A 4-Wheels Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

Your making me laugh, all I do is throw in 5th wheel, and reprogram my truck, it will tow 20K lbs max, for 2007 model and later it will be 24K
Whatever you said, you haven't seen my truck.

Once again my truck is NOT F-150 AND you have not seen my truck factory sticker as well.

They used the right tool for the job... ;)

Your truck on the other hand... is not.
When driving my L'il rig, I can see top of RAM 1500 easily. My eye level to 18 wheeler driver is his tummy.

My truck clearance is 7 feet 0" It got 325 horses with 570 ft lbs torque. Can pull out most vehicles that may be stuck in something. My Li'l rig can increase horses, not sure how much but can go as high as 785 ft lbs torque by reprogramming it, doing that will increase from 10,000 lbs to 20,000 lbs max towing. Im not going to increase this because I sense plenty power and did haul a trailer which I couldn't feel pulling at all.

Your making me laugh, all I do is throw in 5th wheel, and reprogram my truck, it will tow 20K lbs max, for 2007 model and later it will be 24K
Whatever you said, you haven't seen my truck.

Once again my truck is NOT F-150 AND you have not seen my truck factory sticker as well.

Your first post says your truck capacity is 10,000 pounds. Then you can reprogram it to haul more...

So, there it is. Your truck is NOT designed to haul more than 10,000 pounds. I've seen results of overexerting trucks - and suffice to say at the very least that if Ford made your truck to haul 20,000 pounds they would cap it at that. They capped it at 10,000 for a reason, and that is your truck is not designd for it.

You can go ahead and haul 20,000 pounds for all I care, but it will only make your truck weaker.

and you prick - read my posts carefully, i never once said your truck was a f150.
Cool, they are found in Saturn and Euro/Asian vehicles. Yes, save metal liners, cheap to manufacture filters. One drawback is you need a special 32MM socket to loose the black cap and air nozzle??? Blow dust or dirty off around the oil filter cap before loose a cap. If not you let the dirty to enter into the filter bowl as you remove an old filter. Risk.
1) Blow dirty/ dusty off, make sure any foreign materials are free from the oil filter housing if necessary
2) Loose oil filter cap with a 32MM socket (note: vary size of tools to be use to loose the caps), leave an old oil filter inside the bowl
3) Lift the vehicle, drain oil, do underbody inspection such as brakes, tires etc. Replace new washer gasket if necessary, reinstall a drain plug.
4) Lower the vehicle, take a cap w/a filter off and replace a new O-seal and filter, install and refill fresh oil.
5) Start the engine and run for few seconds or watch oil warning light goes off. Stop engine and recheck oil level and inspect sign of oil leaks from a cap and drain plug. No leaks then release a car and go.

Not all of them are 32mm socket like japanese. I never use an air nozzle. Just use a wet towel to wipe all dust off. The air nozzle is bad idea. What's if there is coolant leak and air nozzle blow coolant to anywhere and may hurt OS2 and your eyes. No thanks. GM do not have new o-seal and washer. Only japanese and Europe that I see so far. No idea why.

Watch oil warning light goes off? As low oil or remind oil?
Did I ever said it was F-150?

If you had looked at my earlier post about pulling power and link to offical ford website. You will not see F-150 there.

This is NOT F-150, it is SUPER DUTY F-250.

Look all your posts, You never said F-250. That's all you said "my L'il rig" and "my truck" There is big misunderstand for someone. Tsk tsk.
LOL, "Rig" mean diesel truck. They could have asked what model, I would be happy to answer, and I also EVEN give hint "gas can't do this" There are no diesel engine in F-150. Only F-250 or higher has the Diesel engine (F-250/350 has three engine options, while F-450 or higher only offer Diesel engine).

Look all your posts, You never said F-250. That's all you said "my L'il rig" and "my truck" There is big misunderstand for someone. Tsk tsk.
LOL, "Rig" mean diesel truck. They could have asked what model, I would be happy to answer, and I also EVEN give hint "gas can't do this" There are no diesel engine in F-150. Only F-250 or higher has the Diesel engine (F-250/350 has three engine options, while F-450 or higher only offer Diesel engine).
Yer being lame, playing games and such..

Back to the point: This is a 4x4 thread. No need to discuss who has the bigger dick in here... because if you wanted to go there, we can go there...

One more time... you bring up your ford in this thread, dhb... I'll call you out to a tug o' war match up against my truck..
Speak for yourself, for all you care.

My Li'l rig happen to have 4x4

I was not interesting in competition here, just that I speak on the impression I have with this truck.

And I am not interesting in tug o war here. If you got nice truck or vehicle whatever, good for you and I am not saying that I am better than you.

Yer being lame, playing games and such..

Back to the point: This is a 4x4 thread. No need to discuss who has the bigger dick in here... because if you wanted to go there, we can go there...

One more time... you bring up your ford in this thread, dhb... I'll call you out to a tug o' war match up against my truck..
6.0L in a F150? Cant be. The 6.2L V8 in F150 is a 2011 model year, however the 6.0L V8 is diesel powered, found in E-vans according to the oil filter catalog.

Here is I look up the diesel engine sizes in E series, and F250-F550 Super Duty:
6.4L V8 Turbo use in F250-F550 on 2008 and up model year.
6.0L V8 Turbo use in E series on 2003 and up model year
6.0L V8 Turbo use in F250-F550 on 2003 to 2007 model year
They come from the oil filter catalog. dst
Your looking in right information and yes that is whats available for these model years.

6.0L Turbo diesel available for super duty between 2003 and 2007, and these engines were made by Navistar (International). Navistar supplies these diesel engines for various truck manufacturers including Ford.

Here is I look up the diesel engine sizes in E series, and F250-F550 Super Duty:
6.4L V8 Turbo use in F250-F550 on 2008 and up model year.
6.0L V8 Turbo use in E series on 2003 and up model year
6.0L V8 Turbo use in F250-F550 on 2003 to 2007 model year
They come from the oil filter catalog. dst
Not all of them are 32mm socket like japanese. I never use an air nozzle. Just use a wet towel to wipe all dust off. The air nozzle is bad idea. What's if there is coolant leak and air nozzle blow coolant to anywhere and may hurt OS2 and your eyes. No thanks. GM do not have new o-seal and washer. Only japanese and Europe that I see so far. No idea why.

Watch oil warning light goes off? As low oil or remind oil?

Explain me of what wet towel do you use? You waste labor time. However, you can use brake cleaner spray can to shoot the dirty off the oil filter cap prior to loose the cap. No matter what you see the dirty or dust covered the cap, use your common sense to do with the dirty area. I go with air gun to blow the dirty off. Save clean shop towels and brake cleaner cans.
You have to replace O- seal on the cap. You see green band on the oil filter cap, is O-seal.Always replace O- seals and washer gaskets (drain plugs) depend on sign of detrorate washer gaskets.
Explain me of what wet towel do you use? You waste labor time. However, you can use brake cleaner spray can to shoot the dirty off the oil filter cap prior to loose the cap. No matter what you see the dirty or dust covered the cap, use your common sense to do with the dirty area. I go with air gun to blow the dirty off. Save clean shop towels and brake cleaner cans.
I would prefer wet towel like what Highlander does because I certainly don't want to blow dust all over my engine. wet towel... nice and clean.

about brake cleaner spray - I'd like to add that one should be very very careful with it because brake cleaner contains solvent or whatever that can damage plastic/rubber parts. Same for engine degreaser spray. Be very careful! Just spray it at your paper towel and then wipe it.

You have to replace O- seal on the cap. You see green band on the oil filter cap, is O-seal.Always replace O- seals and washer gaskets (drain plugs) depend on sign of detrorate washer gaskets.
yup. I have several oil change kits that has everything.
Yer being lame, playing games and such..

Back to the point: This is a 4x4 thread. No need to discuss who has the bigger dick in here... because if you wanted to go there, we can go there...

One more time... you bring up your ford in this thread, dhb... I'll call you out to a tug o' war match up against my truck..

Speak for yourself, for all you care.

My Li'l rig happen to have 4x4

I was not interesting in competition here, just that I speak on the impression I have with this truck.

And I am not interesting in tug o war here. If you got nice truck or vehicle whatever, good for you and I am not saying that I am better than you.

stfu ladies, no one's in competition here. I have a ford, and nobody cares.
Your looking in right information and yes that is whats available for these model years.

6.0L Turbo diesel available for super duty between 2003 and 2007, and these engines were made by Navistar (International). Navistar supplies these diesel engines for various truck manufacturers including Ford.

I check Alldata repair infro about the F550 to see if they are big diesel engine. No, same 6.4L use in F250-F550. Weird, new to me.
I would prefer wet towel like what Highlander does because I certainly don't want to blow dust all over my engine. wet towel... nice and clean.

about brake cleaner spray - I'd like to add that one should be very very careful with it because brake cleaner contains solvent or whatever that can damage plastic/rubber parts. Same for engine degreaser spray. Be very careful! Just spray it at your paper towel and then wipe it.

yup. I have several oil change kits that has everything.

Understand,fine with me. Good for you and highlander or everybody. Not me. Hey, highlander someday you will read the repair procedure for mechanical works, you will see the word "air gun" is for blow dirty or debris off prior to the mechanical works.
Understand,fine with me. Good for you and highlander or everybody. Not me. Hey, highlander someday you will read the repair procedure for mechanical works, you will see the word "air gun" is for blow dirty or debris off prior to the mechanical works.

yes I've used air gun but I rather not use it to blow off dust on engine. just saying.

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