crime, yes.
When did Bush lie under oath? When did he
lie, period? Please document your accusation. I don't make comments about something that didn't happen.
His affair is none of our business.
Then why do you keep bring it up?
I guess you find Clinton's affair disgusit than people killed during Bush's time which is really sad.
Bush didn't kill anyone. Your comparison is illogical.
Are English people disgusted with Winston Churchill because British soldeirs died during WWII? No.
Sure, we are human and make mistakes like Clinton and Bush but why you all make huge panic and disguist over Clinton's lying about his affair with Monica and find okay what and how the Bush did to his own people is DOZEN of lies and his people killed...
What lies? Do you have proof? No.
BTW, Americans were never in a "huge panic" over Clinton's lies. Disgusted? Yes. Panicked? No.
Bush made awful alot of lies - he didn't make impeachment...It make no sense to me either.
Please post documentation of the "awful alot of lies" that Bush supposedly told that caused deaths.
In other words, put up or shut up.
Clinton takes care of his people in his country.
Specific proof please.
In other words, put up or shut up.
Exactly, that's what I am trying to explain! It's their problem, not ours...
I was referring to the
Europeans. I posted that it was
their (Euro) problem that
they have that viewpoint. I can't help the Europeans with their judgment problems.
It's not just Europe but it does the same to the world!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, that's very sad.

The whole world is going to Hell in a hand basket.
It look like that you think Americans never do like that... Oh yes, they cheat their partners, etc. etc... What they did is not our business... It's their problem, they should deal/solve with their partners.
I never said that.
You brought up the European example, not me.
I wasn't referring to whether or not Americans and Europeans cheat on their spouses. I was referring to the public attitude about adultery.
Anyway, mainly important is they doing their job to take care of their people and public well... Private and Public are strictly separated!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you
really believe a leader can be trusted publicly if he can't be trusted privately? How do you know his lies and cheating will just stay in his private life? If he thinks it's OK to lie and cheat at home, he will think it's OK to lie and cheat at work.
Tell me how someone keeps their private character and their public character "strictly separated" without being a dual personality (which is problematic in itself).
We don't have to nosey their background and they don't have to nosey our background... It's none of our business... we doing our job as the same they doing their job as well...
A government leader's job is a public trust. Your leaders' character and behavior
is your business. It doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to peak into their bedrooms but it does mean that the leader shouldn't be hiding illegal or immoral secrets that can reveal his true character.
If a leader is an active alcoholic or drug abuser, a wife beater, a pedophile, a gambler, an adulterer, etc., those things affect his judgment and behavior. You can't separate them.
Again, duties at private and business/polities are strict separate. I find sad that we have to know too much about US polities's past background to find out etc.
I guess moral character isn't important to some people. If you want a liar, thief, or cheater to represent you, go for it. I prefer to have an honest, faithful person represent me.
As for business leaders; do you want the CEO to be someone who lies and cheats? If he lies to his wife, how do you know he isn't lying to you? If he cheats on his wife for a little personal sexual pleasure, how do you know he doesn't cheat on safety reports in the factory for a little personal monetary gain?
A person who lies is a liar. That means the person lies at home AND at work. Don't kid yourself.
See? Few links, I provided here is being ignored and continue to blame Clinton.... :roll:
Where's the links?