It's Not the Wealthy, Stupid! It's a Full Blown Depression

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They'll be even more tight once the Obamacare kicks in and higher taxes take hold.
They'll be even more tight once the Obamacare kicks in and higher taxes take hold.

By that statement you imply that forces are at work that have nothing to do with Obamacare. So, what are they?
Less govt.

really? but.... your stance on immigration policy confuses me. looking at what you're supporting and demanding - it's actually MORE government.
really? but.... your stance on immigration policy confuses me. looking at what you're supporting and demanding - it's actually MORE government.

Yeah, the definition of the term "being wishy- washy." :lol:
really? but.... your stance on immigration policy confuses me. looking at what you're supporting and demanding - it's actually MORE government.

I think what he wants is a smaller gov. that actually has employees doing the job they are paid to do. Not like what we have were they pay 3 people to do a 1 person job.
I think what he wants is a smaller gov. that actually has employees doing the job they are paid to do. Not like what we have were they pay 3 people to do a 1 person job.

it's other way around. we have 1 person to do 3 people job. now what kokonut is demanding is... something like 10 people for 1 job... plus - empowering USA as the Police State.
There's a difference between being more efficient and doing less than being inefficient and doing more. I support the latter which can be done and applied in all cases. In this case, it is the duty of the United States to protect her borders. Nothing about more govt but about a security requirement and doing it right rather than letting red tape muck up everything and just being plain inefficient.
There's a difference between being more efficient and doing less than being inefficient and doing more. I support the latter which can be done and applied in all cases. In this case, it is the duty of the United States to protect her borders. Nothing about more govt but about a security requirement and doing it right rather than letting red tape muck up everything and just being plain inefficient.

that would means a bigger government but hey - it would be great if they can do the job efficiently with less resource. and since you believe it is the duty of the United States to protect the border.... that would means you do not support Arizona's new immigration law. It's the fed's job, not state.
abolition of IRS? lol. nice thought but I wouldn't want that otherwise we'll lose our superpower status and everything else. What I'm strongly against is the income tax. The government has no rights to tax our hard-earned money. In fact - I believe it's illegal.... even though the 16th Amendment allows it. I don't care about property tax, sales tax, luxury tax, etc... but income tax? get outta here. :mad2:

I guess we should look forward to Amendment 28th that will abolish income tax??? :dunno:
abolition of IRS? lol. nice thought but I wouldn't want that otherwise we'll lose our superpower status and everything else. What I'm strongly against is the income tax. The government has no rights to tax our hard-earned money. In fact - I believe it's illegal.... even though the 16th Amendment allows it. I don't care about property tax, sales tax, luxury tax, etc... but income tax? get outta here. :mad2:

I guess we should look forward to Amendment 28th that will abolish income tax??? :dunno:
The IRS makes us a superpower? Huh?
abolition of IRS? lol. nice thought but I wouldn't want that otherwise we'll lose our superpower status and everything else. What I'm strongly against is the income tax. The government has no rights to tax our hard-earned money. In fact - I believe it's illegal.... even though the 16th Amendment allows it. I don't care about property tax, sales tax, luxury tax, etc... but income tax? get outta here. :mad2:

I guess we should look forward to Amendment 28th that will abolish income tax??? :dunno:

It IS.
The IRS makes us a superpower? Huh?

pretty much yea. I mean... after all - it's how America funded the creation of Navy in 1775ish... and our war effort... and federal duty...
Fair Tax..sure but it wouldn't be "fair" to the IRS when things suddenly get streamlined.
Fair Tax..sure but it wouldn't be "fair" to the IRS when things suddenly get streamlined.

They could always make change for peep shows. Or recruit Marines.
I'm not a big fan about Fair Tax but I simply believe that the federal government should just impose higher tax on import. This would means the cost of merchandise will go up and that's fine with me because we'll still be able to afford it with no income tax.
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