Clinton was impeached because he lied under oath. He lied about adultery. Crime? It´s really a pathetic.
Clinton's lies didn't kill anyone.:roll:
Apparently lying and cheating is acceptable to you, so there's nothing more I can say. still don't understand the difference between facts and opinions, so it's pointless for me to ask again.
Did you even notice in the url of the last one it says, "Guest
Commentary"? Commentary means "opinion". Commentaries are found on the
editorial pages of newspapers,
not on the news pages. On TV news programs the commentaries are usually at the end, and clearly announced as "opinion", not "news".
I'm afraid too many people are accepting anything on the web as "fact" just because it shows up in a search engine.
Yes - see those links, I just provide.
Blogs and opinion sites are not proof; they are viewpoints. I hope someday you will understand the difference.
Bush send his soliders to Iraq to kill thousands innoncent people for nothing. Your comment make me really sad.
Your repetition of unsubstantiated claims is what is really sad.
wow, I cannot beleive after read your comment here... Everyone knows Bush´s lie has killed and wounded thousands of American soldiers and Iraqi people including children. (see those links above).
"Everyone" knows, huh? Really. "Everyone." You had time to check with "everyone" about that? Wow.
I guess that means "everyone" on the planet except me. Amazing.
Unfortunlately yes, I withnessed on TV... They are angry over Clinton´s lies...
That's weird. I live in the USA, and I never saw any "panic" over Clinton's affair (except maybe by Clinton's cronies). People were disgusted, disappointed, and ticked off but there was no "panic" in the streets.
I think Bill Clinton was an intelligent man, I often saw him on TV...
What does that have to do with anything? He was still a liar and cheater.
We don't care if he lied about having an affair with Monica - he is only human who makes mistakes like everybody. The people and his own wife forgave him. I only care about how and what he ran his country and take care of his people which was better than I can say about Bush.
Why do you care anything at all about Clinton? He wasn't President of
your country.
FYI, Clinton didn't "take care of his people" (unless you mean his women instead of the American people).
Hello . . . another "opinion" rant from a sour loser whining that Bush didn't really win the election. You call that "proof"?
Honestly, sometimes I think you just click and link stuff without actually reading it.
I am total surprised about your comment here... wow Why should I make a list for you then? You are an adult and know what and how Clinton did at his 8 years president time.
You're the one that insists Clinton did wonderful things for Americans during his eight years. It's up to
you to convince me.
You can't prove it, so you try to deflect my challenge by putting the burden of proof on me. Nice try but it doesn't work.
Anyway, you can see people´s comments about Clinton. - Bill Clinton
Huh? That site is "Men of the Week:
Entertainment". What does that have to do with factual history?
The poll shows how the Bill doing his duty as president pretty good
Clinton: Job Ratings
Bill Clinton Third Most Popular President
Bill Clinton Third Most Popular President - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime
Bill Clinton was right[/color]
You realize that polls are "opinions", right?
In the "TalkLeft" link, did you notice this?
"...George W. Bush managed to tie Clinton for third place...."
Did you notice that the article "Bill Clinton was right" referred to his political
speaking abilities, not to his
actions as a leader?
"...Now, of course, for Clinton tough rhetoric was always easier than tough action. It took a Republican Congress to translate Clinton's rhetoric into reality..."
I never say that Europeans have judgement problems... I only said that the polictian´s private affair is not our business. We really don´t care to know about their private affair but mainly important is they take care of their job well.
I didn't say that
you said Europeans have a judgment problem.
I said that Europeans have a judgment problem.
Let me repeat the quote, to clear up your confusion:
I was referring to the Europeans.
I posted that it was their (Euro) problem that they have that viewpoint.
I can't help the Europeans with their judgment problems."
It doesn´t matter but Clinton CHEAT his own wife.. .It´s between him and his wife, not public attitude about his adultery to Monica because it´s none of our business. We do not need to know about his affair...
Well, you're right about one thing. It's really none of
your business because he wasn't
your President of
your country.
Private and Public are strict separated, period.
How are they separated? Was there some magic that happened that changed liar Clinton into honest Clinton when he sat in the Oval Office? Oops! My mistake. It was
in the Oval Office where he was doing the nasty. Let's try that one again.
Interesting... do you mean that American Politicals including presidents are angel and have clean background? Never have affairs, drinking driving, sex, womenizer, etc... ?
I didn't say that, did I? Americans want their leaders to live clean, honest lives, and when they don't we are disappointed, disgusted, hurt, and angry. We demand they resign, or we elect them out of office. Most decent Americans want decent leaders. Sadly, many Americans are becoming immoral themselves, so they accept immoral leaders because they want lower standards that fit their own lifestyles.
As long as people accept low moral standards for their leaders, the leaders will take advantage of that acceptance.
Anyway, other subject - this link proves how good job Clinton take care of during 8 years presidency accord links, I just provide and other link here... Look yourself how good job he take care of as 8 years presidency accord links, I just provide and look this link... how good he with economy...
I see a chart. Can you please explain to me specifically what Clinton did to cause that? That is, what financial policies did he enact, what legislation did encourage that caused that result.
You can´t deny it or tried to say that links are not fact or whatever but it´s fact because it tells very a lot.
With all due respect...Bill Clinton is a real politician and has a good experience. It make him a great president.
Politicians and statesmen are not the same thing. Most real statesmen don't want to be referred to as "real politicians". What was Clinton's "good experience" before he became President? He was the governor of a poor redneck state. At least Bush was governor of a large important state.
See this video and news...
Think Progress » VIDEO: President Clinton Warns Against Iran Attack
Bush should take Clinton´s advice... His advice is an excellent... Bush should not attack Iraq but talk with them is the best solution.
Um, in this video Clinton advises Bush to not attack IRAN. It's not about Iraq. Bush hasn't attacked Iran, and he hasn't said anything about attacking Iran.
Do you notice your url says "VIDEO: President Clinton Warns Against
Iran Attack"?